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Nouns: 공항 = airport 한국어 = Korean (language)

한국 = Korea
병원 = hospital 공원 = park
Common Usages: 머리 = head 다리 = leg
한국 사람 = Korean person
손가락 = finger 눈 = eye
한국어 = Korean language (For Korean people, Korean language class is
귀 = ear 팔 = arm
called “국어 (수업)”)
입 = mouth, lips 배 = stomach
한국인 = Korean person
동생 = younger sibling 남동생 = younger brother
한국 역사 = Korean history (in school, Korean history class is usually
동생 = younger sister 누나 = older sister
called “한국사 (수업)”)
형 = older brother 오빠 = older
한국 문화 = Korean culture
한국 경제 = Korean economy
언니 = older sister 삼촌 = uncle
한국 전쟁 = the Korean War
한국주식시장 = Korean stock market
이모 = aunt (on mother’s side) 사진 = picture
한국어능력시험 = Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)
고모 = aunt (on father’s side) 할아버지 = grandfather
도시 = city 이름 = name
아저씨 = older man not related to yo u안경 = glasses
저 = I, me (formal) 여자 = woman
아주머니 = older woman 할머니 = grandmother
나 = I, me (informal) 남자 = man
친구 = friend 공 = ball
이 = this 그 = that
비밀 = secret 비 = rain
저 = that (when something is far away) 그것 = that (thing)
가게 = store/shop 박물관 =
것 = thing 이것 = this (thing)
저것 = that (thing) 의자 = chair
오리 = duck (animal) 꼬리 = tail
탁자 = table 집 = house
버스 = bus 우리 = us/we
선생님 = teacher 침대 = bed
배 = boat 사과 = apple
차 = car 사람 = person
길 = street 거리 = street/road
책 = book 소파 = sofa
손 = hand 은행 = bank
컴퓨터 = computer 나무 = tree/wood
영어 = English 택시 = taxi
중국 = China 일본 = Japan
역 = train/subway station 버스 정류장 = bus stop
의사 = doctor 학생 = student
비행기 = airplane 아이 = child
가스 레인지 = stove (gas range) 문 = door
자전거 = bicycle 아내 = wife
음식 = food 케이크 = cake
아들 = son 딸 = daughter
남편 = husband 편지 = letter 급식 = food at school 교감선생님 = vice principal
아버지 = father 어머니 = mother 종이 = paper 우유 = milk
맛 = taste 식사 = meal 손목 = wrist 영화 = movie
아침 = morning 돈 = money 시계 = clock/watch 손목시계 = wristwatch
아침식사 = breakfast 물 = water
나라 = country 가방 = bag/backpack 커피 = coffee 식당 = restaurant
창문 = window 냉장고 = refrigerator 건물 = building 캐나다 = Canada
잡지 = magazine 방 = room 텔레비전 = television 미국 = USA
개 = dog 강아지 = puppy 풀 = glue 수도 = capital city
고양이 = cat 전화기 = phone
쥐 = rat, mouse 펜 = pen 병 = disease, sickness 생선 = fish
신발 = shoe 남방 = shirt 야채 = vegetable 기타 = guitar
질문 = question 병 = bottle 언덕 = hill 선물 = present
눈썹 = eyebrow 교사 = teacher 호텔 = hotel 학교 = school
반 = class of students in school 기계 = machine 공장 = factory 열 = fever
털 = hair (not on head), fur 흰색 = (the color) 극장 = theater 간판= a sign
white 회사 = company 장소 = place/location
직장 = location of work 벽 = wall 수업 = a class (that you 'take' or 'teach') 직업 = job
머리카락 = hair (on head) 저녁 = dinner, evening 고기 = meat 돼지 = pig
점심 = lunch, noonish 트럭 = truck 돼지고기 = pork 꽃= flowers
대학교 = college, university 검은색 = (the 소 = cow 소고기 = beef
color) black 값 = price 땅콩 = peanut
음료수 = beverage, drink 고등학교 = high school 축구(하다) = (to play) soccer 수건= towel
교장선생님 = principal 숟가락 = spoon 야구(하다) = (to play)baseball 여권 = passport
외국 = foreign country 외국인 = foreigner 체육 = physical education 지하철 = subway
도서관 = library 옷 = clothes 계획= plans 운전사= a driver
문제 = question, problem 나이 = age 회사원= office worker 기회= chance/opportunity
화장실 = bathroom, restroom 교실 = classroom 점원= store assistant 배우 = actor
분위기 = the atmosphere of something 부장님 = boss 목 = neck/throat 시험= exam/test
차 = tea 바지 = pants 소리 = noise/sound 목소리 = voice
의미 = meaning 엄마 = mom 목적 = purpose, aim, goal 목적지= destination
교수 = professor 주인 = master/owner/proprietor 국가 = nation, country 동네 = neighborhood
잘못 = mistake/fault 기온 = temperature 무기 = weapon 정답 = right/correct answer
거울 = mirror 근육 = muscle 지역 = a certain area or region 모기 = mosquito
가루 = powder 내용 = contents 경기 = match or game 점수 = grade, score
상황 = situation 닭 = chicken 선수 = player (in sports) 목숨 = life
소식 = news 방법 = way, method 허리 = waist 환자 = patients
아빠 = dad 의견 = opinion, feedback 달 = moon 인사 = greeting
결혼식 = wedding 우표 = postage stamp 소금 = salt 담배 = tobacco, cigarettes
신 = god 논 = rice paddy 옷걸이 = hanger 배달 = delivery
만화 = comics, cartoons 만화책 = comic book 미소 = smile 반지 = ring
예정 = schedule 사회 = community, society 입술 = lips 미술 = art
낮잠 (자다) = nap 주스 = juice 목걸이 = necklace 숲 = forest
이유 = reason 기술 = technology, skill 귀걸이 = earrings 수영복 = bathing suit
예술 = art, the arts 휴지 = toilet paper 간식 = snacks 목표 = goal
종업원 = employee, server, worker 예술가 = artist 주머니 = pocket 교시 = class, period
공책 = notebook 달력 = calendar 칠판 = blackboard, chalkboard 딸기 = strawberry
우체국 = post office 대사관 = embassy 상추 = lettuce 공사 = construction
햄버거 = hamburger 비누 = soap 종교 = religion 시청 = city hall
간호사 = nurse 약국 = pharmacy 국제 = international 일반 = usual, normal, typical
충격 = shock, impact 법 = law 사이 = space, gap 밖 = the outside of something
시민 = citizen 땀 = sweat 생활 = lifestyle/life 요리사= a cook/chef
보험 = insurance 차이 = difference 사실= fact 약 = medicine
손님 = guest, visitor 승객 = passenger 음악 = music 전기 = charger
대통령 = president (of country) 오렌지 = an orange 하늘 = sky 땅 = land
회원 = member 수입 = income 원숭이 = monkey 교과목 = subject in school
문장 = sentence 기름 = oil/grease/gasoline 교과서 = textbook 소문 = rumor
그들 = them 학비 = tuition 청구서 = bill 어린이 = child, children
아줌마 = middle aged/older woman 물건 = thing, item, goods 계산원 = cashier 계산기 = calculator
복도 = hall, hallway 청소년 = youth 출장 = business trip 글 = some sort of writing
밥솥 = rice cooker 소설 = novel 기숙사 = dorm 메뉴 = menu
어른 = adult 공주 = princess 아시아 = Asia 동남아시아 = south east Asia
영향 = influence 문학 = literature 눈물 = tears 회의 = meeting, conference
지방 = district, local area 이웃사람 = neighbor 불 = light/fir 기침 = cough
환경 = environment 배구 = volleyball 숙제 = homework 기억 = memory
농장 = farm 부분 = part, section
상자 = box 재채기 = sneeze
광고 = advertisement 농구 = basketball
바람 = wind 세금 = tax
지구 = earth 피부 = skin
방귀 = fart 고개 = head 잠= sleep 모자 = hat

방향 = direction 가위 = scissors 줄 = line, string, rope, queue 감기 = a cold

해외 = abroad, overseas 자체 = itself, its own 설사 = diarrhea 독감 = the flu

어둠 = darkness 방학 = vacation
시대 = times, period 주의 = caution
기본 = basic/basics 사고 = accident
백과사전 = encyclopedia 전공 = major (in university)
팀 = team 부모님 = parents 교통 = traffic 교회 = church

군대 = army 가수 = singer 동아리 = a club in school or university 취미 = hobby

수학 = math 가족 = family
군인 = soldier 지도 = map
책상 = desk 이 = teeth 과일 = fruit 술 = alcohol

어깨 = shoulder 백화점 = department store 우산 = umbrella 날씨 = weather

잎 = leaf 강 = river
대학생 = university student 온도 = temperature
계절 = season 부엌 = kitchen
중학교 = middle school 공기 = air
새벽 = dawn 지하 = underground 담임선생님 = homeroom teacher 배 = pear
당근 = carrot 무 = radish
빵 = bread 쓰레기 = trash/garbage
감자 = potato 뿌리 = roots
회계사 = accountant 녹차 = green tea
정부 = government 성격 = personality 칼 = knife 단어 = word

커튼 = curtains 숨 = breath 문법 = grammar 부자 = a rich person

발 = foot 바다 = sea
냄새(나다) = smell 청소기 = vacuum cleaner
휴일 = holiday 아기/애기 = baby, infant
얼굴 = face 주소 = address
신문 = newspaper 산 = mountain
시장 = market 몸 = body
고객 = customer 교육 = education
젓가락 = chopsticks 혀 = tongue
동료 = colleague, peer 사거리 = intersection
지갑 = wallet, purse 고향 = hometown
어린이집 = day care 유치원 = kindergarten 설탕 = sugar 경찰관 = policeman
무역 = trade 제자리 = in the right place 경찰서 = police station 세계 = world
턱 = chin 왼손 = left hand 구름 = cloud 경쟁자 = competitors
오른발 = right foot 삶 = life 목욕 = bath 번호 = number
오른손 = right hand 손바닥 = palm 열쇠 = key 수박 = watermelon

음성 = voice 셔츠 = shirt 양복 = suit 꿈 = a dream

이마 = forehead 발가락 = toe 세상 = world 회화 = conversation
발목 = ankle 날짜 = date 제목 = title of something (book, etc) 가슴 = chest
엉덩이 = butt 신체 = body 한식= Korean food 양식 = western food
감옥 = prison 볼 = cheek 키 = height 별 = star
기분 = feelings 순서 = turn (turn to go)/order 태도 = attitude 고통 = pain
실력 = skill 사촌 = cousin 월급 = pay cheque 시내 = downtown
초록색 = (the color) green 보라색 = (the color) purple 도심 = downtown 추억 = memory
연두색 = (the color) light green 뉴스 = news 후보자 = candidate 주년 = anniversary
분홍색 = (the color) pink 갈색 = (the color) brown 자세 = body position/posture 습관 = customs, habit
회색 = (the color) grey 적색 = (the color) red 자리 = a seat, a place to put something g계란 = eggs
눈 = snow 눈보라 = blizzard, snow stor 중요성 = importance, emphasis 벌금 = a fine
전쟁 = war 작품 = a piece of work 파일 = file 로션 = lotion
그릇 = bowl 구두 = shoes, boots 치마 = skirt 죽음 = death
등 = one's back 손등 = back of hand 단계 = step, phase, stage 짓 = some sort of negative act
손톱 = fingernail 경쟁 = competition 싸움= a fight 기쁨 = happiness, gladness
독자 = readers 부부 = couple, married couple 도움 = help 걸음 = step
맥주 = beer 그림 = picture, painting 느낌 = a feeling 사전 = dictionary
과거 = past 마음 = one’s heart/mind 행정 = administration 구역 = zone, area
관계= relationship 스트레스 = stress 보행자 = pedestrian 좌석 = seat
문자 = text message 과자 = candy, cookies, snack 언어 = language 주방 = kitchen
연필 = pencil 색깔 = color 국어 = the Korean language 노동자 = laborer
그 = he, him 전화번호 = phone number 자네 = you 또래 = age, peer group
그녀 = she, her 결과 = result 세제 = laundry detergent 봉지 = paper bag, plastic bag
종 = bell 환불 = refund 빨래 = laundry 이슬 = dew
소망 = hope, desire 숙어 = idiom 비바람 = rainstorm 뼈마디 = joint
장례식 = funeral 벌 = punishment 레인 = lane 뼈 = bone
연수 = training for work 규정 = rules, regulations 도매 = wholesale 소매 = retail
정장 = a suit 기한 = time limit, deadline 사인 = autograph 배경 = background
윤리 = ethics/morals 독 = poison 뇌 = brain 집안 = inside a house
온몸 = entire body 인권 = human rights 복권 = lottery ticket 시간표 = timetable
교과 과정 = curriculum 선거 = election 사막 = desert 보안 = security
세탁 = laundry 시력 = vision 곤충 = bug, insect 습도 = humidity
첫눈 = first sight 장기 = a long time period 학력 = level of education 허가 = permission
단기 = a short time period 태양 = sun 시선 = one's eyes, one's eye-line 직원 = employee, staff member
예외 = exception 복사기 = photocopier 음악가 = musician 왼발 = left foot
신입생 = freshman 운명 = fate 능력 = capabilities 자료 = data
조개 = clam 캐릭터 = character 제품 = products 쌀 = uncooked rice
