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401 Advance
Philosophy of
Name : AILYN V. CARABLE Professor:
Milagros San Juan Course : MaEd Social Science

To which philosophy/ies each theory of man belong.

1. A person is a product of his environment.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Behaviorism why? because Behaviorism also

known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of of learning based on the idea that all
behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction
with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli
shape our actions. From the meaning itself explain that the behavior of one person is
depends upon on the environment that she/he belong. For example we always hear the
saying or the quotations that “Kung anong Puno yon din ang Bunga” its look like that
our personality or behavior is depens upon on the environment that we belong.

2. A person has no universal nature.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Existentialism why? because as meaning of

Existentialism is a philosophical theory that peoples are free agents who have control
over their choices and actions.
Existenialists believe that society should not restrict an individual’s life or actions and
that these restrictions inhibit free will and the development of that person’s potential.
A person has no universal nature it means that every persons has an individual
identity, behavior, physical attributes and so on.

3. Person has a rational and moral focus.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Essentialism and Perennialism why? because
Essentialism is an educational philosophy that strives to ensure that students acquire a
common core of knowledge in a systematic, disciplined way and Perennialism is an
educational philosophy that states one should teach the things that of everlasting
importance to all individuals everywhere. This two philosophies are closely related to
each because they aims to develop student’s intellectual and moral qualities.

4. Person has no choice, he is determined by his environment.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Behaviorism why? Because also known as
behavioral psychology, is a theory of of learning based on the idea that all behaviors
are acquired through conditioning.
Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe hat
our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions.
Person has no choice, he is determined by his environment means that most of the time we judge a person
through his/her background or where he/she came from without asking or knowing them. For example the
persons in a jail, our impression to them is they all criminals. We simply jump to conclusion or judge
them through their background.

5. A person choose what he become.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Existentialism why? Because Existentialism theory that people are
free agents who have to control over their choices and actions. Existentialist believe that society should
not restrict an individual’s life or actions and that these restrictions inhibit free will and the development
of that person’s potential.
A person choose what he become means that according to meaning we are free agents who have control
over their choice and action, it means that we are the superior of our self for example Determining your
career choice based on what you think is an important way to spend your future.

6. A person is complex combination of matter what responds to physical stimuli.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Existentialism why? Because Existentialism theory that people are
free agents who have to control over their choices and actions. Existentialist believe that society should
not restrict an individual’s life or actions and that these restrictions inhibit free will and the development
of that person’s potential.
A person is complex combination of matter. What responds to physical stimuli?

7. A person has no free will.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Behaviorism why? Because Behaviorism also known as behavioral
psychology, is a theory of of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through
conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our
responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions.

A person has no free will means this insights was the basis for Descartes’s defense of free will and of the
mind’s ability to control the body.

8. A persons has the same essential nature with others.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Perenialism why? Because Perennialism is an educational

philosophy that states one should teach the things that of everlasting importance to all individuals
9. A person is a rational animal.
This philosophy belongs to theory of Perenialism why? Because Perennialism is an educational
philosophy that states one should teach the things that of everlasting importance to all individuals

According to a philosophical commonplace, Aristotle defined human beings as rational animals. When
one takes a closer look at the surviving texts, however, it is surprisingly hard to find such a definition. Of
course, Aristotle repeatedly stresses that he regards rationality as the crucial differentiating characteristic
of human beings, but he nowhere defines the essence of what it is to be human in these terms. What is
more, Aristotle’s abundant remarks about human nature are scattered throughout his texts, and he offers
no systematic treatise on human beings.
Source : (

10. A person first exists when defenses him/herself.

This philosophy belongs to theory of Existentialism why? Because Existentialism theory that people are
free agents who have to control over their choices and actions. Existentialist believe that society should
not restrict an individual’s life or actions and that these restrictions inhibit free will and the development
of that person’s potential.
A person first exists when he defense her/himself means that people recognize upon doing something
about her/himself.

11. A person is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others.
This philosophy belongs to theory of Progressivism why? Progressivism is a theory of education
concerned by learning by doing “that children learn best when pursuing their own interests and satisfying
their own needs. Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the
content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active
experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the world.
It is active, not passive. The learner is a problem solver and thinker who makes meaning through his or
her individual experience in the physical and cultural context.

A person is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others means that through
interaction with others they a learned something. For example In a progressivist school, students are
actively learning. The students interact with one another and develop social qualities such as cooperation
and tolerance for different point of views. An obvious example of progressivism would be our class. We
are in groups a lot and we actively learn through discussion.

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