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Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs

Constructure Client : LSCL

Sec No. :8-8 (RW1)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of R-WALL as per IRC code-112

Total forces on wall: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) FACTORED
BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 450 2749 3.00 1.50

Total forces on wall: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 450 2749 2.00 1.00



Design of Retaining wall

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b

Check for bending moment

At Base Slab level: @ face of soil

Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 450 mm
Effective depth = 369 mm
xumax = 171 mm
xu = 19 mm
ULS BM = 1.50 tm/m
Ast required = 540 mm2/m
Providing 12 φ @ 200 mm c/c
0 φ @ 200 mm c/c
Ast provided = 565 mm2/m
Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause
At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 540 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 200 mm c/c = 565 mm2/m

Check for Shear Force:

Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
Base 3.00 450 369 0.25 0.75 1.73621 0.00153 0.4196 15.5 OK 149 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5
Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
Base 50 28 900 1.41 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.93 1.89

For long term loading Ecm' = 11182 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check
tm/m tm/m mm mm /m 2
mm mm N/mm 2
N/mm 2

Base Rare 1.00 0.20 369 565.5 15.5463 72.2 9E+08 0.8027 OK 51 OK
Quasi 0.80 369 565.5 17.8853 76.9 1E+09 0.6062 OK 41 OK

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk

Check of crack width:

For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm mm /m 2
mm /m mm2/m
0.30 1.00
Base 1000 450 0.29 0.895 2.9 225 Fe 500 565 339 OK 0.80 0.65
3.00 0.65
Calculation of Crack Width
Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5
Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
Base 450 369 76.9 565 202.5 12.00 0.00279 985.52 41.2 17.885 0.00012 0.12 OK
Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs

Constructure Client : LSCL

Sec No. :8-8 (RW2)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of R-WALL as per IRC code-112

Total forces on wall: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) FACTORED
TOP LEVEL AT COL. LOC.(TES) 600 3626 54.20 48.00
TOP LEVEL WALL LOC.(TES) 600 3630 11.00 11.00
MID HEIGHT(TIS) 600 3346 4.50 31.20
BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 600 3197 33.00 19.50

Total forces on wall: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

TOP LEVEL AT COL. LOC.(TES) 600 3626 36.80 33.00

TOP LEVEL WALL LOC.(TES) 600 3630 7.20 7.50
MID HEIGHT(TIS) 600 3346 3.50 20.50
BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 600 3197 22.00 13.20



Design of Retaining wall

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b
Check for bending moment
At Top Level Col. Location: @ face of soil
Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251.3 mm
xu = 78.89 mm
ULS BM = 48.00 tm/m
Ast required = 2167 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 2298 mm2/m

Horizontal Steel
ULS BM = 10.30 tm/m
Ast required = 720 mm2/m
Providing 12 φ @ 150 mm c/c
0 φ @ 150 mm c/c
Ast provided = 754 mm2/m

At Top level wall loc.: @ face of soil

Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251.3 mm
xu = 39.45 mm
ULS BM = 11.00 tm/m
Ast required = 720 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
0 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1149 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

At Mid Height: @ Other face of soil

Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251 mm
xu = 62 mm
ULS BM = 31.20 tm/m
Ast required = 1389 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
12 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1795 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

At Base Slab level: @ face of soil

Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 517 mm
xumax = 240 mm
xu = 62 mm
ULS BM = 19.50 tm/m
Ast required = 912 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
12 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1795 mm2/m
Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause
At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

Check for Shear Force:

Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
Top(col. Loc.) 54.20 600 542 0.25 13.55 1.607457 0.00424 0.3738 23.7 PSR. 219 OK
Top wall loc. 11.00 600 542 0.25 2.75 1.607457 0.00212 0.3738 20.3 OK 219 OK
Mid Ht. 4.50 600 542 0.25 1.125 1.607457 0.00331 0.3738 21.8 OK 219 OK
Base 33.00 600 517 0.25 8.25 1.62197 0.00347 0.3788 21.3 PSR. 209 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Provided shear reinf. At col. Loc. 8mm @ 200 c/c 29.51 t
At Base lvl 8mm @ 200 c/c 28.15 t

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5
Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
Top col. Loc. 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
Top wall loc. 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
Mid Ht. 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
Base 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84

