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Quarter 4 – Module 3
Vocabulary Development

Name: _____________________Year & Section: _________

Using various strategies in decoding the meaning of words
What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will be acquainted with various strategies in decoding the
meaning words through the use of context clues. You will also familiarize the types of
context clues and how each type is to be used.

What Is It

Every time you read, listen, or watch something and you find words that
are new to you and sometimes you find them difficult to understand. In order
to understand those difficult words, you use dictionary to look for the meaning
of those words. But, what if you do not have dictionary? What is the best thing
to do?
There is a best way not to hassle yourself from doing so. You can use
Context Clues. Context clues are hints in the passage, paragraph or
individual sentence that, if considered, can tell you the meaning of a word you
are not familiar with.

What’s More
Activity 2: Let’s Identify!

Directions: Read the sentences below. On the space provided before each
number, write a ( ⁄) mark if the sentence uses context clues and (x) mark if the
sentence does not use context clues.

1. It was an idyllic day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park.
2. He knew his future was precarious and likely to fall apart.
3. Your goal is to finish your studies and reach your dreams in life.
4. Rey is gregarious, unlike his brother who is quiet and shy.
5. Nina fixed her bag and went home immediately.
What is It?
Types of Context clues

Knowing the various types of context clues can help you understand
unfamiliar and difficult words in context better. It can also make your reading
and listening journey more fun and memorable by learning new words.

Context clues on Definition or Restatement

The meaning of the vocabulary word is in the sentences itself, usually
following the vocabulary word.

Context clues on Synonym

The sentence uses a similar word to help explain the meaning
of the vocabulary word.

Context clues on Antonym

The sentence uses a word with an opposite definition to give the
meaning of the vocabulary word.

Context clues on Examples

This type of context clue uses examples to help the reader infer the
meaning of the vocabulary word. Words like including, such as, for example,
point out example clues.

What’s More
Activity 3 – Let’s identify!

Identify each sentence below if it has a context clue on definition, synonym,

antonym, or examples. Write you answer on the space provided before each number.

1. The boxing coach punished the team’s duplicity or

deceitfulness after they admitted to using steroids to
boost their batting averages.

2. Jayson’s– crafty dishonesty – caused him to steal his

co-worker’s pensions by funneling their money into an
offshore account.

3. It was your duplicity that caused me to break up wth you!

Had you been honest, I wouldn’t have felt the need.

4. Her duplicity involved lowering her employee’s salaries,

increasing their stock options, and then stealing the
money she saved by doing so.

Activity 4: Using Synonyms for Context Clues
Directions: Read the sentences below and find the meaning of the underlined word
in every sentence.
1. The teller was sent to the penitentiary, or prison, for stealing the money from
the bank. What does the underlined word means?

2. My brother had to sterilize the baby bottles to make safe and

clean. What does the underlined word means?

3. Lovely was wistful, she felt sad when her best friend moved
away. What does the underlined word means?

4. She knew his future was precarious and likely to fall

apart. What does the underlined word means?

5. There was chaos and craziness as people were trying to leave the
party. What does the underlined word means?

Activity 5: Using Antonyms for Context Clues

Directions: Circle the letter of the word that closely matches the underlined
word in the sentence. Use the italicized antonym as a clue to the correct

1. While she was indifferent to golf, her husband was an avid fan.
a. eager b. pleasant c. likeable d. boring

2. She was an agile dancer, although her partner was quite clumsy.
a. nimble b. shy c. quiet d. stiff

3. While Ian is very outgoing, his younger sister is very reclusive.

a. popular b. athletic c. withdrawn d. hungry

4. Rick is adept with crossword puzzles, while his sister Zhauna is a failure at solving
a. skilled b. miserable c. close d. bored

5. Britney was suspicious when the clown handed them a box, but her gullible little
brother opened it anyway.

a. trusting b. doomed c. sad d. careful

What I Can Do

Read your favorite newspapers, magazines, books, or any reading materials

that you love to read and get at least five (5) new words which you find unfamiliar or
difficult. Look for the meaning of those words and use them in a sentence using the four
(4) types of context clues as your reference.

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