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Introduction to Tableau

Time: 40 minutes Grade 4


Picture Frames Sheets - Found on page 3.

*made using canvas - For each student or in

Markers - For all students

Ipad - Optional
- For teacher and/or

Dance music


Design Your Frame​ (15 minutes)

Before Lesson: Print and cut out picture frames provided.

Introduce the topic of Tableau to students.

- Tableau is a type of drama.
- You don’t talk in tableaux.
- Tableau is like taking a picture.

The teacher hands out picture frames and has students colour/design the way they like.

While students are working, the teacher goes around and takes pictures of students.

Students clean up once complete.


Snap a Pic!​ (7 minutes)

The teacher will explain they will be playing a type of ‘freeze dance’ game.

To begin the teacher will play music for the students to dance to. Once the teacher turns the
music off students will freeze, holding their picture frame up to their faces. The teacher will
turn the music back on, and the students will continue dancing.

The teacher and/or students can go around during the ‘freezing’ time and take pictures of

Adding Emotions​ (8 minutes)

The teacher will get all students attention and explain that there will be another part added to
this activity.

The teacher will yell an emotion while stopping the music. Students will have to freeze and
make a face with that emotion, still using the frames.

Once this is complete, the teacher will get students to sit in a circle or back at their desks.

Culminating Activity

Discussion ​(10 minutes)

The teacher will recap the information from the introduction and
ask questions to facilitate the discussion.
- What can we relate tableau to?
- Can we talk during tableau?
- Why did we use emotions?
● We were practicing because in tableau we have to
use our only our bodies to show emotions and
sometimes even objects!
- Do you think we could tell a story with just our bodies?
● We will be able to create a story with our bodies
and that is what we will be trying next drama class.

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