For long term loading Ecm' = 11382 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check
tm/m tm/m mm mm /m 2
mm mm N/mm 2
N/mm 2

Top col. Loc. Rare 33.00 6.60 542 2297.9 15.2957 163.2 6E+09 8.2947 OK 295 OK
Quasi 26.40 542 2297.9 17.57 172.7 7E+09 6.3113 OK 237 OK

Rare 7.50 1.50 542 1148.9 15.2957 121.6 4E+09 2.4606 OK 130 OK
Top wall loc.
Quasi 6.00 542 1148.9 17.57 129.1 4E+09 1.8626 OK 105 OK

Mid Ht. Rare 20.50 4.10 542 1795.2 15.2957 147.2 5E+09 5.6492 OK 232 OK
Quasi 16.40 542 1795.2 17.5721 156.0 6E+09 4.2898 OK 186 OK

Base Rare 13.20 2.64 517 1795.2 15.2957 143.3 5E+09 3.927 OK 157 OK
Quasi 10.56 517 1795.2 17.5721 151.8 5E+09 2.9832 OK 126 OK

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk
Check of crack width:
For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm mm2/m mm2/m mm2/m 0.30 1.00
Top col. loc. 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 2298 419 OK 0.80 0.65
Top wall loc. 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1149 419 OK 3.00 0.65
Mid Ht. 1000 600 0.3 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1795 412 OK
Base 1000 600 0.29 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1795 399 OK

Calculation of Crack Width

Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5

Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
Top col. Loc. 600 542 172.7 2298 145 16.00 0.01585 341.64 237.2 17.572 0.00071 0.24 OK
Top wall loc. 600 542 129.1 1149 145 16.00 0.00792 513.28 104.7 17.57 0.00031 0.16 OK
Mid Ht. 600 542 156.0 1795 145 14.29 0.01238 366.16 186.4 17.572 0.00056 0.20 OK
Base 600 517 151.8 1795 207.5 14.29 0.00865 535.71 126.1 17.572 0.00038 0.20 OK
Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs
Constructure Client : LSCL
Sec No. :8-8 (RW3)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of R-WALL as per IRC code-112

Total forces on wall: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) BM(tm/m)
TOP LEVEL AT COL. LOC.(TIS) 600 3119 58.00 109.00
TOP LEVEL WALL LOC.(TIS) 600 3115 11.00 19.30
MID HEIGHT(TIS) 600 2981 4.50 38.50
BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 600 2764 36.40 35.10

Total forces on wall: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

TOP LEVEL AT COL. LOC.(TIS) 600 3119 39.20 71.00

TOP LEVEL WALL LOC.(TIS) 600 3115 7.20 12.70
MID HEIGHT(TIS) 600 2981 3.50 25.50
BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 600 2764 24.50 23.80



Design of Retaining wall

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b

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Check for bending moment
At Top Level Col. Location: @ Other face of soil
Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251.3 mm
xu = 197.23 mm
ULS BM = 109.00 tm/m
Ast required = 5448 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
32 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 5745 mm2/m

Horizontal Steel
ULS BM = 78.20 tm/m
Ast required = 3908 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 150 mm c/c
25 φ @ 150 mm c/c
Ast provided = 4613 mm2/m

At Top level wall loc.: @ Other face of soil

Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251.3 mm
xu = 39.45 mm
ULS BM = 19.30 tm/m
Ast required = 844 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
0 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1149 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

At Mid Height: @ Other face of soil

Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251 mm
xu = 62 mm
ULS BM = 38.50 tm/m
Ast required = 1714 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
12 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1795 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

At Base Slab level: @ face of soil

Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 517 mm
xumax = 240 mm
xu = 79 mm
ULS BM = 35.10 tm/m
Ast required = 1667 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c

Page 10 of 35
16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 2298 mm2/m

Page 11 of 35
Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause
At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

Check for Shear Force:

Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
Top(col. Loc.) 58.00 600 542 0.25 14.5 1.607457 0.0106 0.3738 32.0 PSR. 219 OK
Top wall loc. 11.00 600 542 0.25 2.75 1.607457 0.00212 0.3738 20.3 OK 219 OK
Mid Ht. 4.50 600 542 0.25 1.125 1.607457 0.00331 0.3738 21.8 OK 219 OK
Base 36.40 600 517 0.25 9.1 1.62197 0.00444 0.3788 23.1 PSR. 209 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Provided shear reinf. At col. Loc. 8mm @ 200 c/c 29.51 t
At Base lvl 8mm @ 200 c/c 28.15 t

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5

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Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
Top col. Loc. 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
Top wall loc. 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
Mid Ht. 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
Base 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84

For long term loading Ecm' = 11382 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check
tm/m tm/m mm mm /m 2
mm mm N/mm 2
N/mm 2

Top col. Loc. Rare 71.00 14.20 542 5744.6 15.2957 233.0 1E+10 13.124 OK 266 OK
Quasi 56.80 542 5744.6 17.57 244.9 1E+10 10.076 OK 215 OK

Rare 12.70 2.54 542 1148.9 15.2957 121.6 4E+09 4.1666 OK 220 OK
Top wall loc.
Quasi 10.16 542 1148.9 17.57 129.1 4E+09 3.1541 OK 177 OK

Mid Ht. Rare 25.50 5.10 542 1795.2 15.2957 147.2 5E+09 7.027 OK 288 OK
Quasi 20.40 542 1795.2 17.5721 156.0 6E+09 5.3361 OK 232 OK

Base Rare 23.80 4.76 517 2297.9 15.2957 158.7 6E+09 6.4627 OK 223 OK
Quasi 19.04 517 2297.9 17.5721 167.9 6E+09 4.9193 OK 180 OK

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk

Page 13 of 35
Check of crack width:
For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm mm2/m mm2/m mm2/m 0.30 1.00
Top col. loc. 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 5745 419 OK 0.80 0.65
Top wall loc. 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1149 419 OK 3.00 0.65
Mid Ht. 1000 600 0.3 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1795 412 OK
Base 1000 600 0.29 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 2298 399 OK

Calculation of Crack Width

Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5

Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
Top col. Loc. 600 542 244.9 5745 145 26.67 0.03962 284.43 214.8 17.572 0.00076 0.22 OK
Top wall loc. 600 542 129.1 1149 145 16.00 0.00792 513.28 177.2 17.57 0.00053 0.27 OK
Mid Ht. 600 542 156.0 1795 145 14.29 0.01238 366.16 231.9 17.572 0.0007 0.25 OK
Base 600 517 167.9 2298 207.5 16.00 0.01107 500.62 179.7 17.572 0.00054 0.27 OK

Page 14 of 35
Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs
Constructure Client : LSCL
Sec No. :8-8 (Raft 1)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of RAFT as per IRC code-112

Total forces on raft: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) FACTORED
AT EDGE(TB) 450 3542 6.50 16.20
AT MID SPAN(TB) 450 1832 4.00 8.20

Total forces on raft: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

AT EDGE(TB) 450 3542 4.50 11.00

AT MID SPAN(TB) 450 1832 2.50 6.00


Design of Raft slab

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b
Check for bending moment
At Edge: @ face of soil
Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 450 mm
Effective depth = 369 mm
xumax = 171.1 mm
xu = 61.63 mm
ULS BM = 16.20 tm/m
Ast required = 1085 mm2/m
Providing 12 φ @ 175 mm c/c
16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1795 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 540 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

At Mid span: @face of soil

Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 450 mm
Effective depth = 367 mm
xumax = 170.1 mm
xu = 39.45 mm
ULS BM = 8.20 tm/m
Ast required = 772 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
0 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1149 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 540 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m
Check for Shear Force:
Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
At edge 6.50 450 369 0.25 1.625 1.73621 0.00487 0.4196 18.2 OK 149 OK
At mid span 4.00 450 367 0.25 1 1.738213 0.00313 0.4203 15.7 OK 149 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5
Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
At edge 50 28 900 1.41 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.93 1.89
At mid span 50 28 900 1.41 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.93 1.89

For long term loading Ecm' = 11182 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check

tm/m tm/m mm mm2/m mm mm4 N/mm2 N/mm2

At edge Rare 11.00 2.20 369 1795.2 15.5463 118.3 2E+09 5.643 OK 186 OK
Quasi 8.80 369 1795.2 17.89 125.1 3E+09 4.2973 OK 150 OK

