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LESSON Teacher MARLY B. MANGHINO Learning Area Mathematics

PLAN Teaching Dates and Time March 30, 2021 / 1:00-2:00 PM Quarter Second

A. Learning Competencies Derives inductively the relations among arcs and inscribed angles (M10GE-IIc-1 )
B. Learning Outcome Derives inductively the relations among arcs and inscribed angles
1. Identify inscribed angles and their intercepted arcs;
C. Learning Objectives (KSA) 2. Apply the theorems of inscribed angles and intercepted arc;
3. Value the relation of inscribed angles and intercepted arcs to real-life settings.
A. Subject Matter/Topic Inscribed Angles and It’s Intercepted Arcs
A. References Learner's Manual, First Edition 2015 pp. 165-175 Callanta, Melvin, et al.
B. Other Learning Resources Online Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Indicator 1. Apply knowledge of
A. Reviewing previous lesson or content within and across
presenting the new lesson The learners will give recap about the previous lesson. curriculum teaching areas.

“ CHAIN BLA BLA BLA” In connection to the new lesson,

students will have a review. In this
1. Each of the learner will say a WORD, PHRASE or SENTENCE associated with the word case, the concept of English was
“CIRCLE”. selected as interdisciplinary
2. They will be given 1 minute to think of what they are going to say content to be integrated in this
3. Starting with the 1st learner from the right side to the last learner. lesson. The students will say a
4. After the 1st learner will say a word, automatically the next learner will follow until all are WORD, PHRASE or SENTENCE
associated with circle.
5. The learner who cannot say a word within 5 counts will sing 2 lines from any song they like
after the chain is done. In introducing the lesson, ART was
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson selected in which the students will
1.On a cartolina or old calendar, draw a circle whose radius is 5 inches. Mark the center and label
it C.
2.Extend the radius to form a diameter of 10 inches. Mark and label the endpoints of the diameter
with M and T.
3.On the semicircle, mark and label three points O, U and N.

Daily Lesson Plan | Second Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 | Mathematics 10

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4.Draw three different angles whose vertices are O, U and N respectively and whose sides contain
M and T.
5.Find the measure of each of the following angles using a protractor.

Processing Questions: Indicator 3. Selects, develops,

1. What can you say about the measures of the angles? organizes, and uses appropriate
2. What statement can you make about an inscribed angles intercepting and learning resources,
a semicircle?
including the
3. How would you compare the measure of the inscribed angles intercepting ICT,same
to address
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Direct Instruction (ICT enabled) In this case, discovering concepts is
new lesson aided visually to show detailed
The teacher define inscribed angle and intercepted arc. Present the picture.
theoremsLearners can interact.
of Inscribed Angles. .

Inscribed Angle is an angle whose vertex is on the circle and whose sides contain chords of a

It is an arc that lies in the interior of an inscribed angle and has endpoints on the angle.

Theorems of Inscribed Angles:

1. If an angle is inscribed in a circle, then the measure of the angle equals one-half the measure of
its intercepted arc

2.If two inscribed angles of a circle intercept the same arc, then the angles are congruent.

∠x = ∠y

Daily Lesson Plan | Second Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 | Mathematics 10

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3.If an inscribed angle of a circle intercepts a semicircle, then the angle is a right angle

4. If a quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle, then its opposite angles are supplementary

D. Discussing new concepts and

Activity 1 (Strategic Intervention Material)
practicing new skills #1
Activity 2 (Strategic Intervention Material)

E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 3 (Strategic Intervention Material)

practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery (leads to Make a Graphic Organizer of their choice. Summarize their understanding of the different
formative assessment 3) theorems of Inscribed Angles. It should be creative and presentable.

G. Finding practical applications of “Take Me to the WOrld” (Enrichment Card in SIM)

concepts and skills in daily living
There is a circular garden having paths in the shape of an inscribed regular star like the one shown

a. Determine the measure of an arc intercepted by an inscribed angle formed by the star in the
b. What is the measure of an inscribed angle in a garden with a five-pointed star? Explain.

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H. Generalizing and abstractions about “Think-Pair-Repair” (Assessment Card in Strategic Intervention Material)
the lesson Indicator 2. Planned and delivered
I will pause a problem and the students will answer individually. After strategies
teaching that, they that
will are
their answer with their seatmate if they got the same answer. If they did not have the same answer,
responsive to the special
they will scan and brainstorm on what should be the answer. Then, they will present their answer
educational needs of learners in
in class and we will check what they presented. If someone, did not have the right answer, they
will repair and look back and check on where they made a mistake.

I. Evaluating learning

“How Special is the Event?”

Make a design of a stage where a special event will be held. Include the design some circular
objects that illustrate the use of inscribed angles and arcs of a circle. Explain how you applied your
knowledge of inscribed angles and intercepted arcs of a circle in preparing the design. Then,
formulate one problem and solve out of this design that you made.

Prepared by: Submitted to:


Subject Teacher School Principal

Daily Lesson Plan | Second Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 | Mathematics 10

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