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On the Vision of the University, as a student, I can be part realizing it by doing my

researches and findings regarding on science and technology using new tech innovations in
connection to agriculture and to other fields.

Upon attaining the Goal of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy, I
must do all my responsibilities as a corporate student on a corporate world. I must act like one. I
must participate to all the activities with all my willingness, because we, corporate student do not
give up and deny any competitions. And as an Entrep student, I must carry out the taught roles of
being a professional one.

On the objectives of the Department of Business Administration, I must apply all the
learnings, principles taught to me as I go on with my future. I must not forget how to be ethical
in everything that I do because that is how they mold us. And in the future, I must take in doing
researches to help and support the community. I must be responsible enough and study well in
order to achieve in my career.

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