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Australian Reaiew EDITION

MAY r 965.
No. 3
rying saucer-Re::: IY
AustrarianFpublication e*v 1?l3i:1T1ff
uv lT:
;;;;5i " "
* PTottlt --.ctoria.
Resear ch so' i tv] ;: 6 : ?: i 1,1l,y: :'."1i"'l;,,'ur1'", infor mat
Rer"at.h societv' P' u' l)o-x =J'
rate infor*?!t:'
;;;;i.. of the"societv
of the sitt"t-i:-':
i: t.'^:.':::=";;u;iJentified
sauct Tt,i#;""#iii:a*
" Flving 6ui" '
rivi' J objects'
the sublect of FlYing
( u .F.o'").
v. F. s .R . s . oFFl c n bP e RB Rs '
- Pre s ident
E. Norris LL' B' Vice -President & Program
Peter (rer' 92 z5jz) Of f icer
i"iiir' rn. Magee
(TeI ' 95 1659) :
Sylvia Sutton Treasurer
DorothY Farrner Librarian
W.ndv Sutton B'A' t^ I Kallista Si gfttitt g Inve sti gaqg:t
\rer' Officer
Geoff. RumPf 98442)
_ Officer
Public Relations
Paul Norrnan Technical Advisor
HarrY Aitchison


- i ZIZ l' p--"^l.Ti"*
V. F. S. R. S. Futl Mernbership r',.agaz'^',.e)'
t*;J tttl"dt" iree issue of
t t/I l' per arrnurn
Pensioners & Juniors-
issue of rnagaztne)'
(which i"ctt'au" free
plus 5d' postage
coPy of rna gazirre 3/6 (Aust')
for publication' letters and news
articles all cornrnunicat-
The Review welcornes
in addition to -3il""ss V ic t o ria '
P ."igr'il'itiiJ*",
to V. F . s. R. S . , o ' iit i + : ' Mo o ra b b in '
reproduced with
in this publication may be
Material aPPearing
approPriate credits ' the
do not necessarily reflect the policy of
Contributions Published


Mr. peter E. Norris LL. B.

has headed this Society since its foundat_
ion in 1957. He was born in 1932,
educated at Wesley College and graduated
Bachelor of I-aws frorn Mllbourne
University in 1958.

He is an elected Councillor of
the City of Chelsea, and a rnernber of at
least six other Civic Bodies in that City.

The V. F_,S. R. S. has rnuch for

which to thank Mr. Norris whose skill in
T?leu-vering the Society through the
difficulties inherent in iuch gr"oups has shown intelligent
I eader ship
which has done rnuch to gain-the respect
of the public and make the
subject of Flying SaucerJ respectabll.

There is a principle which is a bar against

all inforrnation, which is proof against aII

argurnents, and which cannot fail to keep

rnan in everlasting ignorance - that

principle is conternpt pri or to investigation.

Herbert Spencer.

The office bearers of C' A' P' I' O' elected at the
Convention are as follows :-

Mr ' Peter E' Norris (Victoria)

SecretarY, r"rrs ' SYlwi?gytt?1 'r
Ass't. Secretary: Mrs. Judith M' Magee
Mr' Leslie Locke (ilre-st-Australia)
Vice President:
Treasurer: To be seiected by the Ballarat Astronorn-
ical Society, from arnong their

the Ballarat
Organisers of the Convention were
success was largely due to the
Astronomical society, and its great
sloane and Mr' s. J. cynzski
foresight and ener gy of Mr. H&ard
of the SocietY.

this paper based on the vital guestion: "HOW ARE WE'

Editor ' ' '

we a-ll know that our

This title positively asserts'that lvVeare in agtee-
in our skies '
space friends
ment that these visiitrs frorn other Planets are irnmeasurably
to Earthlings ' Behind the appar"ll'
superior in aII *"y" ^-^,
sirnplicity of this*ittiL, tfere,,is-a vast goten-ti1] to be
we li" tli" subjecl as a whole' it is
and altho,rgtt "wrro "i"*iitg and foremost'
iiii,.ia,t"r is involved
who' with
z. Therefore' we speak to you as individuals'
life and environ-
our different characteristics' "pp-"o1".1t". No matter at
of "Life'r'
rnents are maki;; * the surn toiat
are pg!of the 'runiversal
what level we experience it, y:
ltiu;;C;;;;. whole"-. Therefore we look to
consciousne"",, - and as
thern as Brothers
the space visitors a'''d "ucognise an aPPro'P"i1'-"r*:y
Brothers we wish to prepare-ourselves and so,
iirtoite Garaxy of united worlds,
to be wercornea i"ct be done by"
the age old o.thers a-s ye would
cornes to rnind,oand we ""t"
rnust take this into every vestage.o:
Love and Great
our daily Iiving' Alrnost autornatically we feel
Brothers' and the p:acticing of this
Esteern for our for our
"p""" is a.b?'sic fungalpgntal
eoodwill betwe""tt"selves the
these viffinder
shiP with ;;;""
ruture'"r"r,o'iiit;;fi' Visitors and' con
,lii* of Right Hurnan Relationship"'
i_r""Ji"g of the
The Answer. to rrH o w are
to prepare ourselves, the
rnrrabltants of Earth, for contact Ye_
with space travellers, il calls
for an investigation of p""""rr"f nature.
an inventory of ourselves
we findltn:;.r"Ue and through analysis
onehere*""Ii ii ?iil.,*l: ",li Xli.*Ii, II""fi i.'i,"i;i:H #
of our acceptanc3 of space peopte.
--ft" p"urru.Ient with
us; and it disturbs our staL
oi mind. nature can
sometirnes rernain hidden in "rrUtle
the ,rrir.a, where it is
difficult to locate, and still
more "ubconscLr].
difficurt to eliminate.
by Lack or xnowi;;;;'Jr'rr," Fear,caused
rnrerteres with our unknown,
examination oJ facts.-- By
we are on the first eliminating fear
rung of the raaaei-i'p"Jp'"""tion
with space beings. for contact