신화 = myth 잔디 = grass 사업 = business 감정 = emotion
상처 = wound 신호 = signal 방송 = broadcast 접시 = plate
경비 = security 동물 = animal 역할 = role 마을 = village/town
선 = line 과학자 = scientist 정보 = information 모양 = shape
감각 = sense, feeling 한계 = limit 합법 = legal 불법 = illegal
아파트 = apartment, apartment complex 앞날 = future 효과 = effects 순간 = moment, second
왕비 = queen 화면 = screen 택배= delivery 가격 = price
울타리 = fence 물체 = object 용돈 = allowance 시인 = poet
지점 = a point when it refers to a place 수준 = level, standard 아르바이트 = part-time job 빛 = a light
국립 = national 산소 = oxygen 주제 = subject 그룹 = group
오줌 = urine 권력 = power, authority 요금 = fare, price 며느리 = daughter in law
장거리 = long distance 콜라 = Cola 위치 = position, location 해안 = the coast
날개 = wing 가지 = eggplant 냉동실 = freezer 반팔 = short-sleeve t-shirt
고추 = hot pepper 신부 = bride 사위 = son in law 턱받이 = bib
신랑 = groom 햇살 = the rays of the sun 침 = spit, saliva 숙녀 = lady
교훈 = moral, lesson 버릇 = habit 남 = other people, stranger 신사 = gentleman
지진 = earthquake 열 = heat 가구 = furniture 미팅 = a kind of group blind date
곳곳 = here and there, everywhere 사계절 = four season 전원 = electricity, power 프린터 = printer
가정 = family 책임 = responsibility 강의 = lecture 변명 = excuse
재료 = materials, ingredients 자유 = freedom 규칙 = rule, regulation 교환학생 = exchange student
입구 = entrance, way in 출구 = exit , way out 주름 = wrinkle 마늘 = garlic
출입 = enter and exit 뒷문 = back door 상가 = a building with a bunch of stores in it 계약 = contract
일정 = schedule 앞문 = front door 부전공 = minor (in university) 형식 = form, formality, format
기념품 = souvenir 기념비 = monument 햇빛 = sun light 축제 = festival
학업 = studies 영상 = picture, image 진로 = one's career path 과정 = process
사안 = issue/matter 관광객 = tourists 목록 = list, inventory 상점 = store
상반기 = the first half of the year 동영상 = video 시야 = one’s field of vision 심부름 = errand
하반기 = the second half of the year 비상 = emergency 도구 = tools 곁 = one’s side
수술 = surgery, operation 훈련 = training 우리 = cage for animals 다람쥐 = squirrel
계단 = steps, stairs, staircase 전통 = tradition, culture, heritage 뱀 = snake 초인종 = doorbell
호선 = a subway line 기간 = a period of time 실업 = unemployment 실업자 = unemployed person
기적= miracle 차량= vehicle 줄거리 = summary, plot 체육관 = gymnasium
관객 = audience 표 = graph, table 조직 = organization 중간고사 = midterm exam
치과 의사 = dentist 정신과 의사 = psychiatrist 양식 = a form to fill out 중간 = middle
공연 = performance, show, concert 업무 = administrative work 중간지점 = halfway point 기말고사 = final exam
표 = ticket 평일 = a weekday 나머지 = the remainder 포대기 = baby blanket
고생 = some sort of hard time or hardship 탈의실 = change room 빈손 = empty hands 채소 = vegetables
간장 = soy sauce 일자리 = job position 음주 = the consumption of alcohol 금주 = the restriction of alcohol
휴대폰 = cell phone 뜻 = meaning 웃음 = laughter, smile 학기 = semester
세일 = sale 연예인 = celebrity 물고기 = fish 현금 = cash
이력서 = resume, curriculum vitae 비서 = secretary 외모 = a person’s outside appearance 제한 = limit, restriction
장면= movie scene 냄비 = pot, pan 무제한 = something without limit 행사 = event, function
모습 = one's figure, appearance 지우개 = eraser 수영장= swimming pool 보건 = preservation of health
수표 = cheque 자 = ruler 소나무 = pine tree 홍수= flood
지리 = geography 태극기 = the Korean flag 바닥 = floor 변태 = pervert
국기 = flag 집값 = price of houses 새우 = shrimp 왕따 = outcast
낚시 = fishing 허벅지 = inner thigh 감독관= supervisor, proctor 심장 = heart
후배 = one’s junior 꿀 = honey 명예 = honor 당구 = billiards
말 = horse 휴가 = holiday, vacation 얼룩말 = zebra 기억력 = memory
휴식 = break 얼음 = ice 탁구 = table tennis 자격 = qualification
소방서= fire station 무릎 = knee 시합 = game, match, competition 먹이 = prey, food
흡연 = smoking 종아리 = calf 교도소 = prison 참외 = oriental melon
관리비 = management fees 땅값 = land prices 포도 = grape 복숭아 = peach
치료비 = medical fees 보관료 = storage fees 수능 = the Korean SAT 참치 = tuna
입장료 = entrance fees 여우 = fox 통조림 = can 눈앞 = in-front of one's eyes
소방 = firefighting 가격표 = price tag 판사 = a judge 변호사 = a lawyer
교통비 = transportation fees 의욕 = drive, motivation 권리 = a right 채식주의자 = vegetarian
등록금 = tuition/registration fee 화장 = makeup 증상 = symptom 암 = cancer
첫차 = first bus, first car 스님 = Buddhist monk 물리 = physics 분수 = fountain
원룸 = one room (studio) apartment 초등학교 = elementary school 기상예보 = weather forecast 이슬비 = drizzle
도로= road 고속도로 = highway 상표 = trademark 범죄 = crime
당국 = authorities 도시락 = lunch box 단풍 = fall foliage, autumn colors 재해 = disaster
여행자 = traveler 연휴 = continuous holidays 범죄자 = criminal 대책 = measures, steps
피해 = damage 성형 = plastic surgery 영화관 = movie theater 서부 = western part
최신 = the latest 진심 = sincerity, truth 당일 = the day of 북부 = northern part
한편 = on the other hand 반면 = on the other hand 동부 = eastern part 남부 = southern part
바퀴 = wheel 무리 = group 섬 = island 규모 = scale, size
정체 = identity 살인자 = murderer 인문 = humanities, liberal arts 죄수 = prisoner
교원 = teacher 살인 = murder 박람회 = fair, exhibition 어미 = mother for animals
선착순 = first come first served 기운 = energy, vitality, vigor 정원 = garden 새끼 = baby animals
주식시장 = stock market 소규모 = small scale 반값 = half price 건축 = architecture
투자자= investor 주식 = stocks 건축가 = architect 호수 = lake
교복 = school uniform 여신 = goddess 개별 = individual/ly 매력 = charm
별명 = nickname 폼 = posture 마법사 = witch 동굴 = cave
기업 = enterprise 현실 = reality 보석 = jewel 대규모 = large scale
제사 = praying to ancestors on a holiday 수염 = facial hair 수레 = cart 태풍 = typhoon
억양 = accent 빚 = debt 스타일 = style 콧구멍 = nostril
빗 = comb 칫솔 = toothbrush 향수 = perfume 코 = nose
솔 = brush 치약 = toothpaste 양파 = onion 양말 = socks
화학 = chemistry 철학 = philosophy 틈 = crack 대화 = conversation
호랑이 = tiger 역사가 = historian 시설 = facilities 개수 = the number of things
집주인 = landlord 예산 = budget 승패 = the outcome of a game (a win or loss) 명수 = the number of people
다과 = refreshments 작업 = job, work, operations 의사소통 = communication 조각 = piece, slice
소독약 = disinfectant 지붕 = roof 부사장 = vice president 자막 = subtitles
한구석 = corner, nook 총 = gun 지도교사 = guidance counselor 원어민 = native speaker
기구 = apparatus, appliance, utensils 파도 = waves 식중독 = food poisoning 존댓말 = honorific speaking
가로 = width 세로 = length 세대 = generation 창고 = warehouse
논문 = thesis 거미 = spider 설문조사 = survey 끈 = string, wire, lace
반항아 = a rebel 귀신 = ghost 고급 = high quality, advanced 주택 = a house, housing
고래 = whale 늑대 = wolf 매출 = sales 성적 = school grades
학위 = a degree (in universities) 박사 학위 = Ph. D 신입사원 = new employee 정각 = on the hour
학사 학위 = bachelor’s degree 석사 학위 = master’s degree 사원 = member of staff, employee 부탁 = favor
지식 = knowledge 비평 = criticism 편 = counter for movies and TV shows 표면 = surface
등급 = rating, grade 소화기 = fire extinguisher 식신 = somebody who eats a lot 자동차 = automobile, vehicle
단추 = button 화장품 = cosmetics 길이 = length 밧줄 = rope
상식 = common sense 마감일 = deadline 시위자 = protester 현금인출기 = ATM
구멍 = hole, pit 폭포 = waterfall 주인공 = main character, hero 소설가 = novelist
경력 = career/work experience 체력 = physical strength 불만 = complaint, dissatisfaction 입력 = input
자녀 = children/sons and daughters 자동 = automatic 출력 = output 암호 = secret code
크기 = size 일상 = everyday life 낚싯줄 = fishing line 둥지 = bird’s nest
분필 = chalk 동기 = motive 비만 = obesity 식욕 = appetite
시련 = some kind of hardship 바보 = an idiot (often used as 정상 = normal 암호 = secret code
a cute way to say “a silly person”) 가죽 = leather, animal skin 장마 = rainy season 지필 = pen and paper
머릿속 = the inside of one’s head 영양소 = nutrients 암호 = secret code 대령 = colonel
검진 = physical checkup/health screening 농약 = pesticides 생명보험 = life insurance 해군 = navy
악어 = alligator, crocodile 발명품 = invention 공무원 = government worker, civil servant 면 = side/face
지면 = the ground surface 거리 = distance 성인 = adult 연어 = salmon
보도 = sidewalk 선반 = shelf 산소 = grave 팔꿈치 = elbow
인상 = impression 첫인상 = first impression 그늘 = shade 그림자 = shadow
잇몸 = the gums of teeth 심판 = referee 버섯 = mushroom 천국 = heaven
밭 = field 오이 = cucumber 주민 = resident 상업 = commerce, business
옥수수 = corn 나물 = herbs 기린 = giraffe 염소 = goat
호박 = pumpkin 석양 = sunset 물품 = articles, goods 무지개 = rainbow
일출 = sunrise 인종 = race 걸레 = rag 빗자루 = broom
차별 = discrimination 성차별 = sexual discrimination 자물쇠 = a lock 창의 = originality
호우 = torrential downpour 사망 = death 허리띠 = belt 근로자 = ordinary workers
악기 = instrument 고무 = rubber 유아기 = early childhood period 오염 = pollution
사망자 = dead people (death toll) 사망률 = death rate 유아 = small/little child/toddler 충치 = tooth decay, cavity
선풍기 = electric fan 도전 = challenge 대회 = big meeting, competition 왕복 = a return trip
도전자 = challenger 장애 = obstacle/barrier 비율 = ratio, percentage 옆방 = the room next door
코피 = nosebleed 주어 = a subject in a sentence 강사 = instructor, lecturer 총리 = prime minister
장애인 = disabled person 정서 = emotion, feeling 반도 = peninsula 반딧불 = firefly
정서장애 = emotional disorder 씨앗 = seed 형제 = brothers 치아 = teeth
신경 = nerve, care, concern 문서 = document 고속버스 = bus that goes on the freeway 영양 = nutrition
철사 = wire 입시 = entrance exam 불안감 = anxiety 욕실 = bathroom
지옥 = hell 법원 = court of law 서류 = documents, papers 계좌 = account
벌 = bee 과외 = private tutoring 점검 = inspection 연예 = entertainment
물집 = blister 엄지 = thumb 선배 = one’s senior 진통제 = painkiller
금속 = metal 장점 = pro, strong point 금액 = an amount of money 잔돈 = small change
본능 = instinct 단점 = flaw, weak point 외과 = the medical field of surgery 백조 = swan
우측 = right 좌측 = left 쌍둥이 = twin 보충 = supplement
저번 = the last (like 지난) 최악 = the worst 실내 = interior 정책 = policy
맞은편 = opposite side 건너편 = opposite side 편의점 = convenience store 학생회 = student council
손자 = grandson 손녀 = granddaughter 여배우 = actress 배꼽 = belly button
외아들 = only son 부인 = wife 옆구리 = the side of one’s body 간 = liver
장모님 = mother in law 장인 = father in law
영양사 = nutritionist 풍선= balloon 머리뼈 = skull 친척 = relatives
식료품 = groceries 반찬 = side dish 부피 = volume 주부 = housewife
단골 = regular costumer 동물원 = zoo 먼지 = dust 증거 = evidence
토끼 = rabbit 독수리 = eagle 교통신호 = traffic signal 거품 = bubble
장갑 = gloves 당나귀 = donkey 하절(기) = summer 동절(기) = winter
