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Geometry Section 1.

1 Lesson

Geometry's Undefined Terms:

Point, Line, and Plane

Section 1.1: Identify Points, Lines and Planes

EQ: How do you name geometric figures?

Point Line Plane No Dimension

Represented by a dot

One dimension Two Dimension

Points that lie on the same line Points that lie in the same
Any pts. that plane (form a triangle)
form a triangle
are coplanar
Geometry Section 1.1 Lesson

Terms that can be defined Consists of 2 endpoints;

using point, line, and plane Part of a line

The end of a segment or ray Half a line, consists of one

endpt. and all pts. from the
endpt. on one side

Rays with the same endpt. The set of pts. figures

and form a line have in common;
overlapping points

pts. placed on
the line not at
the end by

*Notice the
common endpt. G
is in the "middle"
Geometry Section 1.1 Lesson

Not opposite rays because they

do NOT have the same endpt.
and if you put them together
they form a line, but overlap
Geometry Section 1.1 Lesson
Geometry Section 1.1 Lesson

EQ: How do you name geometric figures?

1.1 Summary:

ray symbol
always points
to the right

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