The past conception of the

that we thoushf the planet ;;E;rth'r universe has been so srnall,
Iife could exrst' was th" .;iy place on which
rt has na"to*"a our trrint<i.g r" such a degree
as to restrict our acceptance
and under;;;;lJ;g, whereas we
should broaden our rninds
to the possibilities of Life
Globe ' As we progress we uncover beyond our
hidden truths that enrighten
o f fo rrn s of Iife otr ,"r - planets of our -
t : f ": t "". """ttra ti o n "r ,
We then becorne free to.expand
becorne united with a .r""t.tnirerse frorn a single unit to
_ of such dirnensions as to be
beyond our corrrprehension
al integration _ a restoration
wholeness - bringing with it a freed;r- to
so we broaden our rninds th"l is peace and Love.
and are ready to extend
friendship to our Brothers the hand of
oi otfru, planets.

Of course this sound.s simple,

but it
goes far deeper than
o gi..i
s - ""1?'J":1""
tr i,l:' :;,^Ii fl:t" i !hur.Jr"i"g''.i
Jrr, j::
By doing so' we process "p"; ;, our
;;; ;:n: i:;;:::
mental qualities
ij:tj:f ;TJJ;t]"
io a.h.igher degree,
tr'eexatt"apr"i" to whichspace
The foregoing^is a suprerne
we would attain'- Ideal or urtirnate Goal to
unfortun"t"ly, whicl
on this Earth today who however,- ,rr"l" are many people
have ;Jty littre
in their fellow creatures, "r;";;;.nding and trust
as proven by the ,rrr_b"" of organisat_
ions' churches,
!:dg."",' ";.', *no rrarru ;";;';"""hing
the Brotheitrooa and
f:-".i"^1i"g of rnan for msny centuries and
nave an antagonistic attitude stilr
towards each ftfr"", In all parts of
the world this is rnost
obvious, particularly where the racial
problem is uppermost.

l /-

9. ln preparing for contact with space people' we .corrle uP
against the L""ti,"t Jf pu"sonalities and behaviour. This sarne
is present arn6ng the peoples of the world today' It is
bJr rier
not just rnerely one of Uelliefsf knowledge, riches or spiritual
understanding, but one of behaviour' who of us today would
blindly tatce liis farnily to the Congo, Vietnarn and sirnilar racially
distur'bed areas? N;, we rTray Iook upon our coloured brothers,
with Love and HighEeals, but we dare not rush inwhere angels-
goodwill, how tttrrcl-harder for a visitor?
I0. Have you tried to bridge the gap between ourselves
'\{hite Australiins) and our native Aboriginals? Unfortunately a
trernendous arnount of goodwill seerns to fail , in our short terrn
efforts and it will be rnlny years before we are cornpletely
ease with each other. can we irnagine the clash of civilisations'
if we took our Iatest jets, Polaris Missile Subrnarines, cornputors
and radar back.*otr.g the Eskirnos of 100 years ago' or the native
African before slaverY began?

How rnuch of a gap is there today between gE+9 and

I I.
the rnore backward in N&-Guinea or the Aucus of South Arnerica,
where five rnissionaries were killed only a few years ago,
rrrore recently in Africa. If a BU SHMAN or WATUSI of central
Africa is awe'd or cowed by a rnodern helicopter, what difference
would there be between us and greater cultures, should we corrte
to close quarters with a space ship frorn another Planet'

values, science, religious observances, and spiritual drive are
all clashing tike o""h"stra out of tune. until we can help put
"n part
ourselves 6ack into harrnony, we need not expect to play any
with the
in what will inevitably be, a-better and wonderful future,
rest of the inhabited universe '

13. We rnust therefore rnake a gradual change by b-ringit'g -ln

a rnore realistic view of the u. F. o. subiect' By firstly introd-
in thern,
ucing the spacecraft to the Inasses and when they believe
visitors. It is with these
iead-up to dhe actual interplanetary
thoug*s in rnind we now subrnit a practical and Iogical presentat-