도마뱀 = lizard 코끼리 = elephant 자정 = midnight 통증 = pain, ache
사자 = lion 개구리 = frog 운 = luck 짐 = luggage, load, baggage
상어 = shark 몫 = share, portion 소화 = digestion 소화기관 = digestive organs
빗방울 = raindrop 소모품 = supplies 담요 = blanket 할인 = discount
복장 = clothes 물가 = the prices of an area 굵기 = thickness 식물 = plants
유행 = trend, fashion trend 북 = Korean drum 맨발 = bare foot 광야 = wild-open wilderness
연극 = a play 사유 = reason, cause 시골 = countryside 국적 = nationality
답안지 = answer sheet 겨드랑이 = armpit 학점 = school credit 운전면허 = driver’s license
청중 = audience 해변 = beach 눈곱 = sleep (little things in your eyes) 연 = kite
충고 = advice 서랍 = drawer 가스비 = gas bill (at one’s home) 야간 = night
정성 = effort, devotion 배낭 = backpack 분야 = field, area of interest, branch, realm 풀 = grass
실종자 = missing person 지구본 = globe 통화 = currency 최선 = one’s best
구호 = relief, aid 소매 = sleeve 단백질 = protein 지방 = fat
비용 = fee, charge 연설 = speech 탄수화물 = carbohydrate 쌍 = a pair
문신 = tattoo 나비 = butterfly 사전 = prior/beforehand/ahead of time 양 = amount
낙타 = camel 흙 = dirt/mud 특허 = patent 신제품 = new product
사슴 = deer 돌고래 = dolphin 폭탄 = bomb 폐기물 = waste materials
하체 = lower body 상체 = upper body 급행 = express (train) 붕대 = bandage, Band-Aid
조명 = lighting 회원권 = membership 주거 = place of living, dwelling, residence 영역 = territory
포도주 = wine 양주 = hard liquor 야심 = ambitions, aspirations 파업 = a (workers) strike
마약 = drug 구급차 = ambulance 핵심 = main point, key point 절벽 = cliff
월세 = monthly rent 집사람 = wife 소음 = noise from something, racket 영수증 = receipt
오락실 = arcade 식은땀 = cold sweat 교포 = a foreign-born Korean 주전자 = kettle
상태 = condition/state 머리띠 = hairband 농산물 = crops, agriculture products 각도 = angle
머리핀 = hairpin 재능 = talent 눈사람 = snowman 관광지 = tourist attraction
고춧가루 = red pepper powder 수납 = storage 학과 = a department in school 설거지 = dish washing
수납장 = closet 청년 = young people 물가 = the area around a body of water 엽서 = postcard
징역 = prison 실권 = power 욕구 = desire/craving 어금니 = molars
겉보기 = outward appearance 해변 = beach 자판기 = vending machine 이민자 = immigrant
천재 = genius 박쥐 = bat (the animal) 연락처 = one’s contact information 만두 = dumplings
유리 = glass 침실 = bedroom 시아버지 = a woman’s father in law 크기 = size
형태 = the shape of something 회장 = boss, chairman 야당 = opposition party (in politics) 여당 = ruling party (in politics)
눈길 = a snowy road 해물 = seafood 이익 = benefit/profit/gain 수도꼭지 = tap/faucet
해산물 = seafood 재시험 = retest 식후 = after a meal 식전 = before a meal
임산부 = pregnant woman 하품 = yawn 한숨 = short sleep 차세대 = next generation
부품 = mechanical part 음악회 = concert 후계자 = heir/successor 영리 = profit
보관소 = storage center 분실물 = a lost item 비영리 = non-profit 의료 = medical
수리비 = repair cost 짝사랑 = one sided love 재단 = foundation 공익 = public interest
밤중 = the middle of the night 화가 = painter 혼선 = confusion 품질 = quality
모음 = vowel 자음 = consonant 물속 = inside water 얼룩 = stain/smear/smudge
인삼 = ginseng 필통 = pencil case 국경 = border 국경선 = border line
베개 = pillow 강당 = lecture hall, auditorium 핵 = nuclear/nucleus 이두근 = biceps
일종 = one type of… 교무 = academic affairs 삼두근 = triceps 향기 = good smell/fragrance
성분 = ingredients, components 앞니 = front teeth 생계 = life/living 똥 = poo
뇌물 = a bribe (주다/받다) 피로감 = fatigue 재산 = wealth/fortune 위원회 = committee
댁 = residence/home 강수량 = precipitation 남녀 = men and women/couple 암내 = smelly armpits
피해자 = victim 금메달 = gold medal 새 = bird 사장 = boss of company
상금 = prize money 초콜릿 = chocolate 결심(하다) = decision (decide) 동사 = verb
찌개 = stew 에어컨 = air conditioning 명사 = noun 형용사 = adjective
인구 = population 인간 = human/human being 부사 = adverb 실내화 = slippers/house shoes
대중교통 = public transportation 막차 = last bus/last train 술자리 = drinking party/banquet 냉방 = air conditioning
독립 = independence 장 = chapter (of book) 무늬 = pattern/design 줄무늬 = stripes
사투리 = dialect 우울증 = depression 체크무늬 = plaid 얼룩무늬 = camouflage
장르 = genre 장학금 = scholarship 호피 = tiger/leopard skin 꿈속 = in a dream
양초 = candle 다들 = “everyone” 신혼여행 = honeymoon 노예 = slave
후유증 = aftereffects/aftermath 부작용 = side effect 술집 = bar 죄 = crime
짝퉁 = knock off ______ (fake purse) 곰팡이 = mold 도둑 = thief 튀다 = bounce
생리 = physiology 생리 = menstruation 연료 = fuel 작가 = writer/author
현상 = phenomenon 나무뿌리 = root of a tree 통일 = unification 공공 = public
숙소 = lodging/accommodations 원주민 = aboriginal/native 질서 = public order 전품목 = items
국민 = people of a country/citizen 독학 = self-study 입학 = admission to a school 기 = electricity
옆집 = next door 재즈 = jazz 시어머니 = a woman’s mother in law 하룻밤 = one night
이웃 = neighborhood 변화 = change 주사 = injection 연고 = ointment
중심 = center/heart/middle of something 터 = site/ground/lot 골프 = golf 큰길 = main road
진실 = truth 겉연기 = smoke 특징 = specific physical characteristic 금연 = not smoking
뒷맛 = aftertaste 경기장 = sports stadium 인생 = life 식품 = food products
경기력 = sports performance 현관 = entrance room 통신 = communications/correspondence 소녀 = little girl
층계 = stairwell 인내 = patience/endurance 모임 = gathering/get together 소년 = little boy
인내심 = patience 정치 = politics 각종 = all sorts of, all types of 자식 = one’s child(ren)
소풍 = outing/picnic/excursion 식탁 = dinner table 남성 = male 여성 = female
경치 = view/scenery = exterior 서점 = bookstore 소비자 = consumer 미 = beauty
액자 = picture frame 말대답 = talk back 튀김 = something deep fried 번개 = lightning
전용 = for use only by the noun before it 정신 = mind/spirit/soul 천둥 = thunder 안개 = fog
조사 = investigation 사생활 = personal life 특성 = specific characteristic 해병 = marines
헛소문 = groundless rumor 노인 = old man 특기 = special skills, specialties 실생활 = real life
단체 = organization/corporation 미역국 = seaweed soup 접촉사고 = fender bender 마찬가지 = the same thing
긴장감 = tension 혼잡 = congestion 전국 = the whole country 간접 = indirect
교통혼잡 = traffic jam 글씨 = handwriting 멍청이 = stupid person 까닭 = reason
체격 = person’s physical build 앞줄 = front row 회비 = membership fees 소득세 = income tax
결혼기념일 = wedding anniversary day 야시장 = night market 문명 = civilization 빈칸 = blank
연간 = annual 마리 = counter for animals 서양 = western countries 동양 = eastern countries
사건 = events 놀이터 = playground 속도 = speed/velocity 이메일 = e-mail
불교 = Buddhism 문단 = paragraph 선약 = previous engagement 농업 = agriculture
상품 = products/goods 조건 = conditions/stipulations 차례 = order 공동 = joint/communal
기자 = journalist 기준 = standard criteria 귀중품 = valuables 임금 = wages/pay
지원 = support (food/financial/military/etc) 배려 = good deed 제도 = system (electoral, educational, etc) 연금 = pension
노약자 = the old and weak 소원 = a wish/a desire 멸치 = anchovy 온수 = hot water
자선단체 = charity organization 항공권 = plane ticket 무더기 = pile, heap of something 욕조 = bathtub
의문 = question 자원 = resources 사회주의 = socialism 자존심 = self esteem
도표 = chart, diagram 치과 = dentistry 탁구대 = ping pong table 휴게실 = resting room, lounge
정신과 = psychiatry 매표소 = ticket office 동절기 = the colder part of the year 일람표 = list, table
거지 = homeless person 전문 = specialty 조끼 = vest 미로 = a maze
뱃속 = inside a stomach 물놀이= playing in the water 겹 = layer 밀 = wheat
수두 = chicken pox 보물 = treasure 분기 = a quarter (of a year) 정의 = definition
절망 = despair/hopelessness 정오 = noon 장비 = equipment, apparatus 체면 = one’s reputation
해돋이 = a sunrise 야식 = nighttime snack 명성 = one’s reputation 천장 = ceiling
멀미 = motion sickness 명함 = business card 은어 = slang 검 = sword
화산 = volcano 초반 = the first half 성숙기 = puberty 강철 = steel
범위 = range/scope of something 실감 = a realistic feeling 흔적 = trace, evidence 응급 = emergency
장롱 = wardrobe (Korean style closet) 태평양 = the Pacific Ocean 고대 = ancient 중동 = the Middle East
피망 = bell pepper 개념 = concept, idea 조카 = nephew, niece 마술 = magic
제삼자 = a third party 승용차 = passenger car 마술사 = magician 줄인 말 = abbreviation
잠자리 = dragonfly 거미줄 = spider web 대걸레 = mop 열쇠고리 = key chain
지팡이 = walking stick, cane 문어 = octopus 산들바람 = breeze 수급 = supply and demand
전등 = lamp, light 손전등 = flashlight 기사 = article in a paper/magazine 해골 = skull/skeleton
인공 = artificial 동전 = coin 위생 = hygiene, sanitation 공급 = supply
떼 = some crowd or “school” of things 폭력 = violence 이면지 = scrap paper 못 = nail (that one hammers)
여유 = sufficiency in time/space 지름 = diameter 협회 = association, society 배낭여행 = backpacking
지름길 = shortcut 시장 = mayor 의지력 = willpower 급여 = wage, salary
흉터 = scar 붓 = paint brush 천사 = angel 면역 = immunity
사기 = fraud 사기꾼 = swindler, fraud man 대안 = alternative 소개팅 = blind date
초보 = beginning, beginner 풍경 = landscape 면접 = interview 면접관 = interviewer
초보자 = beginner (specifically a person) 연꽃 = lily pad, lotus flower 어휘 = vocabulary 악몽 = nightmare
표준 = standard 불꽃 = flame/flare/blaze 압력 = pressure 비옷 = rain clothes
불꽃놀이 = fireworks 애교 = charm 면허 = license 복 = blessing
십대 = teenage years, teenage 열흘 = ten days 세균 = germ 수칙 = rules/regulations
공짜 = free 육아 = infant care 숫자 = number, figure, numeral 속옷 = underwear
녹음실 = recording studio 실 = thread 비품 = equipment 제작비 = production cost
색실 = colored thread 호객꾼 = touts 바위 = rock, stone 침 = needle
색연필 = colored pencils 청취자 = listener 사연 = story 비닐(봉지) = vinyl (plastic bag)
간접흡연 = second hand smoke 표지 = a sign on the road 홍차 = black tea 변기 = toilet
갈등 = conflict 통장 = bankbook 올빼미 = owl 가시 = thorn, fish bones
목사님 = reverend 지상 = ground 주변 = surroundings, the vicinity of 수량 = quantity
조각상 = statue 기후 = climate 대량 = large quantity 소량 = small quantity
기후변화 = climate change 대나무 = bamboo 위층 = upper level 이자 = interest (from a bank)
장대 = pole/rod 환율 = exchange rate 열람실 = reading room (in a library) 학생증 = student ID
집중력 = concentration 화물 = freight/cargo 파리 = fly 옥상 = rooftop
처방전 = prescription 용지 = printer paper 철봉 = chin up bar/horizontal bar 턱걸이 = chin-up
혈액 = blood 빨대 = straw (to drink out of) 차원 = dimension 애국 = patriotism
법칙 = law/rule (like “Newton’s law”) 다양성 = diversity 애국자 = patriot 강좌 = lecture/course
건설 = construction 소방차 = fire truck 방식 = way/means/method 효율 = efficiency
상대방 = the other person 고지방 = high fat 강도 = robbery 갈매기 = seagull
저지방 = low fat 광장 = plaza, square 표준어 = standard language 향신료 = spice
