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#Gu erTt $hee


This Indenture of Agreement is macle and executed on this the 13tl' day of
March 20\7, at Bangalore by and between


Aged about 34 1.ears
Sio,\mjaci tsasha
No. 56. 2''d Cross" 8'n Main. Roshan Colon.,
Tiiakna-uar. Bangalore - 560 041

Hereinafter calied the

,LESSOR', of the oi{Ii PAI{T: ANI)
Ulr" ABDUI- [L{tjF. I,"H
S,'o Abdr-L[ Flameed
No. l-88r8" PasrarLdhotr,.a House
I'hanneerupantha \iill & Posr
Bantrval Fq 574 226
Hereinafter called the 'LESSEEiTENAF{T' o1'the Other Part:

Whercas the terms the Lessor nncJ l.essee shall nlean and inclucle their
respec'riye heirs. legal representatjves. acltninislratol's, '-'x(-e Lltol's ancl trssigns.

\\'hereas the ou'ner is the absciiute (r\vntr' :;i'the scheduic- prernise..; situratecl
at \o. 5r)" l''o (-lloss. 8''' Lfair-1. Itoslrtn-r ( loiony. f ilr-rl<nagirr. Ilangaiorc 560
02trtr. ntorefirily clescribc'il ir,:rcundel an,rj ircre:inalie r czLilccl the "SCHED{-lt,E
r -l


Whereas upon the request of the Tenant the owner has agreed to
let out the
Third Floor o1'the Schedule Premises, to the fenant fbr his residential
purpose with effect from the date of 3"r April 2017 '

I" fhe tenancl is execr-lted tb,r aperiod ot'11 (Eleven) months and shall
cOntn-tence i'rom th.e above said date. It mav be nener'ved for further
perioel's u"r'ith mutual consent of both the parties"

I The tenanr .has paid an advance axnount of [i.s" 30,0t]0/- (Rupees

1-hint1 thousancl onl3,') by, r,r.'atv of casil to tl-ie ownel anci ihe tl\\netr
has dutr1, actrrnowiecigecl the advance alnount befbre the rcliowing
witnesses. This acivance amount shall not carry any interest and shall
be refuncled to the tenant by the owner at the time of vacating the
schedule Premises.

3. The tenant shall pay a rnonthly rent of Rs. 6,2501- (Rupees si}
Ihousancl trvo hundrecl and tift.v- onl-v) to ihe owner on oI belbre 5tr'
ot'er,,erv rnortth regularly. This arlount inclureies water charges'

1. The tenant shall pay' an electricitv chltrges to the conceLnect

department as per the titt UV sharing equaliy with other occupants of
the premises every uonth without any arrears'

5. The tenant shall pay the enhanced rent of Soh atier every 11 months
on the above saicl rent.

b. Tire tenant shaii use the scheC.r-lie premises fbr his resiciential pr-rrpose
and shatl keep the prenrises in good and tenantable conclitlon.

7 . The tenant sl-rall under no cilcumstances sLrblet or underlet of in an,v

part u,ith tl-re possession of the sohedule premises"

8. Either pafiy has to give Two (2) months prior notice for vacating the
schedule Premises

9. At the time of vacating tl-re scl-reclule prernises if tl-rere al'e any arrcars
of rent. w,ater or electricity cl-raLges. or if an1' damage caursed b1' the
tenant to the schedule pren'risesi tlxtures / tittings such amount
be deducted bv the owner frotn the advance amount.

i0.Lhe tenant shall get the house repainted at the time of vacatin*u the
schedule premises or the cost of the same shali be deducted frorn the
advance amount.

l1.lf the tenant vacates the premises within Eleven (11) months he has to
pay Two (2) months extra rent to the owner or arrount shall be
deducted fiom the advance amount.

Tt-re schedule premises situated at No.56. ?'"'Cross. 1,il Main. Roshen
Coiony. Tilaicnagar. Bangalore - 560 041, consisting of one hall. kitcher-r,
bath room and toilet provided witl-r water and electricity tacilities and fitted
with 1 Tube light. 1 Fan and 1 Geyser.

IN WITNESStrS WHEREOF, both the parlies hereto have set their hands
unto this agreement on the date f-rrst abovr: mentioned.




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