L4. In rnany instances uninforrned people on he-aring the

subject of U. F. b. rnentioned treat the subject tightly' But by
br inging forward tangible evidence of actual sightings -as.witnessed
Uy unUiised observers, acceptable to the their interest
is aroused and they are soon seeking further inforrnation'

as staternents rnade Ly leading aircraft rnanufacturers and air

pil0ts' we are not producing rnachi-nes
capable of duplicating
their rnaneuvers, as the fofowing
fu* qrr6t"liorr" frorn the
English Flying Saucer Review wiII
show : _
"The discs use a rneans of propulsion different
frorn ours,
There is no other possible expianation _ ltyirrg saucers
cor ne frorn another worldn,


.-._ OF

"I believe the flying saucers come frorn outer space,

piloted by beings of superior intellig"r,"";,.

"Flying saucers have an extra-terrestial origin.

Arnericans "nor Russians are capable Neither
of constructing
rnachines of this sort. The characteristics of the discs are
clearly superior to present possibilities
of science,,.
16. These quotations show that these
craft rnust be made
elsewhere and to do this_requires
a civilisation ersewhere - of
superior interligence. whi;h indicate" ir;;iligent
other planets, are visiting us and beings frorn
their t"""o.r" for coming can
only be obtained by prepaii.rg o..."erves
to meet thern in a
friendly and co -op-eiativ"
T7 what wilr. the w.orId gain frorn these
visitors ? we coulc
speculate in the folrowing *-..r.r"".
Advice regarding social
problerns of worr.d wide iragnitude.
K";;i";;e in the sphere of
rnechanics, physics, scienJe and
er,erg;"';;;:"s, but we will
never know if we. do-not oPen our
rnindJ-to the benefits
of their advanced culture and technology. "u.eive
rn the past much sub
stantial evidence has been obscured.
u.rid *. feel that the tirne
has corne for the facts to be revealed,
rirJty Ly a Gorrernrnent
announcement, and the newspapers
treating in" subject with
proper respect' The Governrnent shourd inforrn
u'F' the people thar
are genuine and. those who contror
thern are frien'dly
and frorn other planets.

t8 If this br
we do sornething worth-while to prepare ourserves to meet
them face to face. But the evidlncl
so fearfulty pessirnistic that the rnust rnake us
only alterrru.tirru
possibility is to reject the
of- an announcernent. could ;;;;;""t
repudiation of the Governrnent poricy. a cornplete
.r rr"agirig or denying their.

exi stance? officiardorn rnight feel embarrassed
repudiation, al so could they cope with at such a
the question asked, not to
rnention the panic and upheaval-of
the frightened.. would thc'
answer any of these guestions ? _

How long have you known?

was it hidden frorn us f.or so nlany years?
why did you tell us that other pl anets
are uninhabited?
Who authorised the censorshipf
. Have you captured any?
How rnany are there on Earth?
w'ho allowed rnilrions of our rnoney to
be spent on out of date
Satellites and plaires ?
_ Why havenrt they landed?
How rnany rrlore questions could you
put to the Governrnent in
those circurnstances ?

Ther.e is s.urery an insurrnountabre barrier

that the cornbined Governrnents of this of problerns
gerr"""tion courd not
handle' Because of ail these probrerns"we
reluctantly disrniss
the possibitity of a Government announcernent.
Although we
suggest that accurate newspaper reporting
would counteract this
to sorne extent



There is sorne evidence that-this has

happened over
Fatirna, Washington, and othe-r promtnent
ing our space Brothers ft""u", but, accept-
',knowrejg"", ;i;;; own weaknesses and
unsuitabitity, we doubt it; they riill
obvious change in our behaviour. _""pu"l tr.i" *itrroui;;-"ry
Neiiher do we that
we.could cope with_the panic which .n.y
t".rrr sirnilar to that
which happened in u. s. A. and HoLLAND
*itt Radio prograrnrnes.
The world has not deviated from cENSoRsHrp
to misguidedly
protect the rnasses frorn thernselves.
Individual snip!"t"
truthful staternents about u.
denied so that "fwe
gain nothing that would help to prepare "." the"to'people.


There is no reason to stop genuine

this. type though there rnay be a problem cornrnunications of
sorting the truth frorn
t.rre hoaxes.

An excerlent rnethod if presented in
an attractive
rnanner, using docurnented evidence
with the purpose of sub-
stantiating the truth of their existence.
we Jtrongly deplore
the over drarnatisation of the unknown
and fearful aspect, but
for preference give an air of friendship
goodwill. These
could be suppletrruSl:d by inexpensive iit""u.i,."e
being rrr@se
available to the public.

