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Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Sport and Exercise

 extreme sports = dangerous sports: thể thao mạo hiểm

 highly dangerous and life-threatening: nguy hiểm và đe dọa đến tính mạng
 involve a high level of risk: liên quan đến mức độ rủi ro cao
 bungee jumping/ freediving/ ice climbing/ skydiving/ mountain
biking/…: nhảy bungee / nhảy tự do / leo núi băng/ nhảy dù / đi xe đạp leo núi /

 team sports >< individual sports: thể thao đồng đội >< thể thao cá nhân
 lead a sedentary lifestyle: có một lối sống ít vận động
 take regular exercise: tập thể dục thường xuyên
 spend more time engaging in physical activities: dành nhiều thời gian hơn để
tham gia vào các hoạt động thể chất
 keep fit and stay healthy: giữ dáng vàcó sức khỏe tốt
 reduce stress and depression: giảm căng thẳng và trầm cảm
 burn calories and build muscle → maintain a healthy weight: đốt calo và xây
dựng cơ bắp → duy trì một cân nặng tốt
 have the opportunity to develop independence: có cơ hội phát triển sự độc
 make every possible effort to achieve their goals: cố gắng hết sức để đạt
được mục tiêu của họ
 sacrifice themselves for the sake of their team: hy sinh bản thân vì lợi ích của
cả đội
 learn valuable life lessons: học những bài học cuộc sống quý báu
 learn how to work effectively in a team environment: tìm hiểu cách làm việc
hiệu quả trong môi trường đội nhóm
 have the chance to challenge themselves: có cơ hội để thử thách bản thân
 push themselves to their limits: đẩy bản thân đến giới hạn
 step out of their comfort zone: bước ra khỏi vùng thoải mái của họ
 pose a serious threat to …: đặt ra một mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho …
 suffer from serious injuries or even death: bị thương nặng hoặc thậm chí tử
 require special training and specialized gear/ equipment: yêu cầu đào tạo
đặc biệt và dụng cụ/ thiết bị chuyên dụng
 undergo appropriate training: trả qua quá trình đào tạo phù hợp
 Useful Expressions (LIKES AND DISLIKE)
 Expressing likes:
 I love…
 I adore…
 I enjoy…
 I am into…
 I am fond of…
 I am keen on…
 I am a big fan of…
 I am crazy about…
 I am fascinated by…
 Example: I am a big fan of romantic movies.
 You can also place adverbs such as quite and really before verbs or adjectives in
these expressions to emphasize your likes/dislikes.
 Example: I am really crazy about online shopping.
 Expressing dislikes:

 If you neither like nor dislike something

 • ‘I don’t mind doing the housework.’
• ‘I don’t mind you coming in late if you don’t wake me up.’
 If you don’t like something
 • ‘She doesn’t like cooking very much.’
• ‘He’s not very fond of doing the gardening.’
• ‘I dislike wasting time.’
 If you really dislike something
 • ‘I don’t like fish at all.’
• ‘He can’t stand his mother-in-law.’
• ‘She can’t bear cooking in a dirty kitchen.’
• ‘I hate liars.’
• ‘He detests being late.’
 You can use negative forms of the like expressions to show your dislikes. For
instance, I am not into… and I am not a big fan of….
 Example: I am not into hanging out with friends at weekends.
 The following expressions are also great ways to express dislikes.
 I hate…
 I can’t stand/bear…
 I am tired of…
 Example: I can’t stand reading textbooks.
 Give Reasons
 To complete your answer, you need to list one or two reasons to explain why you
like/dislike something.
 Let’s take Do you like shopping on the Internet? for example. If your answer is
yes, think about how online shopping benefits you.
 Example answer:
 Yes, I really enjoy shopping online. It is so convenient as I don’t have to
step out in the sun, deal with the heavy traffic and carry so many things in
my hands. Besides, I can get better prices online because shopping
websites offer discounts from time to time.
 If your answer is no, think about the advantages of traditional shopping and the
disadvantages of online shopping.
 Example answer:
 No, I am not a big fan of online shopping. The images and descriptions on
the website are sometimes misleading. Therefore, I like going to the stores
and physically see as well as try the products. This experience helps me to
make better decisions. Moreover, online shopping has security risks such as
credit card fraud, so I am not that into online shopping.

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