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4th Grade Lesson Plan 4.

1. Goal: To review naming the notes on the Treble Clef staff; to learn proper recorder techniques

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID and perform the notes B, A, G
 ID the notes on the treble clef staff

3. Materials: recorders; recorder music/worksheets; student folders

4. Procedure
1. Hellos

2. Recorder Karate
 First real week of the RK program!!
 Students will come in, get recorders and folders, and start working on their
white belt worksheets and music
 Students who are interested in testing for their white belt will write their name
on the board and test with Mrs. F 
 One worksheet is due for each belt to get a grade of 10/10 for that colored belt
 Student names that are on the board at the end of class will begin testing during
the next music class

3. Goodbyes

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