ZT At the beginning of the paper we ernphasised

potential of this subject; however, we the vast
regret space does not per-
rnit a full appraisal of all aspects rnany
of which we have not
covered. Before concluding, *g present the following
of points we have referred. t5',- surnrnary

Preparation of the Individua_

A Greater personal understanding of
each other.
A Wider Universal understandingf
Preparation of the Masses.
The introduction of a practical presentation of the subject.
The Benefits to be obtained by contact.
Approach to the Authorities.
Approach to scientific fraternitv.
Comrnunication and Educa.tionaf pro grarnrne
In conclusion, we the W.est Australian
U. F. O, Group
have endeavoured to
.p,tt ytio phraseorogy the principal effects
that constitute *o"tlh-*hite'subject, n"Jpr"J ifat
along the line it" wilr be of benefii, .r"t "o.rrewhere
individual, but
to the rnasses, and as Australians,
we "riif-e-l;"
courd set an exarnpre by
the-space peoples teachings, i"ti"g
ccepting leading pJ";;J
peoples of the world prepare thJrnselves"for"

"He walked the Arnerica"" L. Taytor Hansen. pubrished by
Ar nher s t p r e s s , A mh e rst, !y
w i sco n sl ;.- - n.J."b"i.. $6. qs.
Tl: ytr.g of Ray palrner is a farniliar
who read periodicars devoted to the one to those of us
subject oi iryirrg saucers. His
rnagazine, "Flying saucers'r is
the only"one or lr, type - a professional
news-stand magazine, not a privately
of the type we ,r9.* reading. "rrr"t""" ffiiication
rn order to copies oi rris r,.agaz-
ine, Palrner has-writt"rl ".rr
,rr"rr1i highty controversial articles and
printed others of a sirnilar ,r"trr"",
rrrany of thern of very doubtfur
worth ' The pages of palrnerrs rnag azine
are riberalry interspersed
with advertisernents for books on
all of which are pubrished by his
flfing and ,alriea, sub3ects,
own Amherst press (or rnaybe Gray

-9 -
Barker). Palrner works on the principle that anyone who believes
in flying saucers will believe in anything. Hence the range of books
on 'alliedr subjects that he has published to tiy and rnake a fast buck
out of the saucer cult. The book under review is one of his rrlore
elaborate enterprises and is a good exarnple of book prod.uction,
although it has nothing even rernotely to do with flyin!
'rr walked the Arnericas'r is a collection of Arnerican
Indian legends which tell of a white Prophet who carne arrlong thern
with teachings sirnilar to those of Jesus Christ. The infere*nce is,
of course, obvious. Having little knowledge of anthropology I will
rnake no cornffrent on the contents of the book. Insteaa I *lit .orr-
tent rnyself with relating a fascinating story about the writer of the
book, L. Taylor Hansen.

For the following inforrnation I arn indebted to science

fictionrs prernier historian and biographer, sarn Moskowitz, and to
the u. s. science fiction rnagaiine "Arnazing storiesr, in which it
first appeared

'rArnazing Stories" was Arnericars first science fiction

rnagazine, being founded in 1926 by Hugo Gernsback, the
'Father of
science Fictionr. rn recent years it has, frorn tirne to tirne,
republi shed 'classic' stories frorn its earlier d.ays. In the issue for
M"y, 196I, it republished a story call ed 'rThe Undersea Tube't by
L. Taylor Hansen. which had originally appeared in Novernber, rg29.
In his preface to the l96l reprinting of the story Sarn Moskowitz has
this to say, rrwornen have always been scaice in the rollca[ of
science fiction writers. One of the rnost prornising worrlen science
fiction writers succdssfully concealed her sex until nearly I0 years
after the appearance of her first story no one drearned that
the first initial in the author's narne, L'. Taylor Hansen, stood for
"Louise". Her only public appearance was at a rneeting of the Los
Angeles Science Fantasy Society in i939 . .. . . After being feted fqr
the excellence of her contributions to science fiction, and creating
surprise over the fact that L. Taylor Hansen was a worrlan, she
excused herself to rnake a telephone caII . Ernerging frorn the booth
she said, ttI rnust Ieave now, but there is sornething Lnportant I have
to tell you' I never wrote those stories. They were written by
brother who is a world traveller, who wrote thern for fun and sent-y
thern to rne to publish under rny own narne. r just wanted you to
know'r. She left the rneeting and never appeared at a public science
fiction gathering again. A series of 59 articles displiying an
arnazing range of erudition and background in exploration appeared
inrrArnazing Storiestrunder the name of L. Taylor Hansen fiorn l94l
to I948 ' was this Louise or her brother explorer ? No light has
ever been shed on this unusual rnystery.I'

Another interesting fact is that Ray palrner - a very

well known science fiction writer during the thirties - hirnself

becarne editor of rrArnazing Stories" in 193g.



Scoop photo by courtesy of The Australian

rf those objects reported-as jets over Longreach in

Queensland were birds, it should be a great rrlorrrent in-history for
students of ornithology, for it is the first recorded appearance of
supersonic peLicans. If rneteors, it should be a greil day for
astronorners with the advent of rneteors flying in forrnation, and if
ice crystals have begun to fly in forrnation, we can expect rneteorol_
ogists to have greater difficulty in forecasting the weather.



by Sylvia Srarham, 12 years.

