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The broadly accepted theory for

the origin and evolution of our
universe is the Big Bang model,
which states that the universe
began as an incredibly hot, dense
point roughly 13.7 billion years

Why is the Big Bang the most accepted theory?

The theory of the Big Bang is an attempt to understand what happened at the very
start of our universe. In astronomy and physics, discoveries have shown beyond a
reasonable doubt that our universe actually had a beginning. Prior to that moment
there was nothing; after and after that moment there was something: our world.

Phases of Big Bang

1. How It All Started 2.The Universe's First 3. Too Hot to
Growth Spurt Shine
the universe was born as a During this burst of As the universe
very hot, very dense, single expansion, the universe expanded, temperatures
point in space. grew exponentially and cooled and protons and
doubled in size at least neutrons collided to
make hydrogen.
90 times.
4. Let There Be Light
5.Emerging the Cosmic 6. More Stars
phase is known as
"recombination," and
Dark Ages and More
the absorption of free During this time, clumps of Galaxies
electrons caused the gas collapsed enough to More celestial
universe to become form the very first stars
bodies created.
transparent and galaxies.

7. Birth of Our Solar


Solar System was

born after 9
billion years after
the Big Bang.
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Who made the Theory? 35%

- Georges Lemaître
He theorized that the universe began from a
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single primordial atom. The idea received major 65%
boosts from Edwin Hubble's observations that
galaxies are speeding away from us in all
directions, as well as from the 1960s discovery
of cosmic microwave radiation—interpreted as
echoes of the big bang—by Arno Penzias and
Robert Wilson.


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