농작물 = crops 조수 = assistant 짝수 = even number 홀수 = odd number
남매 = brother and sister 장남 = the oldest son 국내산 = domestically made prod uct반쪽 = half
입맛 = one’s taste is food 동양화 = oriental painting 선진 = advancement, development 가옥 = house
서양화 = western painting 바탕 = foundation/basis for 선진국 = advanced/developed country 진료 = medical treatment
표지 = cover of a book/magazine 겁 = fear 능동 = active 피동 = passive
만료일 = expiration date (usually not food) 김 = steam 콘센트 = wall socket/outlet 조상 = ancestor
초밥 = sushi 과도 = fruit knife 여드름 = pimple/acne 열정 = passion
식칼 = kitchen knife 국자 = ladle (for soup) 차고 = garage 거실 = living room
자선 = charity 자선가 = philanthropist 뻥 = joke 선출 = election
예수님 = Jesus 신장 = kidney 등받이 = something to lean on 가운데 = the middle
보조개 = dimple 가사 = lyrics 탈북자 = North Korean defector 수요 = demand
승무원 = crewman/flight attendant 약점 = weak point 복지 = welfare 계곡 = valley
실험실 = laboratory 난방 = heating 식구 = family member 공룡 = dinosaur
일기 = weather 일기예보 = weather forecast 신분증 = identification card 사춘기 = puberty
녀석 = guy/fellow (informal) 놈 = guy/jerk/chap 주근깨= freckle 절 = Buddhist temple
성경 = bible 기독교 = Christianity 평균 = average, mean 연말 = the end of the year
천주교 = catholic 하느님 = god 과제 = task, project, thing to do 체중 = weight
신자 = believer 식수 = drinking water 대륙 = continent 임시 = temporary
시위 = protest/demonstration 전부 = total/all 회전 = rotation 계급 = a “class” in society
건기 = dry season 우기 = wet season 회식 = staff dinner 제국 = empire
최저 = the lowest 그네 = swing/trapeze 해충 = pest/insect 가족사 = family history
단풍나무 = maple tree 시청률 = ratings 화분 = flowerpot 속보 = breaking news
시청자 = viewer 시청각실 = audio-visual room 치매 = dementia/Alzheimer’s disease 속담 = proverb
후문 = back door/back gate 외투 = overcoat 가로등 = streetlight 서열 = rank
경향 = tendency/trend 서식지 = habitat 장미 = rose 평등권 = equal rights
쌍꺼풀 = double eyelid 해양 = ocean 화재 = fire 몸매 = one’s figure
지중해 = Mediterranean Sea 청원 = petition 분류 = classification/categorization 동점 = a tie in a game
내과 = internal medicine 빙하 = glacier 부채 = folding fan 효자 = a devoted son
해수 = seawater/saltwater 해수면 = sea level 효녀 = a devoted daughter 소지품 = belongings
백신 = vaccine 상사 = one’s superior/boss 복근 = abdominal muscles 개학 = start of school
체계 = system 골격 = skeleton 재판 = trial (in courts) 양심 = conscience
회오리바람 = cyclone/tornado 지혜 = wisdom 문구 = stationary 이성 = one’s reason/intellect
고아원 = orphanage 교재 = teaching materials 고인 = the dead/the deceased 유가 = price of oil
미용사 = hairdresser 체구 = build/frame 원동력 = driving force 저자 = writer/author
차도 = street/road 댓글 = comment 어김 = breach/violation/failure 전문가 = specialist
취향 = taste/preference 기호 = taste/preference 벌레 = bug/insect 들판 = field
장식품 = ornament/decoration 조리 = cook/cooking 원리 = principal/fundamentals 초승달 = crescent moon
조리실 = kitchen 밀림 = jungle 보름달 = full moon 원두 = coffee beans
명단 = name list 설정 = setting 해바라기 = sunflower 타조 = ostrich
부서 = department 대표 = representative 정신력 = willpower/mental strength 묘지 = cemetery
협약 = agreement, treaty 동맹 = alliance 피난민 = refugee 청바지 = jeans
세월 = time (usually when “passing”) 직급 = rank at one’s job 방세 = rent for a room 바퀴벌레 = cockroach
법 = way, method 행성 = planet 모래시계 = hourglass 모래알 = a grain of sand
중고 = second hand, used article 사료 = feed (for animals) 거리계 = some sort of distance measurer 대기업 = large companies
가지 = branch (of a tree) 낙엽 = fallen leaves 해안가 = area around the waterfront 후반 = the second half
항목 = heading, clause in a contract 맥박 = pulse 간격 = interval/space 야경 = night view
자두 = plum 수직 = vertical 꿀벌 = honeybee 변동 = change/fluctuation
수평 = horizontal 계약서 = contract 인류 = humanity/mankind 욕심 = greed
세탁기 = washing machine 쇠사슬 = chain 혈압 = blood pressure 발톱 = toenail
건포도 = raisin 자석 = magnet 고무줄 = rubber band 생태계 = ecosystem
혜택 = benefit 수압 = water pressure 휘발유 = gasoline 메아리 = echo
가발 = wig, toupee 두통 = headache 비수기 = off season/low season 뚜껑 = lid
대추 = date (the fruit) 이불 = blanket 저항력 = resistance 자외선 = ultra-violet rays
어르신 = elderly people 장례식 = funeral 숙소비 = the price of accommodation 선진국 = developed nation
국회의원 = a member of congress 티 = obvious-nous 소매치기 = pick pocketing 절차 = procedure, process
정전 = power outage 소득공제 = tax deduction 원유 = crude oil 꼬마 = little kid
용기 = courage, guts, bravery 급류 = rapids 작동 = the operation of a machine 동화 = children’s story
용량 = space, capacity, volume 성수기 = peak season 제자 = pupil, disciple 편도 = a one-way trip
고난 = hardship, trouble, problem 부대 = army unit, platoon 단식 = a singles match (in sports)
고비 = hardship, crisis, problem 무대 = (a performing) stage 바퀴 = counter for turns around something
원소 = an element in chemistry 맞춤법 = spelling 뒷모습 = one's appearance from behind
기체 = gas 액체 = liquid 무단 = doing something without permission
고체 = solid 섭씨 = Celcius 밥값 = money for food, the price of food
온천 = hot-spring 우주 = space, outer-space 중소기업 = small and medium enterprises
말대꾸 = talking back 외계인 = alien 차멀미 = motion sickness from a car (car sick)
막대기 = rod, stick, pole 높이뛰기 = high jump 자격증 = certificate (something showing qualification)
수단 = means, way, measure 복리 = compound interest 오랜만 = a long time period since something has happened
경고 = warning, caution 면적 = area, surface area 거스름돈 = change after buying something
주행 = the running of a car 주행거리 = mileage on a cars 싹 = sprout of a plant/blossom of behavior
위성 = satellite (or a moon of a planet) 은하 = galaxy 수료증 = a certification for completing a class
은하수 = milky way galaxy 우주 = space, the universe 대중 = mass (mass transportation, mass media)
우주인 = astronaut 모래 = sand 실물 = an object seen or experienced in person
기사 = somebody who handles equipment 만들다 = to make 하다 = to do
생신 = high respect way to refer to a birthday 이해하다 = to understand 좋아하다 = to like
동호회 =club for people with same interest 말하다 = to speak 살다 = to live
쪽지 = a little message written on a piece of paper 오다 = to come 끝내다 = to finish
싫증 = the feeling of “getting sick of”something 잊다 = to forget 돕다 = to help
횟수 = the number of times something is done 주다 = to give 맞다 = to be correct
책자 = booklet, leaflet, pamphlet, brochure 자다 = to sleep 보다 = to see
내복 = under-clothes worn in the winter to keep warm 기다리다 = to wait 듣다 = to hear
응급처치 = first aid (emergency medical treatment) 청소하다 = to clean 약속하다 = to promise
성함 = a high respect way to refer to somebody’s name 노력하다 = to try 앉다 = to sit
겁쟁이 = coward (somebody who is scared a lot or easily) 찾다 = to search for, find 가르치다 = to teach
우등상 = the prize given to the winner or best of something 기대하다 = to expect 건너다 = to cross (a road/etc)
연봉 = annual income, one’s yearly salary 던지다 = to throw 만지다 = to touch
코딱지 = booger, a small amount of something 싫어하다 = to not like 떠나다 = to leave somewhere
시련 = some sort of ordeal, hardship, problem 농담하다 = to joke 공부하다 = to study
원산지 = the place where a product comes from 놀다 = to play 쓰다 = to use
부상자 = an injured person, a person who suffers a loss 쓰다 = to write 끝나다 = to be finished
배추 = Korean cabbage (the vegetable used to make kimchi) 머무르다 = to stay 쉬다 = to relax, to rest
시식 = samples that supermarkets give out for tasting 보내다 = to send 초대하다 = to invite
희망자 = somebody hoping for something, somebody wanting to do something 자르다 = to cut 요청하다 = to ask, to request
껍질 = the peel, skin, bark of a fruit, vegetable or plant 걸어오다 = to come by walking 걸어가다 = to go by walking
강가 = area around a river, riverfront, riverside 변경하다 = to change 들르다 = to stop by
막내 = youngest person in the family or group of people 내려오다 = to come down 환영하다 = to welcome
호숫가 = area around the lake, lakefront, lakeside, lake-shore 내려가다 = to go down 드러내다 = to reveal, to show
유통기한 = expiration date, the period in which something should be consumed 발표하다 = to announce 울다 = to cry
Verbs: 되다 = to become 시작하다 = to start
있다 = to be at a location 행동하다 = to act 잃어버리다= to lose
먹다 = to eat 가다 = to go 소개하다 = to introduce 발견하다 = to discover, to find
만나다 = to mee 원하다 = to want (an object) 잘하다 = to do something well 못하다 = to do something poorly
닫다 = to close 열다 = to open 입원하다 = to check into a hospital 통역하다 = to interpret
퇴원하다 = to check out of a hospital 젓다 = to stir 버티다 = to endure, bear 견디다 = to endure, bear
이기다 = to win 지다 = to lose 응원하다 = to cheer on, to root for 짐작하다 = to guess
후회하다 = to regret 퇴직하다 = to retire 죽이다 = to kill 취소하다 = to cancel
타다 = to ride 산책하다 = to go for a walk 응시하다= to gaze, to look 미치다 = to go crazy
수영하다 = to swim 대우하다 = to treat somebody 상대하다 = to deal with people 촬영하다 = to film
접수하다 = to receive (an application) 씹다 = to chew 보관하다 = to store 복구하다 = to restore, recover
빠져나가다 = to escape, to go out of 번역하다 = to translate 보증하다 = to guarantee 나누다 = to divide
늘리다 = to gain, to improve, to increase 신다 = to put on shoes or 이용하다 = to use 등록하다 = to register
socks헷갈리다 = to be confused 빠지다 = to fall into 움직이다 = to move 정리하다 = to arrange
빠져나오다 = to escape, to come out of 썰다 = to chop, to slice 놓치다 = to miss (a train/buss/opportunity) 가져오다 = to bring an object
방문하다 = to visit 운전하다= to drive 잃다 = to lose 요리하다= to cook
명령하다 = to order, to command 빼다 = to pull out, to extract 풀다= to untie, to unfasten, to loosen 꿈꾸다= to dream
지원하다 = to apply for 비우다 = to empty 다니다 = to go somewhere frequently 태어나다 = to be born
신기다 = to put shoes or socks on somebody 대접하다 = to serve, to treat 걱정하다 = to worry 씻다 = to wash
따르다 = to pour 채우다 = to fill 확인하다 = to confirm, to check 모으다 = to gather, to collect
끊다 = to cut off, to quit something 살리다 = to save (a life) 수집하다 = to collect 추천하다 = to recommend
예매하다 = to purchase in advance 앞지르다 = to pass, to overtake 날다 = to fly 걷히다 = to clear up (in weather)
판단하다 = to judge 연락하다 = to contact 구경하다 = to sight see 뒤처지다 = to fall behind
해결하다 = to solve, to resolve 통제하다 = to control 감독하다 = to supervise 느끼다 = to feel
예약하다 = to reserve 평가하다 = to evaluate 지우다 = to wipe off, to erase 믿다 = to believe, to trust