Travelling to and from school in thls day and age is very much different to
when I was at school. Now, mv children travel by Flying Saucer instead of walking
or catching public transporr.

They arrive at school and sit in large air-conditioned studios with their
private comPuters. The building itself is round with a special transparentroof
extra light. The playing area is in the centre, like a court, and because rhere are no
windows, pupils can play withour damaging any equipment. The teachers
are comput-
ers and robots, which help the pupils to understandScience and Space rravel. The
pupils are taken for interplanetary excursionsto Venus and Mars by huge space
which can carry up to 2b0 people.


Did a UFO Strike Echo 2?

T he New Sc ient is t , No. 428, a B r i t i s h P u b i i c a t i o n , d a t e d J a n u a r y 2 8 , 1 9 6 5 '

reported an incident which may clear the mystery of what happened to Echo 2 , launched
most familiar of the orbiting satellites which has been viewed
January 25, 7964, and is one of the
by miliions. A television film taken from Agena B, second stage rocket, showed the balloon to be
fully inflated during ;he first few minutes, then something went wronS'

T he aut hor , Dav idFis her , quote s D r . W. A . S . M u r r a y , D i r e c t o r o f a r e s e a r c h

"Echo 2 was struck a
ream at the Royal Radar Establishmentin Malvern, Worchestershire, who said
glancin g b low 6 y a n objec t m ov ing at appr ox im at e l y - t h e . s a m e t q : : d . " T h e t eam was using a new
iudar ryitem which can "see" an object the size of a football 1,000 miles away' Radat echoes
showed evidence that the balloon had been punctured.

At first the obvious explanation was that a meteorite had struck the balloon and
it was argued rhat irs predecessor, Echo 1, was filled with holes, but a fast movlng object would
passthroigh the ballo-onmaking two holes. The evidence showsonly one hoi9. . Another explan-
arion was rhat rhe balloon bursifrom high pressure, but this failed to explain the balloon's spin.

The art-icle iists only two objects which could have been responsible, and these
were the two halves of the canister in wirich the balloon was launched' Ufologists will naturally
add a more probable explanadon, especially in view of recent rePorts of UFOs pacing our manned
and unmannld satellites such as the following report to this Society from Argentina.

Astronomer's Letter :

The derails of this dramatic sighting came from the Adhara Obsrvatory ln
Argentina as follows :

"As ir \.vasyour wish, rhe last object of which you reeeived news, I would Iike to teil you the
f ollo wing : On Novem ber 14, 1964 at 20, 35, 2 0 , 4 5 , a n d 2 1 h o u r s i n m y o b s e r v a t o r yi n t h e
city of S"anMiguel, Province of BuenosAires, Argentina, while observing the space,withlvlessers
Nester Flores (6ptician), Horis Roz (University Student) and various others, with a clear sky and a
first crescent Moon, we were able to follow the movement of a solid object with orange borders
cigar shaped and the size similar to Saturn with borders clearly
a brillianr white centre, It was
marked and with a speed superior to that of Echo 2. It first followed a N to SSE course, with no
audib le so un d, illu m inat ed- by it s own 1ight , bec au s e a s i t e n t e r e d t h e c o n e o f t e r r e s t r i a l s h a d o w
rema ine d brillia nt.

Three rlmes we saw it pass. The first rime it appeared at 20, 35 hours under the PagasoConstell-
ation, crossingover the direction of Echo 2 going towards N W - S E disappearing into the Orion
Constellation. The second time it passedat 20, 45 hours from the Centauro Constellation, ascend-
ing to our local zenirh where it crossedEcho 2, travelling from horizon to horizon in 4 minutes
until it disappearednear lhe Andromeda horizon.

The third rime ir appeared ar 21 hours near the Altair Star, diving straight up to the Orion^Constel1-
ation whereit"tosed Echo 2 near the S E horizon, and after 4 minutes disappearedin the Southern

On anorher occasion which occurred on October 1?th, 1964, the telescope at this same observatory
was focussedon the Moon at20, 45 hours when a cigar shaped object crossedin front of the Moon
in roure from E to W (of the concavity of the convexity) taking 12 to 14 secondsto sweep over the
disc of the Moon. "

-TZ -

Ranger8 wasonly one day on its way towardtbe Moon when membersof the public
in Britainwere amazedby a bright spotnear the Moon. A BracknellBerkshireMeteorologistsaid,
"It is not a meteorological phenomenon,it could be some sort of a spaceship, it is too close to the
Moon to be a star." That sameday an object was photographed from Melbourne,Australia, making
a semicirclearoundthe Moon in sevenminutes.


Another sky object with characteristicsusually attributed to flying saucerswas

clearly photographed
by Mr. Walter Jacobs,Stewardin the freighter, Iron Duke. The photographs
showa glowing object, a bright orangeglow with a "dent" on top and a "knot" on rhe borrom,
moving aroundthe Moon about 10 p. m. on March 1?, 1965.


