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Context: A class of 10 students of around 6 to 7 years old. There is an equal

number of males and females. There’s only one teacher and their level are
beginner. They know basic words and structures in the language.

Start Class In order to add dynamism in the class, I’d encourage students
to greet amongst themselves.

Teacher: Hello, everyone!

Students: Hello, teacher.
Teacher: How are you today?
Students: Great! And you?
Teacher: I’m great! Thanks. Now, go and ask 5 classmates
“how are you?”

Teacher plays the song “Hello, Goodbye” of The Beatles as a
“surprise” when they are still greeting their classmates and
everyone sings using TPR extensively (the song offers a very
simplistic lyrics that uses common words that can be easily
express through movement).
Helping Hands I would project a software that gives random words, and the
students named in the program, will help with the class (the
software has a log of every item already mentioned so, I won’t
be any repetition until the whole list is done).
Roll Call There’s a question for today, and the caller has to ask from 3
possible questions while s/he’s calling the attendance.
For example:
— Francisco López. What is your favourite colour?”
Francisco: Blue.
Caller: “Ivana Lizárraga. Who is your favourite artist?”
— Rihana
Date/Day Teacher: What day is today?
Students: 10th of April/ April, 10th
Teacher: Yes! Date assignee, write it on the whiteboard,
Objectives Teachers writes SWBAT and ask students to read it aloud.
Then ask, “so, what are we going to learn today?”
Students: “whatever the topic is”.
The lesson Attention Getter Teacher had given four words “Applause,
name, walk, stop”.
Whenever the teacher says one words, the
students have to do the action.”
After one or two minutes, the teacher will
tell students to the opposite of what he
Applause = name
Name = applause
Walk = Stop
Stop = Walk
Brain Break Teacher plays baroque music (which is
being proved to influence learning) and the
teacher gives a strange animal or thing and
students have to draw it. For example,
“when I was walking, I saw a man with the
head of a dog wearing a hat. Her wife was a
woman with the head of a cat and her legs
were of a horse”.
Clean up Five minutes before they go, everyone stand up and look for
rubbish around their place. No matter if it’s theirs or not.
Homework T writes the homework in the whiteboard and students have to
write it in an agenda they have created.
End class “Hello, Goodbye is sung again”. Teacher thanks his assistants
and say goodbye.

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