연구하다 = to research 집중하다 = to concentrate 치우다 = to remove, to clear away 내다 = to pay for
이사하다 = to move to a new house 지키다 = to protect, to defend 두다 = to put, to set, to place something 속이다 = to trick somebody
귀국하다 = to return to one's home country 나오다 = to come out 벗다 = to take off one's clothes 달리다= to run
터지다 = to explode 기대다 = to lean against 웃다 = to laugh 죽다= to die
얻다 = to gain, to get, to obtain 임신하다 = to get pregnant 속삭이다= to whisper 복습하다 = to review, to re-study
기초하다 = to be based on 기도하다 = to pray 바꾸다 = to change 유학하다 = to study abroad
진정하다 = to calm down 감다 = to wash one's hair 넘어지다 = to fall 마시다 = to drink
보존하다 = to preserve, to conserve 메다 = to carry on one's shoulder 독서하다 = to read 출발하다 = to depart
상담하다 = to consult 높이다 = to heighten, to increase 내리다 = to get off, to go down, to come down 싸우다 = to fight
올리다 = to raise, to lift, to increase 편집하다 = to edit 나가다 = to go out 쓰다 = to cover one's head
모르다 = to not know 팔다 = to sell 제공하다 = to provide, to offer 말씀하다 = to speak (formal)
신청하다 = to apply 사다 = to buy 내다 = to make something come up/arise/occur 드리다 = to give (formal)
실수하다 = to make a mistake 수리하다 = to repair 계시다 = to be in/at a location (formal) 소변을 보다 = to urinate
잡다 = to catch, to grab, to grasp 읽다 = to read 가져가다 = to bring/take an object 들다 = to lift, to carry, to hold
받다 = to get, to receive, to acquire 감동하다 = to impress 돌리다 = to turn, to run a machine, to hand out 칠하다 = to paint
도착하다 = to arrive 여행하다 = to travel 돌다 = to turn oneself, to rotate oneself 지나다 = for something to pass by
일하다 = to work 잠그다 = to lock 돌아보다 = to look back 돌아가다 = to go back, to return
가지다 = to own, to possess 짓다 = to build 돌아오다 = to come back, to return 돌려주다 = to give back
들어보다 = to listen 그만하다 = to stop 넘치다 = to overflow 펴다 = to unfold, to unroll
운동하다 = to exercise 놀라다 = to be surprised 피하다 = to avoid 시도하다 = to try, to attempt
춤추다 = to dance 배우다 = to learn 답장하다 = to respond to a message 봉사하다 = to volunteer
알다 = to know 걷다 = to walk 수거하다 = to collect, to come and pick up 포함하다 = to include
연습하다 = to practice 생각하다 = to think 첨부하다 = to attach (a file) 찢다 = to tear, to rip
축하하다= to congratulate 일어나다 = to rise, to get up 예상하다 = to expect 걸다 = to hang
준비하다 = to prepare, to get ready 들어오다 = to come in 다녀오다 = to go and then come back 사귀다 = to go out with, to date
입장하다 = to enter (the verb form of 'admission'들어가다 = to go in 주문하다 = to order 결혼하다 = to get married
숨쉬다 = to breathe 가리키다 = to point, to indicate 부르다 = to call out 졸업하다 = to graduate
켜다= to turn on 끄다 = to turn off 고르다 = to choose, to pick 넣다 = to insert, to put inside
돌아서다 = to turn around 늘이다 = to make longer 경험하다 = to experience 서명하다 = to sign
상상하다 = to imagine 심다 = to plant 설명하다 = to explain 자랑하다 = to show off
위로하다 = to console 숨다 = to hide oneself 축복하다= to bless 사라지다 = to disappear
숨기다 = to hide an object 고장내다 = to break 깎다= to peel, cut, trim, shave 멈추다= to stop
놓다 = to lay an object down 대체하다 = to replace 극복하다 = to overcome 맞추다 = to adjust, fix, set
눕다 = to lie down 존경하다 = to respect 근무하다 = to be employed 이혼하다 = to get a divorce
얼다 = to freeze 로그인하다 = to log in 합격하다= to pass, to get accepted 결정하다 = to decide
참가하다 = to participate 서다 = to stand 물어보다 = to ask 포기하다 = to give up
소리 지르다 = to shout, to scream 면도하다 = to shave 실패하다 = to fail 다치다 = to injure, to hurt
장난하다 = to joke, to play around 주무시다 = to sleep (formal) 불다 = to blow 계속하다 = to continue
나타내다 = to appear, to come in view 드시다 = to eat (formal) 답하다 = to answer 발음하다 = to pronounce
내밀다 = to stick out of, to stretch out of 잡수시다 = to eat (formal) 그리다 = to draw 벌다 = to earn
알아보다 = to recognize, to try to knowspond 들다 = to enter, to go into 제안하다 = to propose, to suggest 시급하다 = to be urgent
담다 = to put something in/on/onto/into 차지하다 = to occupy a space 되짚다 = to look back (in the past), to go back 미끄러지다 = to slip
밝히다 = to lighten something, to reveal 점프하다 = to jump 대답하다 = to answer, to reply 직진하다 = to go straight
피우다 = to smoke, to light a fire of some sort 깜빡하다 = to forget 망치다 = to spoil, to ruin, to screw up 상기시키다 = to remind
환승하다 = to transfer on a bus, subway 빨다 = to suck 다가가다 = to approach, to go near 깨다 = to wake up
확대하다= to expand, to enlarge 치다 = to tap 다가오다 = to approach, to come near 과장하다 = to exaggerate
검색하다 = to search for, to surf the internet 연결하다 = to connect 수고하다 = to work hard 말다 = to not do
훔치다 = to steal 즐기다 = to enjoy oneself 올라가다 = to go up 올라오다 = to come up
변하다 = to have changed 표현하다 = to express 올려다보다 = to look up 감시하다 = to monitor, to watch
붙이다 = to stick/stamp/label/attach 쳐다보다 = to stare 후들거리다 = to shake, to tremble 남용하다 = to abuse
모이다 = to gather, to congregate 낳다 = to give birth 외우다 = to memorize 모집하다 = to recruit
주차하다 = to park a car 조심하다 = to act carefully 놀리다 = to tease 측정하다 = to measure
넘다 = to cross over, to climb over 보호하다 = to protect 복제하다 = to duplicate, to replicate 희망하다 = to hope, to wish
전하다= to convey, to deliver 잊어버리다 = to forget 틀다 = to turn on 연기하다 = to delay
정하다 = to set 줄이다 = to reduce, to decrease 울리다 = to be ringing, to be vibrating 작성하다 = to write up, to fill out
데려오다 = to bring a person (coming) 치료하다 = to treat, to cure 저버리다 = to back out on something 구부리다 = to bend an object
데려가다 = to bring a person (going) 막다 = to obstruct, to block 동의하다 = to agree 뽑다 = to pull out
허락하다 = to allow, to permit 버리다 = to throw away 성공하다 = to succeed 검토하다 = to review, to
관리하다 = to manage, to administer 부정하다 = to deny 협조하다 = to cooperate examine 뺏다 = to take something away
꺼내다 = to take out, to remove something 투자하다 = to invest 자습하다 = to teach oneself 성취하다 = to accomplish
헤어지다 = to break up with a person 덮다 = to cover 생기다= to occur, to come up, to arise 누락하다 = to omit
어울리다= to get along with 알리다 = to tell, to inform 비키다 = to step aside, to step away 가속하다 = to accelerate
아끼다 = to cherish, to save 남기다 = to leave something 참고하다 = to refer to, to consult 오해하다 = to misunderstand
빌리다 = to borrow, to lend 샤워하다 = to shower 보조하다 = to help, to aid 소지하다 = to possess
없어지다 = to disappear 따라가다 = to follow 바르다 = to apply or spread a liquid 소독하다 = to disinfect
따라오다 = to be followed 쓰이다 = to be written on 굽다 = to roast, grill 굽히다 = to bend one's body
지나가다 = to go and pass by 깨닫다 = to realize 방어하다 = to defend 그만두다 = to quit a job or task
참다 = to hold back, to endure 선택하다 = to choose 빗다 = to comb ones hair 비교하다 = to compare
떨어뜨리다 = to drop 세수하다 = to clean one’s face 뿌리다 = to sprinkle 솔질하다 = to brush
망설이다 = to hesitate 통화하다 = to talk on the phone 발명하다 = to invent 끓이다 = to boil
진학하다 = to enter a school 세다 = to count 재다 = to measure, to weigh, to time 빌다 = to beg
사과하다 = to apologize 분석하다 = to analyze 반응하다= to react 표기하다 = to write, to mark
먹이다 = to feed 뛰다 = to run 삼키다 = to swallow 접다 = to fold, to collapse
운영하다 = to manage, to operate 올라타다 = to get on 포장하다 = to pack up 훈제하다 = to smoke a food
참석하다 = to attend 안다 = to hug 출석하다 = to attend 닦다 = to wipe
갱신하다 = to renew 토하다 = to throw up 묻다 = to bury 칭찬하다 = to praise
구입하다 = to purchase 교환하다 = to exchange 털다 = to dust off, to shake off 훈육하다 = to discipline
미루다 = to delay 감속하다 = to decelerate 염려하다 = to worry 쓸다 = to sweep
면담하다 = to talk face to face, to interview 거절하다 = to refuse 꽂다 = to stick into 줍다 = to pick up
살아나다 = to revive 동반하다 = to accompany 쓰다듬다 = to pet 수다를 떨다 = to chat
회복하다 = to restore, to recover 묶다 = to tie 의지하다 = to lean on 내기하다 = to bet
뱉다 = to spit out 대하다 = to treat 모방하다 = to imitate, to mimic 반항하다 = to rebel
불평하다 = to complain 맞히다 = to guess correctly 보장하다 = to guarantee 퇴장하다 = to leave
조르다 = to pester 파괴하다 = to destroy 유의하다 = to pay attention to 파다 = to dig
내버려두다 = to leave alone 꼬다 = to twist 잔소리하다 = to nag 생산하다 = to produce
가르다 = to divide and pass through 개최하다 = to host an event 비비다 = to mix 정지하다 = to stop, to halt
도달하다 = to arrive, to reach 싣다 = to load 당기다 = to pull 밀다 = to push
둘러보다 = to look around 들여다보다 = to look into 삭제하다 = to delete (files, names, etc) 꼬집다 = to pinch
내다보다 = to look out of 노크하다 = to knock 겪다 = to experience, to undergo 연출하다 = to direct
싸다 = to wrap up 시키다 = to order 협의하다 = to discuss, to consult 해설하다 = to explain
입주하다 = to move into a new house 탓하다 = to blame 갈아입다 = to change clothes 밟다 = to step on
흥분하다 = to arouse 자극하다 = to stimulate 반성하다 = to self-reflect, to remorse 배신하다 = to betray
응용하다 = to apply (to a situation) 안정하다 = to stabilize 매혹하다 = to captivate 맡다 = to smelly
저리다 = for a body part to go numb 날리다 = to make fly 참관하다 = to visit, to observe 예방하다 = to prevent
협박하다 = to threaten 이식하다 = to transplant 뛰어오다 = to come running 달려오다 = to come running
탑승하다 = to board, to embark 때리다 = to hit, to beat 투표하다 = to vote 쏟다 = to pour, to spill
닿다 = to brush against, to touch 심판하다 = to judge 쭈그리다 = to crouch, to squat 전력하다 = to try one’s best
제외하다 = to exclude (except) 검사하다 = to examine 사로잡다 = to captivate 갈다 = to change, to replace
납치하다 = to kidnap 이발하다 = to get a haircut 유지하다 = to maintain, to retain 차다 = to kick
쥐다 = to hold with one’s hands 날아가다 = to fly away 소모하다 = to consume, to use up 완료하다 = to complete
마무리하다 = to finish off, to wrap up 폐기하다 = to destroy 퇴근하다 = to leave work 연기하다 = to act
방지하다 = to prevent 들이마시다 = to inhale 울리다 = to make somebody cry 공고하다 = to announce
쏘다 = to shoot, to sting 방해하다 = to distract 흘러나오다 = to trickle out of 주고받다 = to exchange
개명하다 = to change one’s name 양보하다 = to yield 고용하다 = to hire 감다 = to close one’s eyes
지명하다 = to nominate, to designate 자라다 = to grow up 수출하다 = to export 수입하다 = to import
찾아내다 = to find out, to discover 등교하다 = to go to school 귀가하다 = to return home 보고하다 = to report
돌려보다 = to turn and look 인쇄하다 = to print 겨루다 = to compete, to fight, to vie for 배분하다 = to distribute
알려주다 = to let somebody know 새다 = to stay up at night 갚다 = to pay back 분실하다 = to lose an object
비켜서다 = to stand/step aside 목격하다 = to witness 돌보다 = to take care of 뜨다 = to open one’s eyes
연장하다 = to extend, to renew 말리다 = to dry 개설하다 = to establish, to open 부활하다 = to revive