One of the most spectacularsightingsever to be reportedin Australiacame from

Mr. L angf or d,O wne ro f a P i a n oSc h o o i n R y d e ,N .S .W ., w i rnessed
by at l easrB 0 peopl e.

Mr. Langfordreportsthat, "one afternoonin early Septemberthree years ago, I

wasvisiting a pupil in Mirool Street, Eastwood,and as I was aboutto enrerrhe gatewayto my pupil's
home,..Isawwbat appearedto be a numberof sky-rocketsabout 1,000 feet up.

Four "rockets" approachedfrom the North, four from the South and four from the
West, and whenit seemedthey would all crashat the one point, they suddenlystoppeddeadat what
appearedto be a few feet from each other. After hovering in this stationaryposition for 30 seconds,
all swungeast and flying in perfect formation spedoff at incredible speed.

About 30 persons,apartfrom myself, witnessedthis "phenomenon",and although

it was reportedto the press,no word appearedin any newspaper. I concluded,therefore,that the
whole thing must have been some "hush hush"AirForce maneuverand forgor all aboutit until I
Post. The "rockets"were all very bright, like neonsigns."
read your article in the Australasian


Mr. Ian D. Scott, Head Teacher of State School, Welshpool, Victoria, wrires as

"All sightingsmentionedbelow were made by me, in my wife's presence,and

there are many other sightingswhich I refuseto include due to lack of authenticconfirmation."

Case1. 20th March, 1965. Time 8, 3Op. m. Object first sightedoverhead,then moved
through30 degreesof arc in ENEdirection. Time about 2 - 3 minutes. It paused,hoveredthere
for a minute or so, then took off at approximatelythe samespeedin a NNW directionthroughabout
10 degreesof arc; pausedagain 3 minutes, moved slowly a further shortdisrance,and finally wenr
off in an ENEdirecdon again, this time in a direct line from rhe observerbut rising at a tangent of
about45 - 50 degreesfrom the horizon. Finally blackedout, disappearing completely. Appear-
ance that of a yellow star, suggestingtungsrenlighting. No details observed. No sound. Sky
quite cloudless.

C a se2 . 22ndM ar c h, 1 9 6 5 . T i m e 9 . 2 0 p . m . Object moved from WSW to zenith in
passedat the zenith, then movedNNE, blacking out approximately 15 degrees
from horizon. Much bluer than on 20th.

C a se3 . 23r dM ar c h, 1 9 6 5 . T i m e 1 0 .0 5 p . m. Object first at zenith 75 degrees above

GliEin horizon, moved in 3 minutes from there to NW about 60 degrees above horizon, then
moved easterlyuntil obscuredbv cloud. No cloud elsewhere.

Case4. 25th March, 1 9 6 5 . T j .me ? . 3 0 p . m . Obj ectroseWSW, moved in continuous

lilffit orbital line to a position35 degreesabovethe easternhorizon. There it stoppeddead,
r e ma i n i ng6 m inut es35 secondsin positionbeforeresumingjourney. Cloudlesssky.

Ca se5 . 26t hM ar c h, 1 9 6 5 . T i m e 8 .4 5 p . m ; O b j e c t s e e n r e p e a t i n g T u e s d a y 's ( 2 3 r d )

coursq exceptfirst picked up in NW positionreferredto previously, but no knowledge of prior


On January 13th of this year, a flight of seven UFO's was tracked visually and on
radar by the crew of a Quantas Electra aircraft enroute from Auckland to Sydney. The objects
appeared to be flying ar an estimated height of 45, 000 feet, and were headed east towards New
Zealand in a vee formation.

Th e sighr ing t ook . plac e at about 8. 40 p . m . , 3 0 0 m i l e s w e s t o f A u c k l a n d . T h e

New Zealand Civil Aviation Administration confirmed the sighting. Apparently the objects
flight had been plotted on rheir radar also. Later, on the same night, lighted objects were seen
o ver towe r Hu r, N.2., and als o ov er G r ey Ly nne, N. Z. Two objects were seen a little later at
12. 30 a. m. by a man fishing near Rangitoto.

Also o n t he night of t he 13t h J anuar y , a g i r l s i t t i n g i n a c a r n e a r H a r e w o o d , N . 2 . ,

with a me mbe r o f th e U.S, Nav y , s aw a lar ge, I ow f ly i n g c i r c u l a r o b j e c t , w i t h a b l u e c e n t r e
encircied by a gold ring, travel through the sky at a 1ow altltude from over a nearby golf course.

Exp lan at ion f or t hc om ing f r om t he R. N. Z . A . F . s u g g e s t e dt h a t t h e T a s m a n U F O 's

were actually ice ciysrals in high cirrus clouds, while the R.A.A.F. preferred to theorize that the
objects were high flying militaiy aircraft. (Presumably Indonesian, although the distance involved
would be p roh ibitive).

