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During online learning there are both positive and negative sides

Like my experience studying online during the pandemic :

Positive Opinions

1) Can set time. By learning at home, I can be flexible in managing my time, such as when to do
school work, help my parents, rest, worship, and soon.
2) Increase insight and ability to use various applications in the learning process. At first I didn't
know what the google classroom application was and soon. Through Distance learning, I finally
got to know and get used to using the google classroom application for learning. This application
allows us to sendassignments easily. Giving assignments using a videophone making application
added insight and motivated me to be creative in doing assignments. Distance learning became
3) Adding closeness to family. One of the things I like about this Distance Learning is that I have
more time to spend with my family. Usually my father and mother worked outside the home.
During this Covid-19 outbreak, father and mother did not work. I am very happy because I can
meet them at home all day long. my mother suddenly became a chef but still working from
home. Sometimes my mom and dad taught me and my sister how to learn. Exciting….!

Negative Opinions

1) Complicated. Everything is completely online, from studying lesson modules,practice

questions, collecting assignments, discussions with friends, to tests. Even though the online
system makes it easier for a lot of work, in the learning process, we get additional work, namely
making and sending photos, videos, downloading materials, and uploading tasks that have been
done. All of that requires a long time in the process. My cellphone's memory is full.
2) The limit for submitting assignments is too fast. This is what I dislike the most about online
learning activities. Almost every day I have assignments that must be done and submitted that
very day. I get dizzy and stressed if I'm still doing my assignments and then I have other
assignments to submit at the same time. As a result, I was late submitting an assignment

My idea for making learning more effective is

1) Changing the students' view of learning that learning is interesting to do. This is done so that
students, if given the task, take the initiative alone to look for material to its basics

2) You can also study in groups, so that students who do not understand the material provided by
the teacher can ask questions about this to friends who understand. Don't forget to tie up health

3) Schools provide free quota facilities that can help students follow lessons
4) The teacher can also give assignments that make students active in communicating in
discussion forums or give assignments that hone student creativity, for example: drawing

5) Can provide materials in advance and allow students to ask questions

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