뛰어가다 = to run to (to go by running) 맞다 = to meet, to greet 업다 = to carry on one’s back 반대하다 = to oppose
뛰어다니다 = to run around an area 조회하다 = to inquire 가출하다 = to run away from home 수비하다 = to defend
달려가다 = to run to (to go by running) 다투다 = to fight verbally 베다 = to cut 데우다 = to heat up
종합하다 = to put together, to synthesize 다짐하다 = to promise 부양하다 = to support financially 연애하다 = to go out with
기록하다 = to record 하교하다 = to leave school 인식하다 = to recognize 일광욕하다 = to sunbathe
고민하다 = to worry 활동하다 = to do an activity 맺다 = to enter into an agreement 내쉬다 = to exhale
기소하다 = to prosecute 강연하다 = to give a lecture 암살하다 = to assassinate 존재하다 = to exist
제하다 = to subtract, to deduct 더하다 = to add 아첨하다 = to flatter 훑다 = to skim through
환호하다 = to cheer 기다 = to crawl 접속하다 = to gain access 순찰하다 = patrol
요구하다 = to demand 쓰러뜨리다 = to knock down 용서하다 = to forgive 후원하다 = to sponsor
참여하다 = to participate, to take part in 신용하다 = to trust 역전하다 = to come from behind 이주하다 = immigrate
수정하다 = to correct, to modify, to fix 고치다 = to fix, to repair 취업하다 = to find a job/be employed 착각하다 = to mistake A for B
살피다 = to see, to watch closely 갈다 = to grind, to sharpen 유혹하다 = to tempt 녹음하다 = to record audio
주무르다 = to massage, to rub 증명하다 = to prove 개다 = to fold a blanket, laundry, towels 폭발하다 = to explode
쌓다 = to build up, to stack up 설치하다 = to install, to equip 달래다 = to soothe, to calm down 반영하다 = to reflect
기념하다 = to commemorate 탈출하다 = escape 답변하다 = to answer 고백하다 = to confess
판매하다 = to sell 횡단하다 = to cross 편애하다 = to favor somebody 다다르다 = arrive/reach
뒤따르다 = to follow, to go after 진행하다 = to progress 입양하다 = to adopt 변장하다 = to disguise
누르다 = to press, to oppress, to defeat 비기다 = to tie (in a game) 봐주다 = to let somebody off the hook 파산하다 = to go bankrupt
초과하다 = to exceed 결재하다 = to approve 비명을 지르다 = to scream, to screech 지정하다 = to designate
교대하다 = to take turns, take over 구별하다 = to distinguish 다녀가다 = stop in (come then go back) 도박하다 = gamble
그치다 = for rain to stop 복수하다 = to revenge 도망가다 = run away with something 노동하다 = work/labor
모시다 = to serve, to attend on someone 공격하다 = to attack 괴롭히다 = harass/torment 개발하다 = to develop
괴롭히다 = to harass , to bully 고문하다 = to torture 저축하다 = to save money 낭비하다 = to wast
깨우다 = to wake somebody up 맛보다 = to taste 적용하다 = to apply rule, law, discount 매매하다 = to buy and sell
적립하다 = to save up, to accumulate 야근하다 = to work at night 우등하다 = to win, to be the best at 매진하다 = to sell out
주저하다 = to hesitate 야영하다 = to camp 임대하다 = to lease, to rent 비하다 = to compare to
사격하다 = to shoot/fire a gun 이별하다 = to part from 반품하다 = to return something 이민하다 = to immigrate
피난하다 = to evacuate 욕하다 = to swear, to insult 맡기다 = to entrust with somebody 향하다 = face
알아듣다 = to understand what one hears 대다 = to press against 매표하다 = to sell tickets 마치다 = finish
바라보다 = look at 기여하다 = contribute 찾아오다 = to visit, to come looking for 취직하다 = to find a job
악수하다 = shake hands 섞다 = to mix 무시하다 = to ignore 다루다 = to treat, to deal with
단식하다 = to fast 새다 = to leak 생각해보다 = to think about it 파내다 = dig out/pick out
압착하다 = squeeze 표시하다 = express 마법에 걸렸다 = to be on one’s period 패하다 = be defeated/lose
숙이다 = hanging your body forward 중개하다 = mediate 노름하다 = gamble 내려다보다 = look down
맞서다 = to stand up against, to oppose 의도하다 = intend 알려지다 = become known 수료하다 = to finish a course
도입하다 = to introduce an item 유지하다 = to keep/maintain 향상하다 = improve/develop/progress 붓다 = to pour
강요하다 = force/impose/pressure 탐험하다 = to explore 발전하다 = improve/develop/progress 취득하다 = to acquire
양치질하다 = to brush one’s teeth 대출하다 = loan 퍼지다 = diffuse/spread out/spread 대비하다 = to prepare for
빗겨주다 = to comb somebody’s hair 강조하다 = stress/emphasize 정돈하다 = arrange 흐르다 = for a liquid to flow
갖추다 = prepare/make preparations for 삶다 = to boil 맡다 = undertake/take on/handle/manage 차다 = to wear a watch
간호하다 = to nurse/to care for 인상하다 = to raise a price 외식하다 = to eat out somewhere 구하다 = rescue
증가(하다) = increase 이르다 = arrive/reach 데다 = to burn (part of a body) 반복하다 = repeat
바치다 = devote/dedicate (목숨을 바치다) 헹구다 = to rinse 결근하다 = to be absent from work 늘어나다 = stretch
부과하다 = impose/levy (a fine/fee/punish 솟다 = to soar/rise up 마련하다 = prepare/arrange/provide 내놓다 = release/put out
구성하다= to compose, to makeup 재활용하다 = to recycle 발생하다 = to originate from, to occur 담그다 = to soak in
수강하다 = to take a course 안내(하다) = guidance (guide) 조퇴하다 = to leave work early 추정하다 = to estimate
태우다 = pick up/take on (in a vehicle) 주장(하다) = argument (argue) 징수하다 = to collect money, fees 긁다 = to scratch
태우다 = to burn something 추측(하다) = guess 붙잡다 = to hold onto, to detain 제시하다 = to exhibit
교정하다 = correct/emend a mistake 익다 = to ripen 삭감하다 = to lower a payment 표하다 = to express
달성하다 = to achieve a goal 유발하다 = to motivate 제작하다 = to produce/manufacture 압도하다 = to overwhelm
섬기다 = to work for/serve a master 트림하다 = to burp 싹트다 = to blossom/spring up 너무하다 = to go too far
분리하다 = to separate/divide/segregate 혁신하다 = to innovate 쫓아내다 = to kick, chase out 소장하다 = to own, to possess
환전하다 = to exchange money/currency 복종하다 = to obey 출퇴근하다 = to commute (to work) 권하다 = to give advice
깨뜨리다 = to smash 지적하다 = to point out 재우다 = to put somebody to sleep 헌신하다 = to devote
놔두다 = to place on something 매다 = to tie up 발산하다 = to radiate/emit/give off 검증하다 = to verify
수신하다 = to receive a signal 엎다 = to put face down 규명하다 = to investigate 명상하다 = to meditate
엎드리다 = to lay face down 조정하다 = to adjust 거두다 = to harvest/collect/gather/gain 소홀하다 = to neglect
엎드러지다 = to fall on one’s face 잠기다 = to sink 펼치다 = to open, to spread out 저항하다 = to resist
대피하다 = to evacuate and take shelter 떠들다 = to chat 겹치다 = to overlap with/coincide with 염색하다 = to dye one’s hair
치우다 = to tidy, to clear up, to remove 격려하다 = to encourage 선발하다 = to select, to pick out 완성하다 = to complete
하차하다 = to get off of a train/bus 대여하다 = to rent 감다 = to wind, to coil, to wrap around 출근하다 = to go to work
챙기다 = to bring, pack up 서식하다 = to inhabit 설득하다 = to convince, to persuade 간주하다 = to consider
깎아내다 = to put somebody down 딸꾹질하다 = to hiccup 짚다 = to put one’s hands on something 물러서다 = to back up
단축하다 = to make time shorter 굶다 = to starve 자퇴하다 = to drop out of school 밀치다 = to push, to thrust
구기다 = to wrinkle, to crumple 삐치다 = to sulk 연주하다 = to perform an instrument 위반하다 = to violate/infringe
장을 보다 = to do groceries 외출하다 = to go out, to leave 어기다 = to violate, to break the rules 공제하다 = to deduct
공개하다 = to release to the public 추구하다 = to pursue 꺾다 = to break something in half 반사하다 = to reflect
조언하다 = to give advice, to advise 사임하다 = to resign 열광하다 = to act enthusiastic about 엉키다 = to get tangled
여기다 = to regard, to consider 자살하다 = to commit suicide 뒤집다 = to turn over, to turn inside out 지향하다 = to aim for
충돌하다 = to collide, to crash 부딪치다 = to bump into 해내다 = to finish a job or task 구축하다 = to construct
용납하다 = to approve, to accept 세뇌하다 = to brainwash 드나들다 = to go in and out of 행진하다 = to march/parade
할퀴다 = to scratch, to claw at 논쟁하다 = to argue about 끼어들다 = to cut in-front of, to bud-in 박살내다 = to smash
거치다 = to pass through, to go through 짜다 = to weave a thread 낮추다 = to lower/drop/reduce 기부하다 = to donate
보상하다 = to compensate (for a loss) 녹다 = to melt/dissolve 좌우하다 = to influence/affect/sway 비추다 = to shine a light
굶기다 = to make one starve 시청하다 = to watch TV 벌이다 = to plan to start to do something 비치다 = for a light to shine
표시하다= to make a mark, to indicate 구분하다 = to divide 적다 = to write down, to jot 누적하다 = to accumulate
감추다 = to hide, to conceal 검출하다 = to detect 작별하다 = to leave, to say farewell, 분배하다 = to divide
쫓아다니다 = to run after, to chase after 절하다 = to bow 건네다 = to hand-over, to pass on
부수다 = to break, smash, destroy 처방하다 = to prescribe 직감하다 = to know by intuition
해고하다 = to fire a person from a job 따다 = to get, to obtain (a certification)
추가하다 = to add to, to supplement 구걸하다 = to beg, to panhandle
채점하다 = to grade a school test 뒷담화하다 = to talk behind one’s back
가리다 = to hide/cover up/conceal 매기다 = to rank/set something (price, etc)
알아채다 = to notice, to be aware of 전달하다 = to convey, to deliver information
마음을 먹다 = to make up one’s mind 벗어나다 = to get out of/break away from
발휘하다 = to demonstrate one’s ability 마주치다 = to bump into, to make eye contact
찌르다 = to pierce/stab/prick/poke 지급하다 = to give somebody money, to pay
빨다 = to wash clothes, to launder 처리하다 = to handle, to dispose of, to process
세우다 = to stand something up, to line something up 닳다 = to be worn down/run down/ran out
이야기하다 = to talk with, to have a conversation 떠오르다 = to come into somebody’s head
기르다 = to raise (a child, pet), to cultivate (a plant) 혼내다 = to be mad at somebody, to yell at somebody
시행하다 = to enforce, to conduct, to implement 침입하다 = to trespass, to invade, to break in
실시하다= to enforce, to conduct, to implement 남모르다 = for something to be secret or unknown to people
뒷정리하다 = to clean up after one is done 반납하다 = to return something that you have borrowed
저장하다 = to save (a file on a computer) 데리러 가다 = to go and pick somebody up
끼다 = to put on (a ring, gloves, sunglasses, etc…) 담당하다 = to take responsibility, to be in charge of
파악하다 = to understand, to grasp, to figure out 지켜보다 = to protect by watching (to watch over)
흘리다 = for a liquid to leak out from somewhere 올려놓다 = to place something on something
일으키다 = help somebody rise up 전송하다 = to transmit, to send over computer
제출하다 = to submit (applications/resume ) 바람을 피우다 = to cheat on (one’s husband or wife)
데려다 주다 = to take a person somewhere 승진하다 = to promote (a position at work)
(첫눈에) 반하다 = to fall in love at first sight 앓다 = to be in pain because of an illness
덧붙이다 = to add one more thing on top of 맞이하다 = to welcome, to greet, to receive guests
출제하다 = to make questions for an exam 가입하다 = to become a member/join a club
중단하다 = to halt, to stop in the middle of 통하다 = to flow through, to move through
헤엄치다 = to swim, to move through water 차리다 = to prepare food, to recover one’s spirit