This is obviously anorher instance of highly competent witnessesbeing suddenly

judged incompetent when the subject is UFO's.

An oth ei N. Z. s ight ing oc c ur r ed on J an u a r y 1 5 t h , a t 2 . 5 Q a . m . w h e n t h r e e U F O 's

appearedo ve r Ta ura ng a. The s t r ange objec t s wer e wit n e s s e db y M r . J o h n C r e s s w e l l , a m e m b e r
oi-th" T urru ng a Harb ou r Boar d' s W at c h of f ic e s t af f . T h e l i g h t s w e r e c i r c u l a r , y e i l o w , w i t h a b l u e
green aura a rou nd the m and puls at ing. W hiie t he obje c t s w e r e i n t h e v i c i n i t y , t h e B o a r d 's r a d i o
went dead .

- l4-
on J a n u a ry1 g th a t 9 .5 0 p .m ., a resi dentof Mt.
with a whire light. E denreporteda di sc-shaped
obj ect

on J a n u a ry1 ? rha t 4 . 1 5 a .-.,_ r bri ghtyel l ow i sh-w hi te

Epsom,hovering in the sky, rhen srartedrotating l i ghtsw ereseenover
like a"me'rry_go-rouna.

Twelve orange-coloredobiectswere seenover Dunedin

Magistrate'scoun. The objeits were in a by a court officer of the
vee formati;;,--fit*g lJru tn norrherndirection.

on December2lst, 1964, a uFo wasseenover

round and almost half the apparentsize of rhe Bay of Islands. The object was
tir" *oon.

on November9th, 1964, an unidentifiedFlying

The object was travelling at a_rapidspeedwesr objecr was seenover Gisborne.
ro east.

on.the 3rd Februaryat 5. 30 p. m. whirstdriving

young men saw a shining oblong objett, hanging , along FendaltonRoad, three
moiiontessin itra"r,y in rhe direction of Darfield.
The object was estimatJdto haie been'at a f,eiltrt
of betweenuoo-soo r""r. rn" tlrrt thought
the object was an aircraft, but when it remainei motionless,
remainedvisible undl they rurnedleft at the end ihey realizedit wasnot.-"n The object
Three and one quartethourslater, a man returning
on the beachat south Brighton. At first, h1 sajd, to his home, saw a bright light
-his it",t""gh,ih"lignt might have beenfrom a scrub
fire' but as he qot out of car and.ppro."n"a tire light, i" h;ilwhat
ing whistlingniise"' He was then astonished he describedas an ,,oscillar-
to see zo f"", in diamererrise off the
beach' It lifted to a height of about 50 feet.
As it "f, "Li"",'"u"J,
rose, the light graduallydimmed. He then
returnedhome, but returnld to the area tater,with
hl;;;;'";;rorilneigtuours. The party searched
a wide area and betweentwo sandhills,found
.r"" on sniffingaroundthis
area, his dog becamewildly excited. "n "i?r"i,"r"i'ir"".

A reportwas receivedthe next day from a man

friends' had been out tite previousnight, who, when with his wife and
and n"a r"!" l.;" ffig;; object rise from the direcrion of
south Brighton at 8'nt,p,'-fr' ,rhe "
o6j-ectappearedto move suai{ht up-inio the sky. The sight so
surprised him, that he almostdroveoff the ioaa, tir t"atio his atteniionback to driving.
to the one seenat south Brighton, was ,"en"ir" uy wlodend
"lrr rnu.r".iglr
*T|lil::ject io-.n on tt.,.

Many other lights in the sky were reported

the south Island. on that night and subsequent
nights, over

Mr' P' T' sheeanof summer reportedthar

times on the lst February,at 9. 30 _ rO. rO p. he and his wife saw an objecr three
m. f O.gOt.;.--'-
At 9' 30 p'm', the object travelled rapidly from
to horizon in about 4 minuies; forty minutes west-toeasr, crossingfrom horizon
later it travettJo iro. ,outt to north at the
Twenty minutes later it appearedagain, much same speed.
slower, or"iir",in!'in'ir, ,ou",n"nt from
nonh-west and appearingto Ue rotaiing-at southto

Credit Spaceview.
New Zealand-

-t5 -

It is to our loss that Mr. Ian H. Godden has resigned from the magazine sub-commrttee
as editor' We have been commended by many.for the high
{'uality of our mag"azine, and a large
of the last magazine edited by Mr. Godden was iniiuded in Ray palmei,s April issue
n:,1on of
" F iying Sa ucers".

We extend our thanks to Mr. Godden who has offered ro assistthe new editorial sub-
committee and to contribute to future editions of the magazine, 'and we hope
that this transfer ro a
country area will bring successand happinessfor him andhis family.


The Victorian Flying Saucer ResearchSociety wishes ro thank Mr.

