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Do businesses actually need SEO?

Oh yeah ! you too got stuck about this … well we are here for
you lets get started :
 The word SEO stands for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMASATION and
this is a practice of optimizing content to be discovered
through organic search engine results.
 Or In certain words, SEO means making some improvements
to your website design and content that make your website
more appealing to the search engine. You do so in the
expectation that the search engine will show your website as
the top result on the search engine results list.

So how it works?!:

SEO includes the three processes: crawling, indexing, and ranking u

to show search results to their users for the key words they enter
 crawling

Search engines have a range of computer programs called web

crawlers (thus the term Crawling), which are responsible for
discovering information that is publicly accessible on the Web.

In order to simplify a complicated procedure, it's enough for you to

know that the task of these software crawlers (also known as
search engine spiders) is to scan the Web and locate servers (also
known as web servers)

We must create a list of all web servers to crawl, the number of

websites hosted by each server, and then start work.

They visit each website and, using various techniques, seek to

figure out how many pages they have, whether they are text
material, images, videos or some other format (CSS, HTML,
JavaScript, etc).

When visiting the website, besides taking note of the number of

pages, they often follow any links (either pointing to pages inside
the site or to external websites) and thus discover more and more
We do so on an regular basis and still keep track of changes made
to the website so that we know when new pages are added or
removed, when links are changed, etc.

 Why concern about crawling?

Your first consideration when designing your website for search

engines is to ensure that they can navigate it correctly because if
they can not 'read' your website, you can not expect much in terms
of high ranking or search engine traffic.

As mentioned above, the crawlers have a lot of work to do, so you

should try to make their work easier.

There are a variety of things to do to ensure that crawlers can find

and navigate your website as easily as possible without any

1. Using Robots.txt to determine which pages on your website

you don't want to reach. For example, sites like your admin or
backend sites and other pages that you don't want to be
publicly accessible on the Web.
2. Big search engines like Google and Bing, have resources
(called webmaster software) that you can use to give them
more detail about your website (number of pages, layout, etc)
so they don't have to find it on their own.
3. Using the XML sitemap to list all the important pages on your
website so that the crawler can know which pages to check
for changes and which to ignore.

 Indexing :
Crawling on its own is not enough to create a search engine.

Information found by the crawlers must be structured, sorted

and stored in such a way that it can be processed by search
engine algorithms before it is made accessible to the end user.
The search engines do not store all the information contained
on the page in their database, but they retain items like: when
created / updated, the title and description of the website, the
type of content, the related keywords, the incoming and
outgoing links, and several other parameters required by their

Google likes to characterize its index as the back of a novel.

 Why concern about indexing?

It's really easy, if the website isn't in their database, there won't be
any searches.

 Ranking
Search Engine Selection Algorithms
The third and final step in the process is for search engines to
determine the pages to view in the SERPS and in what order to
type a query.

It is done by using search engine ranking algorithms.

Simply put, these are pieces of software that have a set of
guidelines to determine what the user is searching for and
what information to return.

Such laws and decisions shall be made on the basis of the

details contained in their index.
How this algorithms work ?
Over the years, search engine ranking algorithms have
developed and become very complex.

At the beginning (think 2001) it was as easy as matching the

user's question to the title of the article, but this is no longer
the case.
Google's ranking algorithm takes more than 255 rules into
account before making a decision, and nobody knows for sure
what those rules are.

Things have changed a ton and now AI and PC programs are

liable for settling on choices dependent on various parameters
that are beyond the substance found on a page.

To make it more obvious, here is an improved procedure of

how web crawlers positioning components work:

Stage 1: Analyze User Query :

The first step is for search engines to consider what kind of

knowledge the user is searching .To do so, they evaluate the
user's question (search terms) by breaking it down into a
variety of relevant keywords.A keyword is a term with a
particular meaning and intent.

Stage 2: Finding coordinating pages:

Search engines need to deliver the best possible results as soon as

possible so that their customers are satisfied and web owners want
their websites to be picked up so that they can get traffic and visits.

 Why concern about this algorithms:

In order to get attention from search engines, your website
needs to appear at the top of the results list.
Knowing how search engines operate will help you change
your website and increase your ranking and traffic.

 Conclusion :
The search engines have become sophisticated computer
programs. They may have a simple gui, but the way they work
and make decisions is far from easy.
The cycle starts with crawling and indexing. Through this
process, search engine crawlers collect as much information
as possible on all websites that are publicly accessible on the

We discover, process, sort and store this information in a

format that can be used by search engine algorithms to make
a decision and return the best possible results to the user.
The amount of data they have to digest is immense and the
process is completely automated. Human interaction is only
carried out in the process of creating the rules to be used by
the various algorithms, but even this phase is slowly being
replaced by computers with the aid of artificial intelligence.

As a webmaster, the job is to make their work of crawling and

indexing easier. Develop websites that have a clear and
straightforward layout.

When you are able to "read" your website without any

problems, then you need to make sure that you send them the
right signals to support their search ranking algorithms, select
your website when the user enters the appropriate question
(that's SEO).

Having a small share of the total search engine traffic is

enough to create a profitable online business.

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