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MAMS mRbkxj D.

GKvWgx B.A (Hons), M.A (1st class), D.U, B.Ed (1st class), M.Ed (Cont)
Mob-01911-02 09 76

Co- Curricular Activities

Only study makes a student monotonous. To get rid of this monotony of routine work, co

curricular activities are necessary to a student. Co-curricular activities mean the activities

like games, sports, debate, writings, recitation etc. Student should take part in games and

sports. It provides him freshness. It gives him energy. It also gives him rejoicement.

Debating is very helpful for developing the speaking power of a student. It also helps to

increase his intellectual and reasoning power. Writings and recitation help a student to

enhance his inner beauty. It relieves the monotony of series studies. It gives him spirit and

makes him a complete human being. It will make him great in future. Without co-

curricular activities a student cannot expand his latent mental power. In conclusion, we

can say co- curricular activity is a part and parcel of studies.

Water Hyacinths

Water hyacinths are a kind of plants. They are found in still water. They grow very fast.

They can cover a whole pond within a few days. They are green in colour. They grow

flowers of purple colour. When they are in full bloom with their flowers, they look very

beautiful. Water hyacinths are not useless at all. They can be made into good manure.

Besides, we can make different types of furniture from them. Even paper can be made

from water hyacinths. Bangladesh is a land of water. So we have huge water hyacinths.
MAMS mRbkxj D.Hossain
GKvWgx B.A (Hons), M.A (1st class), D.U, B.Ed (1st class), M.Ed (Cont)
Mob-01911-02 09 76
We should try to make the good use of them.

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