JosephA. Myers of
Station W.B.T. North Carolina, for the excellent tape recordings which
he graciousiy donated to
our.Society. These tapes have been distributed to all saucer s6cieties who-have
requested copies
of these Project 60 programs, and are still avaiiable to all UFO societies who
request them,


Mr. Waveney Girvan, a respected and diligenr researcher, di.ed in October last year.
He had for some time been editor of the English Flying S-aucerReview, wrote
some thought-provok-
ing books and contributed much to the study of Flying Saucers. We are sure he will
m i s sed.

Mr. GeorgeAdamski, ?4, of Vista, California, died April 23rd, 196b, in the Washingron
Takoma Park, Md. , of an apparentheart attack.

. A great deal hasbeen said for and againstthis most conrroversialfigure of the UFO
world. He has written severalbookson the subjeit of Flying saucersand whethei
or nor one agrees
with his th.eoriesor Prognoses,it mustsurely be admitted, hE hasprobablyhad rhe grearesrinfiuence
in interestingmany peoplein this field of study.


This Soci ety welcomes letters and anicles from readers. please keep your letters
short and concise, and we request that if contributing ro the magazine to type
thern ii possible,
using double spacing and one side of rhe paper only.

Unless co$espondentsgive their full name and address(not necessarily for publication),
their lerters will nor be considered. -

Kindly addressmagazinemail to the Editorial sub-Commitree, care of the Box



FORGOTTEN HERITAGE by Brinsteyle poer Trench.

WE ARENOT ALONE by WalrerSuilivan.
,"NATOMY OF A PHENOMENONby JacquesVallee (to be published ,65).
-1 6 -

TI{A NK S TO, , P O S T "

joved',""nTll: j,""""'"j'riilt1
convention, and we itiauuiea io tt err"1""1asian post for this.
"t" "
As a result of the.l.atest -a rt ic le ,
n u mb e r of r ette rs and rnost of these we re c e iv e d a I a rg e
a " " " irr" ' a s ig h t in g s , s o me o f
which were of quite a dramali" ,r."r.."".

O:".:ol"espondent wrote that

sydney in a cliffside hous'e, srre whilst holidayine in
haa been
cl o u d ' r t r em a ined in trre'sale posit io n -at"rrir,g. ue"rrtiliipink
when she again looked f ro m 5 . -3 0 p . m. t o 5 p . rr. .
i p.L. lrre *"" see. it mJving
s l o w l y towa r d s the rocks "t atitre base "rrr.
c a r n e ne a r e r , th e observer was or t rru c rlrr. A s t h e , rc lo u d . , l
wa s a s to u n d e d to-see ra rnagnificent to t o o t -a o wn in t o t h e c lo u d a n d
cloud was forrned by f ly in g s a u c e rr. The
"t" * ; # "
gt"y-""iored stelrn'*ii"r,
" soon turned a pink
frorn vents around th" ;;;'L;;
w r r n e ss ap p e a r s to have had a of the saucer. rhe
describes the bottorn of the rsaygalr clea r v ie ? o f t h e o b je c t a n d
feet wide. ." .orrriig ro a point about 3
A noise like that-of ra high po*."".u
e n g i n er w as h e a r d', and as she watchJa wel cared for
frorn the hatchway beneath the a s rrin in g la d d e r wa s lo we re d
saucer and a rrran carne down and
o n a r un g of the ladder. From this po s iir" ii" . s h o n e sat
of light into the sea, as if 1ooking a s t ro n s b e a m
to" shortry aftJr this
a 'brilliant pink fr".T.uwent up furlher "o-utrrirrg.
iately the ladder with the rnan out tL and almost irnmed.
a-board *;"-;";;acted""r,, and the rnachine
sped off in the direction of the
frare. r" ti. Joonlight the worrran
co u l d r na ke o u t a igng-shge" inirru
wate r rs a u c e rr h a d
they bolh diippeared rin" " ; ; ; lu ' t h e
;?"rt:1.rnt", flash, beneath

unfortun3.tely there is no corroborative

this rnost amazing sightini evidence of
witness, iikJrnany others, was
loath to report hei eripe"rE"""
ior fear or ,iJ-itrrru.
However, the time.js fast approaching
even a landing will be treated with when perhaps
; l!..'.! ,


On the 25th Aprll, twg men

pruning fnrit trees at Gruyere, (two miles
nor*r of Seville, Vlc. ) saw what appeared
to be a circular metatllc obiect flarhing
in the sunllght about twg miles east ovet
the Yarra Valley.

The light appearedagainst a

backdrop of mountains and was vlrtble for
several seconds. Before disappearlng
behind a hill, ttre object changed to a
hemisphericalshapeand became a dull
grey in color.

Queensland: Mr. Iim Tllse, commelclal

pilot and licensee of the Retrcat Hotel, neet
Mackay, told how a 'flying saucer' tyPe
machine 'buzzed'hls hotel and rema-lned
near the hotel for 40 minutes. lt appepred
to be about 30 feet acrossand had a bank of
floodlights in front of it. It had a large
black disc on top of it and three legs from
the base. Next day scorchmarks were
found and some trees appearedto have been
scorched. Fur*ter lnvestigation ls now
taking place

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