마취하다 = to give someone an anesthetic 운반하다 = to carry something for a distance
실험하다 = to conduct an experiment 옮다 = to catch some sort of infectious disease
뺏기다 = to have something taken away 추위/더위를 타다 = to be sensitive to cold/heat
엎드러뜨리다 = make one fall on their face 그립다 = to miss (a thing) 귀엽다 = to be cute
절약하다 = to try to save something (like energy) 춥다 = to be cold 어렵다 = to be difficult
이동하다 = to move to a different area,to migrat 더럽다 = to be dirty 바쁘다 = to be busy
남겨주다 = to leave an object (for somebody) 같다 = to be the same 안전하다 = to be safe
관찰하다 = to watch to get some information 불가능하다 = to be impossible 완벽하다 = to be perfect
남겨두다 = to leave an object (on something) 딱딱하다 = to be hard, to be rigid 싫다 = to not be good
옮기다 = to move, to shift, to transfer, to transmit 부드럽다 = to be soft 가능하다 = to be possible
화해하다 = to reconcile/make up with somebody 아프다 = to be sick, to be sore 즐겁다 = to be pleasant
인정하다 = to acknowledge, to admit, to concede 중요하다 = to be important 젊다 = to be young
신고하다 = to report to the police, government, some body 늙다 = to be old 나쁘다 = to be bad
벗기다 = to undress somebody, to peel a fruit/vegetable 비슷하다 = to be similar 배고프다 = to be hungry
이루다 = to achieve or accomplish what one hoped for, to merge 오래되다 = for an object to be old 목마르다 = to be thirsty
데리러 오다 = to have one come and pick you up 싸다 = to not be expensive, to be cheap 아름답다 = to be beautiful
다하다 = to do all of something, to leave nothing behind 뚱뚱하다 = to be fat, to be chubby 길다 = to be long
애쓰다 = to struggle, to try to, to put effort into doing something 위험하다 = to be dangerous 잘생기다 = to be handsome
설레다 = for one's heart to be beating fast in excitement 못생기다 = to be ugly 슬프다 = to be sad
키우다 = to raise (children), to train (animals), to develop (skills) 피곤하다 = to be tired 다르다 = to be different
구하다 = to search for a worker, to search for a job, to get a job 맛있다 = to be delicious 길다 = to be long
합하다 = to combine, to join together, to unite 둥글다 = to be round, to be spherical 어둡다 = to be dark
Adjectives: 가깝다 = to be close to, to be near 정확하다 = to be exact
있다 = to have something 힘들다 = to be difficult to do something 또 다르다 = another
크다 = to be big 작다 = to be small 좁다 = to be narrow 넓다 = to be wide
새롭다 = to be new 좋다 = to be good 특별하다 = to be special 안락하다 = to be comfortable
낡다 = to be old (not age) 비싸다 = to be expensiv 부족하다 = to not be enough, to be lacking 평평하다 = to be flat
지루하다 = to be boring 억울하다 = to be unfair 유명하다 = to be popular, to be famous 민감하다 = to be sensitive
마르다 = for a person to be too thin 간단하다 = to be simple 게으르다 = to be lazy 편하다 = to be comfortable
멀다 = to be far away 마르다 = to be dry 반갑다 = to be happy when meeting somebody 따뜻하다 = to be warm
빠르다 = to be fast 느리다 = to be slow 높다 = to be high 가난하다 = to be poor
착하다 = to be nice 똑똑하다 = to be smart 푸르다 = to be sea blue 노랗다 = to be yellow
쉽다 = to be easy 덥다 = to be hot 빨갛다 = to be red 파랗다 = to be blue
하얗다 = to be white 까맣다 = to be black 답답하다 = to be stuffy, to be frustrated 긴급하다 = to be very urgent
섬세하다 = to be delicate 이렇다 = to be like this 심심하다 = to be bored 조용하다 = to be quiet
그렇다 = to be like that 저렇다 = to be like that 뜨겁다 = to be hot 차갑다 = to be cold
적다 = to be few 강하다 = to be strong 친절하다 = to be nice, to be kind 미안하다 = to be sorry
충분불편하다 = to be uncomfortable 뒤늦다 = to belated 익숙하다 = to be familiar with something 무리하다 = too much
하다 = to be enough, to be sufficient 미끄럽다 = to be slippery 흥미롭다= to be interesting 늦다 = to be late
졸리다 = to be sleepy 솔직하다 = to be honest/frank 올바르다 = to be correct 복잡하다 = to be complicated
친하다 = to be familiar with, to be close with 부지런하다 = to be diligent 외롭다 = to be lonely 과하다 = to be excessive
쌀쌀하다 = to be chilly 밝다 = to be bright 소중하다 = to be significant, precious 피로하다 = tired
구체적이다 = to be detailed, specific 겸손하다 = modest 짧다 = to be short, to be brief 가볍다 = to be light
급하다 = to be urgent 낮다 = to be low 시원하다 = to be cool, to be relaxing 무겁다 = to be heavy
순수하다 = to be pure 두렵다 = to be scared 틀리다 = to be incorrect 깨끗하다 = to be clean
불친절하다 = to not be kind 비다 = to be empty 남다= to be remaining, to be left over 맑다 = to be clear, clean, pure
연하다 = to be tender, to be soft 기쁘다 = to be glad 궁금하다= to be curious about 안타깝다 = to be unfortunate
느슨하다 = to be loose, to be slack 진지하다 = to serious 젖다 = to be wet 유창하다 = to be fluent
불안하다 = to be anxious, to be uneasy 가렵다 = itchy 질투하다 = to be jealous 맵다 = to be spicy
당황스럽다 = to be embarrassed 다양하다 = various 상하다 = to be hurt, to be damaged 비극적이다 = to be tragic
심각하다 = to be serious, to be critical 커다랗다 = huge 옳다 = to be right, to be proper, to be correct 죄송하다 = to be sorry
부끄럽다 = to be shy 건강하다 = to be healthy 똑같다= to be exactly the same 자랑스럽다 = to be proud
무관심하다 = to be indifferent 까다롭다 = to be picky 이르다 = to be early, to be premature 노엽다 = to be angry
심하다 = to be severe, to be extreme 서늘하다 = to be cool, 무의미하다 = to be meaningless 신선하다 = to be fresh
chilly예쁘다 = to be pretty 이상하다= to be strange 생생하다 = to be vivid, graphic 성숙하다 = to be mature
얇다= to be thin 적당하다 = to be moderate 공평하다 = to be fair 엄격하다 = to be strict
어리다 = to be young 취하다 = to be drunk 부자연스럽다 = to be unnatural 균등하다 = to be even
달다 = to be sweet 깊다 = to be deep 어색하다 = to be awkward 귀찮다 = to be annoying
약하다 = to be weak 자세하다 = to be detailed 낯설다 = to be unfamiliar 수상하다 = to be suspicious
일방적이다 = to be one sided 짜다 = to be salty 예의가 바르다 = to be polite 얕다 = to be shallow
가파르다 = to be steep 감정적이다 = to be emotional 시끄럽다 = to be noisy, to be loud 흔하다 = to be common
평화롭다 = to be peaceful 멋있다 = to be stylish 부럽다 = to be envious 긍정적이다 = to be positive
신기하다 = to be amazing, to be cool 엷다 = to be light (in shade) 부정적이다 = to be negative 드물다 = to be rare
달콤하다= to be sweet 창피하다 = to be ashamed 훌륭하다 = to be excellent 꼼꼼하다 = to be meticulous
불쌍하다 = to be pitiful 불행하다 = to be unhappy 침묵하다 = to be silence 엄청나다 = really big, a lot
단단하다 = to be hard, to be stiff 굵다 = to be thick 삭막하다 = dreary/desolate 곱다 = to be beautiful
편리하다 = to be convenient, to be handy 난처하다 = embarrassed 속상하다 = to feel upset, sad 건조하다 = to be dry
불쾌하다 = to be unpleasant, to be nasty 징그럽다 = to be gross, creepy 저렴하다 = to be cheap/inexpensive 평등하다 = to be equal
밉다 = for somebody to piss you off 주제넘다 = to go too far 인색하다 = to be cheap (with money) 서운하다 = to be hurt/sad
끝없다 = to be endless 미묘하다 = to be subtle 안심하다 = to be relaxed/relieved 활달하다 = to be active
부끄러워하다 = to be shy 슬퍼하다 = to be sad 안도하다 = to be relaxed/relieved 싱싱하다 = to be fresh
동등하다 = to be equal 온순하다 = to be gentle 역력하다 = to be clear/obvious/apparent 가늘다 = to be thin/fine
조그맣다 = to be tiny, to be little 자유롭다 = to be free 힘겹다 = to be hard/tough/difficult 바람직하다 = to be desirable
월등하다 = to be exceptional 불만족스럽다 = to be dissatisfied 우울하다 = to be gloomy/blue/depressed 추상적이다 = to be abstract
불확실하다 = to be unclear, uncertain 간지럽다 = to be ticklish 단순하다 = to be simple/mindless 멋지다 = to be stylish/cool
날씬하다 = to be slim/slender 섭섭하다 = to be upset 두껍다 = to be think and heavy
희미하다 = to be dim, to be faint, to be vague 소심하다 = to be timid 가만하다 = to be still/motionless
청결하다 = to be clean 한가롭다 = to be leisurely 특이하다 = to be unusual, to be unique
흐리다 = to be cloudy, hazy 무례하다 = to be rude 화창하다 = clear/bright/fine/nice(weather)
상관없다 = to be irrelevant 붓다 = to be swollen 지저분하다 = to be messy, untidy
불량하다 = to be faulty, to be poor 무덥다 = hot and humid 유익하다 = to be beneficial, useful, helpful
실용적이다 = to be practical 창의적이다 = to be creative 허전하다 = empty/missing something
위태롭다 = to be risky, to be critical 부유하다 = to be rich 촌스럽다 = for a style to look awkward
번거롭다 = to be cumbersome 허술하다 = to be lax/slack 질기다 = to be tough, leathery
깔끔하다 = clean, neat and tidy 애매하다 = to be ambiguous 알뜰하다 = to be frugal, thrifty
쾌적하다 = to be pleasant, to be nice 거만하다 = to be arrogant 거칠다 = to be rough/course/uneven
푸짐하다 = plentiful, abundant, generous 객관적이다 = to be objective 건장하다 = for one’s build to be burly
보수적이다 = to be conservative 유유하다 = to be leisurely 기특하다 = to be admirable, commendable
느끼하다 = to be greasy/oily/rich 평행하다 = to be parallel 뛰어나다 = to be outstanding, to be excellent
분명하다 = to be clear, to be for definite 매력적이다 = to be charming 질리다 = to be sick and tired of
미지근하다 = to be lukewarm 합당하다 = reasonable 신속하다 = to be quick, prompt
효율적이다 = to be efficient/effective 끊임없다 = constant 천하다 = to have a low status in life
튼튼하다 = robust/strong 끔찍하다 = terrible 사악하다 = to be evil/wicked/vicious
누렇다 = to be golden yellow 동안 = for, during, while 달 = month
획기적이다 = to be groundbreaking 개월 = month 또는 = or
근본적이다 = to be fundamental 날 = day 하루 = one day
완연하다 = to be definite/obvious/clear 이틀 = two days 점점 = gradually
동그랗다 = to be round, to be spherical 사흘 = three days 지난 주 = last week
의도적이다 = to be intentional, to be deliberate 그 동안 = during that time/meanwhile 지난 달 = last month
꾸준하다 = to be unrelenting, to be tireless 이번 주 = this week 이번 달 = this month
세다 = for the power of something to be strong 다음 주 = next week 퍼센트 = percent
동일하다 = to be the same as, to be identical to 다음 달 = next month 작년 = last year
굉장하다 = to be wonderful, to be marvelous 올해 = this year 미터 = meter
간편하다 = to be simple, to be convenient 내년 = next year 평생 (동안) = in my whole life
화려하다 = to be colorful, fancy, splendid 더 = more 덜 = less
대단하다 = to be great, huge, tremendous 잘 = well 못 = poorly
북적거리다 = to be crowded, to be packed, to be busy ~님 = adds respect to person’s position ~세 = years old
싱겁다 = for something to be tasteless, flat or dull 꼭 = surely/definitely 이상 = more than
정숙하다 = to be an innocent and virtuous person 누구 = who 왜 = why
바람직하다 = to be desirable, to be the best idea 언제 = when 뭐 = what
아쉽다 = for something to be too bad, unfortunate 어디 = where 역시 = also
울퉁불퉁하다 = to be bumpy (road/ground/etc) 얼마나 = how much 몇 = how many ___
유쾌하다 = to be pleasant, to be delightful, to be enjoyable 무슨 = what 무엇 = what
편안하다 = to be comfortable, to be peaceful 어떤 = which 어때? = How is/was … ?
