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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Philosophy of Leadership

The job of an educational leader is a tedious one. An educational leader has the responsibility of ensuring

that the school they lead is functioning smoothly at all capacities. As an educational leader, I hope to accomplish

creating an environment that is safe, comfortable, and supportive of all staff and students. The school that I lead

would focus on equity and providing educational opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds.

My core beliefs are that all students can learn and should have that opportunity. Staff should receive

professional development that helps them grow in the classroom and with their teaching. I believe that the

community should have a stake in the school and be involved with decisions. If the educational leader is focused

on their students and staff, they cannot go wrong.

My almost five years in the classroom has led me to have a strong philosophy of leadership. I have worked

under leaders who inspire me to be like them. On the other side though, I have worked under leaders who have

shown me everything that you should not do as an educational leader. It is the experiences that I have gained

leading a classroom that I believe will help prepare me for leading a school.

The expectations that I set for myself is to always make decisions that are the best for the students. An

educational leader always thinks about the students that are under the umbrella of their leadership. If you are

making decisions with their best interest at heart, you cannot go wrong. As a leader, I expect that every staff

member also does what is best for their students. That includes creating differentiated instruction to meet all needs.

The example I hope to model is that of a leader who goes above and beyond to ensure the success of their

staff and students. I want to be a leader that staff can confide in and go to when they are having trouble in the

classroom. My example is one where our diverse student populations feel as though they can embrace their cultural

identity and are encouraged to do so. I want the community to feel proud of our school and also feel as though they

have a voice when it comes to decisions made there.

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