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Week 1

Reference Number:
Name: Grade and Section:
Subject Teacher: Ms. Monica Joyce B. Naperi LRN:
Learning Competencies
1. Describes how communication is affected by media and information. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1)
2. Identifies the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy.
3. Editorializes the value of being a media and information literate individual. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3)
4. Identifies characteristics /describes a responsible uses and competent producers of media and information.
5. Shares to class media habits, lifestyles and preferences (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-4)

Target Objectives
 I CAN define communication and media.
 I CAN describe how media and information affect communication.
 I CAN identify the similarities and differences of media, information, technology literacy, and media and
information literacies.
 I CAN compare and relate the media and information literacy framework to my own understandings and
 I CAN editorialize the value of being a media and information literate individual.
 I CAN share my media habits, lifestyles and preferences

I. Subject Matter
Topics: Communication and the Media
The Process of Communication
Media and Information Literacy

Learning Resources
Textbook/Learning Materials: Media and Information Literacy textbook, Teaching Guide for Senior High School
Curriculum Guide: K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum Senior Highschool – Core Subject, Media and
Information Literacy

II. Procedure and Learning Activities

1. Do the first task “Comparing Ways of Communication”.
2. Read and understand the following discussions: Communication and the Media, The Process of
3. Do the second task “Fake News”.
4. Read and understand the following terminologies: literacy, media, media literacy, information, information
literacy, technology literacy, and media and information literacy.
5. Do the third task “Identifying Similarities and Differences”.
6. Answer the Evaluation section.
7. Take the quiz for this week’s lesson.

III. Assessment
Answer the following activities:
Day 1. Comparing Ways of Communication
Day 2. Fake News, Identifying Similarities and Differences, Evaluation
Day 3. Quiz

IV. Agreement and Enrichment

Read and answer the given tasks for the week. Submit your output on specified date of retrieval.

Noted by: ______________________________________

Name and Signature of parent/guardian



Task 1. Comparing Ways of Communication

Before we proceed to the discussion, can you say something about the pictures below?

Guide Questions:
1. How do they communicate with each other?
2. For you, which one is the better way of communication? How do you say so?
3. Imagine you will be going back to the past where in there is no Internet connection, do you think you will still be
happy and contented? Explain why.

My Answer:

Communication is a process of sharing ideas and opinions about issues, people, events, and places between or among
persons through various channels with the intent to gain common understanding.
On the other hand, media are the communication outlets or tools used to restore and deliver information or data. It may be
classified into traditional and new media. Traditional media include the mass media such as newspapers, radio, and
television while the new media include computers, mobile phones, and other digital gadgets.
The Process of Communication
There are at least five elements that characterize the communication process:
 The interactors (the sender and the recipient or receiver of the message)
 The message or information
 The medium
 The feedback or reaction, and
 The communication environment


Communication Environment
o The interactors are both the senders and receiver of the message, which may include a person-to-person or a
person-to-group of communication.
o The message is the information or the verbal and nonverbal message being conveyed to another person or a group
of people.
o The medium is the channel through the message is coursed. (Medium may include gadgets and technology.)
o The feedback or reaction is the response to a message or behavior.
o The communication environment is the context in which the communication takes place.

Communication requires that interactors understand the meanings of their messages coursed through a medium to
create some feedback or reaction between or among themselves in a given context. For example, the process may involve
a father and his daughter (interactors) talking over phone (medium) about a television program (message) that the
daughter is watching. The daughter dislikes the violence shown on the program that she asks her father what she can do as
a member of audience. The father tells his daughter that she can write to the program producer to tone down the violence
or she can easily switch television channels and refrain from watching the program (feedback or reaction). The daughter
realizes that she has the power as a member of an audience and can always take action on media issues especially when
done more responsibly and ethically, and with the support of her parent (communication environment).
In the given example, the interactors are the father and daughter, the medium is the phone, the message is about
the television program, the father advises his daughter on what she can do to her concern about the violence being shown
on the program is the feedback, the communication environment is supportive since the father guides his daughter about
her advocacy against violence on television.

Task 2. Fake News

Examine the news headlines below, then write an essay. Make sure to follow the guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. Do you believe that these
news items are true?
2. How do you know they are
3. Are all news and
information on the Internet
true? Why or why not?
4. What do you do to avoid
fake news?
5. How do you think media
My Answer: and information affect
communication? Give at
least (2) two situations.

 Literacy: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,
communicate and compute, using printed and written materials
associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of
learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop
their knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their community
and wider society.
 Media: The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical object used to communicate messages.
 Media Literacy: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower
citizens by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to engage with traditional media
and new technologies.
 Information: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals
or symbols.
 Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively
communicate information in its various formats.
 Technology Literacy: The ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an individual can access, manage, integrate,
evaluate, create and communicate information.
 Media and Information Literacy: The essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media
and other information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to
socialize and become active citizens.

In your own understanding, identify the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy using the Triple Venn Diagram below. Check the guide steps first, before answering.

2 3 4

5 7

Guide Steps:
1. Difference of media literacy to information 5. Difference of information literacy, media
literacy and technology literacy literacy, and technology literacy
2. Similarities of media literacy and information 6. Similarities of information literacy and
literacy technology literacy
3. Similarities of media literacy, information 7. Difference of technology literacy to information
literacy, and technology literacy literacy and media literacy
4. Similarities of media literacy and technology

Self-learning activities/Assessment in Media and Information Literacy

Quarter 1/Week /August

Name:_____________________________ Grade and Section:__________________

Subject teacher: Ms. Monica Joyce B. Naperi Score:

Activity 1. Answer the Following questions.

1. In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?

2. What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information literacy? Give at least three

Activity 2

In your own understanding, identify the similarities and differences of media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy using the Triple Venn Diagram below. Check the guide steps first, before answering.

2 3 4

5 7

Guide Steps:
8. Difference of media literacy to information 12. Difference of information literacy, media
literacy and technology literacy literacy, and technology literacy
9. Similarities of media literacy and information 13. Similarities of information literacy and
literacy technology literacy
10. Similarities of media literacy, information 14. Difference of technology literacy to information
literacy, and technology literacy literacy and media literacy
11. Similarities of media literacy and technology
Activity 3.

1. Give one situation where communication takes place. Identify the five elements of process of communication in
your paragraph. (5 points)
Example: A news reporter (interactor) is writing for his online audience (interactor) on the anomalies in local
government unit (message) in an online news portal (medium). However, his news report was amended and toned
down by the online editor who is a relative of a government official in the area (communication environment),
leaving the online readers dissatisfied (feedback or reaction).

2. List down (5) examples of traditional media and new media. (Do not include those given already on this module.)
(10 points)
Traditional Media New Media

3. Give (5) five example situations that show literacy in media, information, and technology. (15 points)

Media Literacy Information Literacy Technology Literacy

Example: Ana reads a diverse Example: Karen checks first the Example: Nina knows how to
number of publications and information she sees on operate a computer.
entertains many different points Facebook whether they are true
of view. or fake before she shares it on
her wall.

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