Rare 6.00 1.20 367 1148.9 15.5463 98.0 2E+09 3.6617 OK 156 OK
At mid span
Quasi 4.80 367 1148.9 17.89 104.0 2E+09 2.7783 OK 126 OK

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk
Check of crack width:
For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm 2
mm /m mm /m mm2/m
0.30 1.00
At edge 1000 450 0.305 0.895 2.9 225 Fe 500 1795 356 OK 0.80 0.65
At mid span 1000 450 0.305 0.895 2.9 225 Fe 500 1149 356 OK 3.00 0.65

Calculation of Crack Width

Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5

Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
At edge 450 369 125.1 1795 202.5 14.29 0.00887 528.95 149.8 17.885 0.00045 0.24 OK
At mid span 450 367 104.0 1149 207.5 16.00 0.00554 746.24 125.7 17.89 0.00038 0.28 OK
Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs
Constructure Client : LSCL
Sec No. :8-8 (Raft 2)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of RAFT as per IRC code-112

Total forces on raft: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) FACTORED
AT EDGE(TB) 600 1586 27.00 49.20
AT MID SPAN(TT) 600 1362 4.00 8.50

Total forces on raft: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

AT EDGE(TB) 600 1586 19.00 34.00

AT MID SPAN(TT) 600 1362 2.50 6.50


Design of Raft slab

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b
Check for bending moment
At Edge: @ face of soil
Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 517 mm
xumax = 239.7 mm
xu = 101.08 mm
ULS BM = 49.20 tm/m
Ast required = 2381 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
20 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 2944 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m

At Mid span: @ Other face of soil

Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251.3 mm
xu = 39.45 mm
ULS BM = 8.50 tm/m
Ast required = 1030 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
0 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1149 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m
Check for Shear Force:
Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
At edge 27.00 600 517 0.25 6.75 1.62197 0.00569 0.3788 25.1 PSR. 209 OK
At mid span 4.00 600 542 0.25 1 1.607457 0.00212 0.3738 20.3 OK 219 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Provided shear reinf. At edge 8mm @ 200 c/c 28.15 t

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5
Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
At edge 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
At mid span 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84

For long term loading Ecm' = 11382 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check

tm/m tm/m mm mm2/m mm mm4 N/mm2 N/mm2

At edge Rare 34.00 6.80 517 2944.1 15.2957 175.4 7E+09 8.4548 OK 252 OK
Quasi 27.20 517 2944.1 17.57 185.3 8E+09 6.4499 OK 203 OK

Rare 6.50 1.30 542 1148.9 15.2957 121.6 4E+09 2.1325 OK 113 OK
At mid span
Quasi 5.20 542 1148.9 17.57 129.1 4E+09 1.6143 OK 91 OK

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk
Check of crack width:
For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm 2
mm /m mm /m mm2/m
0.30 1.00
At edge 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 2944 419 OK 0.80 0.65
At mid span 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1149 419 OK 3.00 0.65

Calculation of Crack Width

Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5

Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
At edge 600 517 185.3 2944 207.5 18.22 0.01419 473.33 202.9 17.572 0.00061 0.29 OK
At mid span 600 542 129.1 1149 145 16.00 0.00792 513.28 90.7 17.57 0.00027 0.14 OK
Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs

Constructure Client : LSCL

Sec No. :8-8 (RW1)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of R-WALL as per IRC code-112

Total forces on wall: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) FACTORED
BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 700 2749 38.00 83.00

Total forces on wall: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

BASE SLAB LEVEL(TES) 700 2749 25.00 80.10



Design of Retaining wall

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b

Check for bending moment

At Base Slab level: @ face of soil

Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 700 mm
Effective depth = 615 mm
xumax = 285 mm
xu = 144 mm
ULS BM = 83.00 tm/m
Ast required = 3437 mm2/m
Providing 20 φ @ 150 mm c/c
20 φ @ 150 mm c/c
Ast provided = 4189 mm2/m
Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause
At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 840 mm2/m
Provide 16 @ 200 mm c/c = 1005 mm2/m

Check for Shear Force:

Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
Base 38.00 700 615 0.25 9.5 1.570266 0.00681 0.3609 30.7 PSR. 249 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5
Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
Base 50 28 1400 1.36 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.86 1.81

For long term loading Ecm' = 11484 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check
tm/m tm/m mm mm /m 2
mm mm N/mm 2
N/mm 2

Base Rare 80.10 16.02 615 4188.8 15.171 223.2 1E+10 13.279 OK 354 Check
Quasi 64.08 615 4188.8 17.4162 235.4 1E+10 10.149 OK 285 OK

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk

Check of crack width:

For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm mm /m 2
mm /m mm2/m
0.30 1.00
Base 1000 700 0.29 0.72 2.9 350 Fe 500 4189 424 OK 0.80 0.65
3.00 0.65
Calculation of Crack Width
Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5
Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
Base 700 615 235.4 4189 212.5 20.00 0.01971 427.48 285.1 17.416 0.00093 0.40 Check
Project : Pakhowal ROB & RUBs
Constructure Client : LSCL
Sec No. :8-8 (Raft 2)
Design By : Lalit Bhandari
Date: 23-Jun-20 Review By : HG
Design of RAFT as per IRC code-112

Total forces on raft: (ULS)

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. Factored SF(t) FACTORED
AT EDGE(TB) 600 1586 38.00 83.00
AT MID SPAN(TT) 600 1362 38.00 83.00

Total forces on raft: (SLS) For Rare Combination

Description SECTION DEPTH(mm) Ele. No. SF(t) BM(tm/m)

AT EDGE(TB) 600 1586 25.00 80.00

AT MID SPAN(TT) 600 1362 25.00 80.00


Design of Raft slab

Check for Bending Moment:
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
fyk = 500 MPa
fck = 35 MPa
fcm = 45 MPa
εuk = 0.0045
εud = 0.0041
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
xu = 0.87 fyk Ast / 0.362 fck b
Check for bending moment
At Edge: @ face of soil
Clear Cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 515 mm
xumax = 238.7 mm
xu = 143.81 mm
ULS BM = 83.00 tm/m
Ast required = 4192 mm2/m
Providing 20 φ @ 150 mm c/c
20 φ @ 150 mm c/c
Ast provided = 4189 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 838 mm2/m
Provide 16 @ 150 mm c/c = 1340 mm2/m

At Mid span: @ Other face of soil

Clear Cover = 50 mm
b = 1000 mm
Overall depth = 600 mm
Effective depth = 542 mm
xumax = 251.3 mm
xu = 39.45 mm
ULS BM = 83.00 tm/m
Ast required = 3630 mm2/m
Providing 16 φ @ 175 mm c/c
0 φ @ 175 mm c/c
Ast provided = 1149 mm2/m

Distribution Steel (Refer IRC:112 clause

At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement or 0.12% bD = 720 mm2/m
Provide 12 @ 150 mm c/c = 754 mm2/m
Check for Shear Force:
Reduction in design shear force:
αv = 0.5d
Reduction factor (β1) = αv / 2d

VRdc = Max ( 0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck )0.33 + 0.15 σcp ) bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
(νmin +0.15σcp ) bw d

k = Min 1 + √ 200/d d is depth in mm

ρ1 = Min Asl /bw d (IRC:112-Clause no.10.3.2(2))
νmin = 0.031 k3/2 fck1/2
VEd < 0.5 bw d ν fcd
ν = 0.6 * ( 1- fck /310) = 0.53
fcd = α fck/γm = 15.22 MPa
σcp = 0
b = 1000 mm

Check for Shear Force:

Location VED doverall deff β1 β1VED k ρ1 vmin VRdc Check 0.5bwdvfcd Check
t mm mm t t t
At edge 38.00 600 515 0.25 9.5 1.623177 0.00813 0.3793 28.1 PSR. 209 OK
At mid span 38.00 600 542 0.25 9.5 1.607457 0.00212 0.3738 20.3 PSR. 219 OK
PSR- Provide Shear Reinf.

