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Dạng bài vừa bàn luận vừa nêu quan điểm

Đề2: Some people think that all university students should study whatever
they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects
that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and
technology. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Dạng bài: Bàn luận 1 view+ nêu quan điểm đồng ý với 1 view

Topic: subjects taught in university

View1. Study whatever they like---Ok với view này, giải thích tại sao ok

View 2. Study subjects useful in future phân tích tại sao nhiều người lại ủng hộ
view này.

Ok với view nào thì cho vào đoạn 2. Đoạn 1 phân tích view kia.

Synonym, paraphrase và referent của các view để dùng trong bài đa dạng hóa
cách diễn đạt, tránh lặp từ

People trong bối cảnh giáo dục là: students, learners, graduates, undergraduates,
they, their favorite courses, their interest, allow them to study

View1. Study whatever they like: their favorite subjects, their preferred course
content, course of student’s interest, these kinds of subjects (art, literature,
psychology, and history), being taught these fields, have freedom to choose any

View 2. Study subjects useful in future: technical subjects like information

technology, mechanical, medicine, aviation, future-oriented subjects, practical
fields, by studying these content, these fields, forcing student to choose what are
not in their favorite list

Đoạn 1. Mở bài

Câu 1. Nêu xu hướng thực tế có liên quan đến chủ đề cần bàn luận

Câu 2. Nêu quan điểm 1 và quan điểm 2 (while, whereas, whilst)

Câu 3. Nêu quan điểm của mình

It is true that there are controversies over subjects that should be taught in
university. While some people claim that students should have freedom to choose
any course of their interest, others argue that future-oriented subjects such as
science and technology are more essential for them. I personally agree with
the first viewpoint as the following.

Cách khác: Nối luôn câu 2 và câu 3 thành 1 câu

It is true that there are controversies over subjects that should be taught in
university. While some people claim that students should study future-oriented
subjects such as science and technology, I personally agree with others who argue
that they should have freedom to choose any course of their interest as the

Không thể phủ nhận rằng có nhiều ý kiến tranh cãi về các môn học ở trường đại
học. Trong khi nhiều người cho rằng View2, cá nhân tôi đồng với những người cho
rằng view 1 vì những lý do sau.


 Cấu tạo đoạn: Công thức PEEL

P Point (ý chính của đoạn): Specifically, there are many reasons why
people are in favor of view 1 (nhắc lại ý đề bài bằng para- ý chính của
đoạn- ý chính này cần được phát triển sâu hơn ở các câu tiếp theo)
E Explain point (giải thích ý đó): The fact is that SV/ This is because
of the fact that SV/ This can be explained why SV/
E Explain further (giải thích sâu hơn): In other words, SV/ That
means SV/ This means SV/ Indeed, SV/ More importantly, SV/
Obviously, SV/ Needless to say, SV/
L Link back to the point (nhắc lại ý chính, khẳng định ý chính là
đúng): Therefore, it seem reasonable for people to argue that SV/ For
that reason, it is my firm belief that SV/ Accordingly, I am inclined to
believe that SV/ Consequently, it seems to me that SV

Đoạn 2. Thân bài1. Giải thích tại sao nhiều người đồng ý với view2.

To begin with, it is understandable why people are in favor of view (paraphrase).

On the one hand, there are several reasons why people are in favor of view (para)

On the one hand, there are several reasons why people are in favor of subjects that
might be necessary in the future. Probably the major concern is ..ý 1…giải thích ý
này. Another explanation for practical subjects would be…ý 2. Giải thích ý này.

Đoạn 3. Thân bài 2

Nhắc lại nội dung chính của đoạn thân bài 1, đưa ra quan điểm mình đồng ý và
phân tích

Although there are good arguments for view1 as mentioned above, I believe view 2
might be a better choice. First and foremost,/ the first reason for this is that..ý 1.
Giải thích rõ hơn ý này. Secondly,…ý 2. Giải thích rõ hơn. Last but not least,….

Mặc dù có các luận điểm hay bênh vực cho view1 như được phân tích ở trên, tôi
cho rằng view2 có lẽ là lựa chọn tốt hơn

Vd: Tôi đồng ý với việc sinh viên nên học các môn tự chọn

Although there are good arguments for science and technology subjects as
mentioned above, I believe that allowing/ encouraging students to study whatever
they choose would be a better choice. Phân tích sâu hơn
Chú ý: ngoài các từ liệt kê trong các đoạn cần phải có các từ đưa ra thực tế (in fact,
actually), nhấn mạnh ý (more importantly, what’s more, in addition, in
addition to this, additionally), từ chỉ nguyên nhân (due to, because, owing to), từ
chỉ kết quả (therefore, hence, thus), từ chỉ 2 sự việc diễn ra đồng thời
(meanwhile), từ đưa ra ví dụ (for example, for instance, one typical example
relating to this is that….), từ giải thích ý của câu trước rõ hơn (, meaning that
SV, this means that SV).

Đoạn 4. Kết bài

Khẳng định lại có view 1 và view 2 nhưng tôi vẫn ok với 1 trong 2 view. Không
nêu ý mới. k giải thích sâu. Ngắn gọn trong 3-4 dòng

From what have been discussed above, in conclusion, despite reasonable

explanations for view1, I hold my position that view2

From what have been discussed above, in conclusion, despite reasonable

explanations for subject content which might be useful in the future, I hold my
position that students should be encourage to study their preferred areas.


Đề2: Some people think that all university students should study whatever
they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects
that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and
technology. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is true that there are controversies over subjects that should be taught in
university. While some people claim that students should study future-oriented
subjects such as science and technology, I personally agree with others who argue
that they should have freedom to choose any course of their interest as the

On the one hand, there are several reasons why people are in favor of subjects that
might be necessary in the future. Probably the major concern on teaching those
subjects is the visible outcome undergraduates might achieve after graduation.
(why) In fact, by learning information technology, medicine or aviation, they tend
to set a clear foundation point of their prospect career with specialized knowledge
transferred to improve their skills and competency about those fields. As a result, it
is certain that it is more feasible for them to attain success in job application in
compared with those who do not take the course, meaning that unemployment rate
would be drastically reduced in the next ten or twenty years.

Although there are good arguments for science and technology subjects as
mentioned above, I believe that encouraging students to study whatever they
choose would be a better choice. As a matter of fact, if they are allowed to pick
their favorable ones among the syllabus, it would be better for them in terms of
autonomous learning, time allocation and academic achievement. For example,
social subjects such as arts, literature and history which help them assimilate
knowledge on the social aspects of things might not only evoke their personal
feeling but also create more engagement into the course. This, undoubtedly, could
also pave the way for their future attainment just like the way technical study does.

From what have been discussed above, in conclusion, despite reasonable

explanations for subject content which might be useful in the future, I hold my
position that students should be encourage to study their preferred areas.


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