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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Syllabus of the Course Valuation and Negotiation of Technology,
Code 212032
1. Course Information

The course is part of the academic unit: Escuela de Ciencias Básicas

Tecnología e Ingeniería ECBTI

Academic degree level: Profesional Training field: Disciplinar

Number of credits: 3 Course type: Theoretical

Course designed by: Karla Nathalia

The course has a re-Take exam
Triana Ortiz

Course updated by: Karla Nathalia Triana Ortiz

Date of design: Saturday, August 1, Date of update: Saturday, August

2020 1, 2020

Course Description:
Valuation and Negotiation of Technology course belongs to the common
disciplinary field ith the main goal of providing skills to understand organizational
challenges to protect, valuate and commercialize intellectual capital rights with
the aim of solving the course core problem of promoting innovation of products,
processes and productive and logistic systems.

This is a 3 credits theoretical course, with a problem-based learning strategy. In

addition, the course has three units that develop the following general themes:
Intellectual property, valuation methods and negotiation of technology.

2. Course Learning Purpose:

The course learning purpose is:

This course attempts to provide students with the necessary knowledge to create
value from products, processes, and systems innovation. The student will be able to

understand the importance of the technology to lead productive, profitable, and
competitive companies, improving the quality of life in the socio-economic context.

3. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

Learning Outcome 1: Recognize intellectual property protection as a key tool to
develop technologic innovation inside companies.
Learning Outcome 2: Analyze technology valuation methods identifying
opportunities to create value from innovation.
Learning Outcome 3: Prepare technology assets negotiations promoting innovative
businesses models.

4. Learning Strategy:

The Learning Strategy for the course is: Problem-based strategy.

This Learning Strategy is based on: Challenging students to propose solutions to real
problems, encouraging them to find and share information and ideas to solve the
situation. Therefore, students will understand main concepts, then they work in
collaborative learning groups, researching, analyzing, and providing
recommendations, explanations, or solutions. Along the course the students will
develop activities to identify how to promote innovation inside companies.

The Learning Strategy is organized in 6 Steps

 Step 1: Recognize the course

 Step 2: Comprehend intellectual property
 Step 3: Identify technology value
 Step 4: Understand IT negotiations
 Step 5: Appropriate the concepts
 Step 6: Prepare technology negotiations

5. Course Contents and Bibliographic References

Unit 1: Intellectual Property

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

 Intellectual property
 Copyrights
 Patents
 Trademarks
 Industrial designs
 Commercial secrets

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

 Ryder, R. D., & Madhavan, A. (2014). Intellectual Property and Business: The
Power of Intangible Assets. Chapter 1. The Intangible Landscape -
Understanding Core Concepts (pp 1-58). Los Angeles: Sage Publications Pvt.
Ltd. Retrieved from:

 Triana Ortiz, K. (07,08,2020). Intellectual Property Audit. [Video].

Recovered from:

 DANE (2019). Technical Bulletin Survey of Technological Development and

Innovation - Manufacturing Industry 2017-2018. Retrieved from:

Unit 2: Technology Valuation

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

 Technology valuation
 Income approach
 Cost approach
 Market approach
 Real options

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) & International Trade Centre

(ITC), (2010). Exchanging Value – Negotiating Technology Licenses, A
Training Manual (pp 32-41). Recovered from:

 Cohen, J. A. (2005). Intangible Assets: Valuation and Economic Benefit.

Options Model (pp 84-87). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Retrieved from

 Triana Ortiz, K. (15,06,2017). Valuation Methods. [Video]. Recovered from:

 Medellín Cabrera, Enrique Alberto, & Arellano Arellano, Alejandro. (2019).

Technology valuation at universities: Difficulties and
proposals. Contaduría y administración, 64(spe1). Retrieved from:

Unit 3: Technology Negotiation

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

 Technology Negotiation
 Technologic contracts
 Licensing

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

 © European Union (2012). Fact Sheet How to deal with IP-related issues in
transnational negotiations. Retrieved from:

 Mc Manus, J. P. (2012). Intellectual Property: From Creation to
Commercialisation: A Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers.
Negotiation and Licensing. Oak Tree Press. Retrieved from:

 Triana Ortiz, K. (06,12,2018). Technologic Contracts. [OVA]. Recovered


 García Delgado, D., & Ortiz Torres, M. (2014). On the negotiation of

biotechnology products that include intangible assets. Biotecnologia
Aplicada, 31(4), 297–310. Retrieved from:

6. Organization of Weekly Academic Activities and Course Evaluation Plan

Initial Moment:

Step 1 Recognize the course

To be developed from week 1 to week 2
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1

The activities are: Review the course contents, identify the teacher support
sceneries, post the personal presentation, read the document, write an article review
and consolidate the final work.

Initial moment evaluation

The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

 Recognize the importance of technology innovation for the socio-economic

 Present the document according to the format and guidelines
The highest score for this activity is 25 points, corresponding to 5% of the course

Intermediate Moment

Step 2 Comprehend intellectual property

To be developed from week 3 to week 6
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1
The activities are: Read and review the bibliography for Unit 1, design an infographic
presenting IP concepts, record a video identifying the problem and proposing
solutions, consolidate the final work.

Evaluation of Step 2
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
 Recognize IP general concepts and processes to protect technology
 Define the problem and propose solutions based on the studied contents
 Present the document according to the specified format and guidelines

The highest score for this activity is 90 points.

Step 3 Identify technology value

To be developed from week 7 to week 9
This responds to Learning Outcome: 2
The activities are: Read and review the bibliography for Unit 2, design an infographic
presenting valuation methods concepts, record a video identifying the problem and
proposing solutions and consolidate the final work.

Evaluation of Step 3
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
 Analyze valuation methods identifying the worth from technology innovation
 Define the problem and propose solutions based on the studied contents
 Present the document according to the specified format and guidelines

The highest score for this activity is 70 points.

Step 4 Understand IT negotiations

To be developed from week 10 to week 13
This responds to Learning Outcome: 3
The activities are: Read and review the bibliography for Unit 3, design an infographic
presenting the main aspects to consider in a technology negotiation, record a video
identifying the problem and proposing solutions and consolidate the final work.

Evaluation of Step 4
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
 Prepare a technology assets negotiations recognizing the main concepts of the
head of agreement document
 Define the problem and propose solutions based on the studied contents
 Present the document according to the specified format and guidelines

The highest score for this activity is 90 points.

Step 5 Appropriate the concepts

To be developed from week 14 to week 14
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1 , 2 and 3
The activities are: Reply to the questionnaire evidencing the appropriation of the
contents studied along the course.

Evaluation of Step 5
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
 Select the right answer for questions of multiple choice - only one answer

The highest score for this activity is 100 points.

The highest score for this evaluation moment is 350 points, corresponding to 70% of
the course evaluation.

Final Moment

Step 6 Prepare technology negotiations

To be developed from week 15 to week 16
This responds to Learning Outcome: 3
The activities are: Review all studied contents, read the propose context, prepare
the Head of Agreement document, record a video proposing a position to negotiate
evidencing the appropriation of all contents studied along the course and consolidate
the final work.

Evaluation of Step 6
The evaluation criteria for this activity are
 Prepare a technology assets negotiations proposing the guidelines of the
 Propose a strategy to commercialize the software in the case
 Present the document according to the specified format and guidelines

The highest score for this activity is 125 points, corresponding to 25% of the course

7. Teacher’s Support

To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The
options for this academic support are:
 Virtual Campus E-mail
 Collaborative Forums
 Skype Sessions
 Online Conference Sessions or Web Conferences

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