Provided shear reinf. At edge 8mm @ 200 c/c 28.04 t

Check for Stresses:

Permissible compressive stress in concrete (Rare) = 0.48fck = 17 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.36fck = 13 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in steel (Rare) = 0.6fy = 300 N/mm2
(Quasi) = 0.8fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of elasiticity of concrete:
For short term loading,Ecm = 32308 N/mm2
Calculation of creep coefficient
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = 1+ ((1 - RH/100)/( 0.1(ho)1/3)
RH = Relative humidity of the ambient environment in percent = 60 %
ho = 2Ac/u
β(fcm) = 18.78 / (fcm)1/2
β(to) = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.20)

βH = Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho + 250α3 for fcm > 45 MPa

1500 α3
βc(t,to) = [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
α3 = [ 43.75 / fcm ]0.5
Location t (yrs) t0 (days) ho (mm) ΦRH β(fcm) β(to) α3 βH βc(t,to) Φo Φ
At edge 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84
At mid span 50 28 1200 1.38 2.80 0.49 0.99 1479 0.98 1.88 1.84

For long term loading Ecm' = 11382 N/mm2

Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2

Modular Ratio for QP Combination (m) = Es / Ecm'

Equivalent Modulus of Elasticity for Rare Combination, Ec,eq = Ecm*(MQP+MST)
MST + (1+ Φ)* MQP
Modulus ratio for Rare Combination (m) = Es / Ec,eq

Formula used for calculation of stress

dc (depth of neutral axis) = .-m x As + √ ( m2 x AS2 + 2 x m x As x b x d )
Moment of Inertia about N.A. INA = b x dc3/3 + m x As x (d - dc)2
Compressive stress in concrete σc = MRARE x dc / INA
Tensile stress in steel σs = m x MRARE x (d - dc ) / INA
b = 1000 mm

Check for Stresses:

Moment MST deffective dc INA σc σs
Location Combination mm2 m Check Check

tm/m tm/m mm mm2/m mm mm4 N/mm2 N/mm2

At edge Rare 80.00 16.00 515 4188.8 15.2957 200.7 9E+09 17.792 Check 426 Check
Quasi 64.00 515 4188.8 17.57 211.4 1E+10 13.62 Check 344 OK

Rare 80.00 16.00 542 1148.9 15.2957 121.6 4E+09 26.246 Check 1388 Check
At mid span
Quasi 64.00 542 1148.9 17.57 129.1 4E+09 19.868 Check 1116 Check

Check for crack Width

Rare load combination
Minimum reinforcement for crack width:
As,min = kc k fct,eff Act /σs IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.3(2)
kc = 0.4 [1 -(σc/k1(h/h*)fct,eff)
fct,eff = Maximum of fctm or 2.9 MPa
fctm = 0.259(fck)2/3 For fck < 60 MPa
= 2.27 ln[1+(fcm/12.5)] For fck > 60 MPa
Act = bh/2
σs = fyk
Check of crack width:
For rare combination:
b h Act Ast provided Ast min h k
Location kc k fct,eff σs Check
mm mm 2
mm /m mm /m mm2/m
0.30 1.00
At edge 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 4189 419 OK 0.80 0.65
At mid span 1000 600 0.305 0.79 2.9 300 Fe 500 1149 419 OK 3.00 0.65

Calculation of Crack Width

Wk = Srmax(εsm - εcm) IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(1)
εsm - εcm = [ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es IRC:112-Clause no.12.3.4(2)
Es = 200000 N/mm2
αe = Es/Ecm
ρP,eff = As/Ac,eff
hc,eff = Min [ 2.5 ( h - d ) , ( h - x/3 ) , h/2]
Ac,eff = bhc,eff
εsm - εcm = Max [[ σsc - kt ( 1+ αe ρP,eff ) (fct,eff / ρP,eff )] /Es, 0.6 σsc/Es ]
Bar Diameter = n1φ12 + n2φ22
n1φ1+ n2φ2
Spacing between bars < 5 (c+φeq /2)
Srmax = 3.4c+(0.17φ/ρP,eff)
kt = 0.5

Location h deff x Ast provided hc.eff φ ρP,eff Srmax σsc αe εsm - εcm Wk Check
At edge 600 515 211.4 4189 212.5 20.00 0.01971 427.48 343.7 17.572 0.00122 0.52 Check
At mid span 600 542 129.1 1149 145 16.00 0.00792 513.28 1116.4 17.57 0.00454 2.33 Check

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