지치다 = to be exhausted, to be tired, to be worn out 어떤= some 어느 = which
풍부하다 = to be plentiful, to be abundant 대개 = usually 바깥 = outside
Adverbs and Other words: 전 = before/ago 직전 = just before
미래 = future 이제 = now 후 = after/later 잠시 = a moment
현재 = now/present 자꾸 = repeatedly 직후 = right after 이래 = since
처음= the first time/beginning 마지막 = last 오늘 = today 어제 = yesterday
번째 = counter for 1st/2nd/3rd/etc.. 첫 번째 = first (1st) 모레 = the day after tomorrow 년 = year
두 번째 = second (2nd) 물론 = of course 곧 = soon 항상 = always
요즘= these days 같이 = together 주 = week 아래 = bottom
일 = day 시간 = time 아무 거나 = anything 아무 데나 = anywhere
일찍 = early 오전 = morning 아무도 = nobody 아무 것도 = nothing
오후 = afternoon 가을 = fall 아무 데도 = nowhere 다 = all
매일 = everyday 여름 = summer 마다 = each 모두 = all
겨울 = winter 봄 = spring 하루 종일 = all day long 예전 = old days, past
이다 = to be 안 = not 관심이 있다 = to be interested in 이때 = at this moment
네 = yes 아니 = no 데 = place 언제든지 = anytime
안 = inside 위 = on top 쯤= approximately 며칠 = how many days
밑 = below 앞 = in front 서로= reciprocally 필독 = must read
옆 = beside 뒤 = behind 센티미터 = centimeter 몇몇 = some
여기 = here 아주 = very 나중에 또 봐요 = see you later 특히 = especially
너무 = too (often used to mean ‘very’) 매우 = very 옛 _____ = something old 무료 = free
바로 = immediately 즉시 = immediately 영업 시간 = business hours 벌써 = already
빨리 = quickly/fast 많이 = many/a lot of 가장 = the most (superlative) 이미 = already
자주 = often 가끔 = sometimes 제일 = the most (superlative) 앞으로 = future
방금 = a moment ago 곳 = place 평소 = usual 여러 = many/variou
동시에 = same time 갑자기 = suddenly 옛 추억 = old memories 옛날 = old days
밤 = night 어젯밤 = last night 옛사랑 = old love 닥쳐 = shut up
매년 = every year 다시 = again 보통 = usually 그때 = at that time
혼자 = alone 남 = South 꽤 = fairly/quite 때 = time, when
낮 = daytime 동 = East 쪽 = side/direction 열심히 = ‘hard/well’ (study hard)
서 = West 북 = North 완전히 = perfectly, completely 몇 = some ____, how many
잠깐 = a short time 이내 = within 층 = floor 조금= a little
모든 = every 언제나 = every time 근처 = close/near by 그러나 = but/however
모든 것 = everything 어디나 = everywhere 나중에 = later 최근에 = recently
누구나 = everyone 뭔가 = something 일회용 = one time use (disposable) 내일 = tomorrow
어딘가 = somewhere 아무나 = anybody 아마도= maybe/might 속 = inside
언젠가 = sometime, some day 누군가 = somebody 경제 = economy/economics 경제적 = economical
따로 = separately, privately 영원히 = forever 결국 = eventually 내내 = throughout a time
한때 = once, at one time 아무 때나 = anytime 드디어 = finally, at last 과학적 = scientific
그냥 = only, just 약간 = slightly/a little bit 자신 = oneself 아직 = still, yet
철저히 = thoroughly 역사 = history 어쨌든 = at any rate, in any case, anyways 훨씬 = much more
역사적 = historical 과학 = science 별로 = not very 전혀 = not at all
충동 = impulse/shock 충동적 = impulsive 관련하다 = related to, regarding 관하다 = related to, regarding
문화 = culture 스스로 = for oneself/by oneself 무게 = weight 찌다 = to gain weight
현대 = modern times 직접 = directly 주위 = around the circumference 일단 = once, first, for now
문화적 = cultural 민주(주의) = democracy 몸무게 = body weight 살 = flesh, weight
민주적 = democratic 자연 = nature 빠지다 = to lose weight 오히려 = on the contrary
개인 = individual/personal 개인적 = individual 왜냐하면= because 그래서 = therefore
실망(하다) = disappointment(disappointed) 자연스럽다 = natural 그저께 = the day before yesterday 가짜 = fake
실망스럽다 = to be disappointing 사랑(하다) = love/(to love) 줄곧= continuously/constantly/all the time 여전히 = still
사랑스럽다 = to be lovely 만족스럽다= to be satisfactory 먼저 = first, in advance 오른 = right
만족(하다) = satisfaction/(to be satisfied) 원래 = originally 왼 = left 초 = beginning of a time period
내부= in 외부 = out 멀리 = far, far away 너무나 = extremely
저쪽 = in that direction 주로 = mainly, mostly 가만히 = to be still, to be motionless 말 = end of a time period
대부분= most 흔들다 = to shake 몹시 = heavily/badly/really bad 점차 = gradually/slowly
종류 = counter for a “type/kind of thing” 맨날 = every day 지금껏 = until now 상관없이 = regardless
식= a certain way/method 동갑 = same age 함부로 = disrespectfully/carelessly 우연히 = by chance
아까 = earlier 꽉 = tightly 깊이 = deeply 겨우 = barely, hardly, narrowly
오랫동안= for a long time 그중 = of those things 우선 = to do something first 너머 = beyond, over
짜리 = the one worth... 일부러 = on purpose 혹시 = indicates something is unknown 와중 = meanwhile
만약 = put in sentences with 'if' 양쪽 = both directions 미리 = in advance/beforehand 일대일(로) = one on one
요새 = these days 알몸 = naked 정기적으로 = regularly 뜻밖에 = unexpectedl
술술 = smoothly 등 = etc… 굉장히 = very 무렵 = around that time
실제 = actual 가까이 = closely 본능적으로 = instinctively 나란히 = side by side
운명적으로 = fatefully 반짝거리다 = to be shiny 수천 = thousands of 기타 = and other, and so on
반말 = casual speaking 워낙 = so/very, by nature 수백 = hundreds of 수만 = tens-of thousands
흔들거리다 = to be shaking 머뭇거리다 = to hesitate of이리저리 = here and there 도중 = in the middle of
두리번거리다 = to look around 끈적거리다 = to be sticky 대충 = roughly, “half-assed” 외에 = in addition to
출렁거리다 = to be sloshing, to be rocking 자기 = him or her 최선 = the best way or plan 고르게 = evenly, flatly
방과 후 = after school 대체로 = generally/overall 순전히 = purely 요일 = day of week
마음껏 = as much as one likes 연세 = age 밤새 = overnight 순순히 = obediently
당장 = right now, for the time being 싸이다 = to be wrapped up 참 = really/very/extremely 새해 = new years
어쩌면 = maybe, perhaps 아무래도 = probably 그 후로 = since then 정상 = top
즉 = i.e./in other words… 운동복 = exercise clothes 현재로는 = as of now 지금으로(서)는 = as of now
잠옷 = pajamas 옷차림 = outfit 영영 = forever/for good (usually leaving) 전체 = whole/entire thing
가꾸다 = to grow/cultivate crops 차림 = what one is wearing 마침내 = finally/at last 최종적으로 = finally/at last
뵈다 = to see (high respect) 문득 = suddenly 년대 = (2010년대) = year 야생 = wild (wild ____ animal)
가꾸다 = to make oneself look nice 더욱 = more and more 및 = as well as (Korea as well as Canada) 국내 = inside the country
딱 = exactly, perfectly, precisely 무조건 = unconditionally 반드시 = surely/definitely 전 세계적으로 = worldwide
한동안 = for a while, for some time 적발 시 = if caught 공간 = space/room (for something) 제대로 = properly
수십 = dozens of/scores of 박 = counter for nights 일부 = a part/portion 세기 = century
글쎄 = well…/let me see… 수시로 = frequently 시절 = the good “days”, my school “days” 어김없이 = without fail
오래 전 = a long time before 한참 = a long time 최고 = the best/first 각 = each
연속으로 = in a row/consecutively 살짝 = slightly 각각 = each and every 각자 = each individual
깜짝 = an adverb used to show surprise 스승의 날 = teachers day 늘 = always 예순 = sixty
아마 = probably 한층 = much more 마지못해 = reluctantly 새로 = newly/anew
남몰래 = secretly 온종일 = all day 주요 = major/primary 흔히 = commonly
금년 = this year, the present year 도 = temperature, degrees 당분간 = for the time being 따위 = etc…
영하 = below zero (temperature) 한가운데 = in the very midd 자세히= detailed/elaborate/carefully 덕분 = thanks to
영상 = above zero (temperature) 생전 = in one’s whole life 엄청나게 = enormously/tremendously 똑바로 = straight/upright
꼼꼼히 = meticulously/precisely 끊임없이 = constantly 아무튼 = anyways 인공적으로 = artificiall
직사각형 = rectangle 정사각형 = square 정작 = actually, really 아예 = not at all
동그라미 = circle 삼각형 = triangle 금색 = gold (color) 은색 = silver (color)
깨끗이 = cleanly 간신히 = barely 미침 = just in time 주황색 = orange (color)
단계적으로 = step by step/phased in 오늘날 = these days 과연 = indeed/sure enough 또한 = also/as well
모르게 = without knowing/realizing it 혹은 = or 소용이 없다 = for there to be no use 힘내 = cheer up
정시= a set time 때마침 = just in time 방울 = counter for “drops” (like water) 골고루 = evenly
일반적으로 = usually 중앙 = middle/center 금방 = to soon/shortly/any minute 좌석 여부 = RSVP
종종 = often 서서히 = gradually/slowly 도저히 = stresses a ~ㄹ 수 없다 sentence 대략 = roughly
보름 = fifteen days/half a month 평 = a Korean measurement 굽다 = to be curved/bent 떨어지다 = to be dropped
유심히 = attentively, closely 조 = one trillion 베이다 = to be cut 섞이다 = to be mixed
번갈아 = one at a time, taking turns 경 = ten quadrillion 나다 = to have something you didn’t have 끓다 = to be boiling
한꺼번에 = all at once 홀로 = by oneself 보이다 = to be seen 들리다 = to be heard
억 = one hundred million 막히다 = to be congested 고립되다 = to be isolated
정성껏 = putting your heart into something 맞물리다 = to be interlocked 반대되다 = to be opposite
모금 = a counter for a “sip,” “breath,” or “drag 만료되다 = to be expired 구성되다 = be composed of
재작년 = two years ago, the year before last 헐렁하다 = for clothing to be loose 망가지다 = to be broken
대 = indicates the age of somebody by decade 매달리다 = to be hanging 쥐가 나다 = to get a cramp
결코 = put with negative sentences to stress 드러나다 = to be revealed, to be shown 당첨되다 = to win the lottery
최초 = the first time in history something is done or occurs 이루어지다 = to be comprised of 과다하다 = to be excessive
맨 = at the very begging, end, start, finish 부서지다 = to be smashed into pieces 중독되다 = to be addicted
얼른 = adverb placed in sentences when speaker wants listener to do 부러지다 = to be broken in half 깎이다 = to be disgraced
something quickly 쌓이다 = to be stacked/build up 당선되다 = to win an election
싹 = an adverb that describes that something is completely cleaned or 담기다 = to be put in/on/onto/into 인상적이다 = to be impressive
emptied 줄다 = to be reduced, to be decreased
Passive Verbs: 깨지다 = to be broken, cracked, smashed
잠기다 = to be locked 켜지다 = to be turned on 감기다 = to have one’s eyes closed
꺼지다 = to be turned off 열리다= to be open 떠지다 = to have one’s eyes open
고장나다 = to be broken 화나다 = to be mad 펴지다 = to be unfolded, to be unrolled
짜증나다 = to be annoyed 걸리다= to be hanging 나타나다 = to appear, come in view
닫히다 = to be closed 이기적이다 = to be selfish 모자라다 = to be short of, to be insufficient
늘다= to be gained, improved, increased 묻히다 = to be buried 중복되다 = to be duplicated/overlapped
걸리다= to catch a cold/sickness 표기되다 = to be written on 어긋나다 = to be dislocated, to be out of step
피부가 타다 = to get a sun burn 느껴지다 = to be felt 해당되다 = to be applicable, to correspond to
실종되다 = for a person to go missing 풀리다 = to be untied 종료되다 = to be finished, completed, off
걸리다 = to “take” a certain amount of time 속다= to be tricked 혼나다 = to be scolded, to be yelled at
평범하다 = to be ordinary, to be plain 끊기다 = to be cut off 깎이다 = to be peeled, to be sharpened
놓이다 = for an object to be lying down 붙다 = to be stuck 부딪히다 = to be bumped/crashed into
갇히다 = to be locked in 박살나다 = to be smashed 시리다 = for one’s bones/teeth to be cold
찔리다 = to be pierced, stabbed, pricked
쓰러지다 = to collapse, to be knocked down
끌리다 = to be drawn, pulled, attracted to
차이다 = to be broken up with, to get kicked
걸리다 = to be caught, to be stuck, to be trapped
*difficult word*
차다 = to be full
가득 = filled (adverb
자신감 = confidence
설마 = don’t tell me that…
표정 = facial expression
왠지 = for some reason
다행(하다) = to be thankful
달 = at some point in a month
찍다 = to take a picture, to stamp, to dot, to dip, to scan
도장 = a seal/stamp that Korean people have to replace a signature

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