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Lockdown Speechs

His Excellency Mr.President,

Honorable cabinet ministers, and members of parliament

It is great honor for me to stand before you and all of the distinguished guests today, to
speak about the current threat of Covid-19 to our beloved people.

My name is Denny, a concerned citizen who wants to support her government in dealing
with the corona crisis.

As we know, Covid-19 has infected millions of people around the world, and has cost
hundreds of thousands of human lives. Indonesia has also been severely affected by this
deadly virus. A lot people in Indonesia, especially in cities that are densely populated like
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, are seriously at risk.

Covid-19 is a respiratory virus that is mainly transmitted through droplets, or in other

words salivia from other people who are already infected. It is transferred when that
person coughs or sneezes. The virus first started in the end of 2019, in Wuhan, China. The
virus later spread through many other countries and now affected 210 countries and
territories, including Indinesia.

Everybody, no matter what age is at risk, but the elderlly and people that have pre-existing
medical conditions including: atshma, diabetes and heart disease is at a higher risk than

Nama : Denny Putra Ferdiansyah

Kelas : VIII-D

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