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Jonathan Dela Cruz BSAIS 2C

WEEK 3 Evaluation Question

1. Discuss ‘nation-building’ and its components.

Nation-building is creating, constructing, and structuring of national identity which aims

to unify the people with the same race, history, culture, etc. using the power of the state. The
first component of nation-building is the economic nation-building which aims to transform
the struggling economy into a high earning and productive economy by adapting the
modern techniques on businesses. Second is the social nation-building which focuses on
developing the confidence of the individuals in a society which will help individuals to be a
better version of themselves which will eventually help the whole society build a great
relationship. Third component is the political nation-building which emphasizes the
importance of the unity of the society to have a stable politics through the cooperation of the
individuals. And lastly, the institutional nation-building which is very essential to the people of
the society. Through the development of the institutions like health and education the
individuals may feel contented and be more capable of building a better nation.

2. Discuss the importance of S&T to the development of different sectors. Use the sectors you
have identified in the Activity to form the word “SCIENCE”. The first two below are just examples.


S- Security S&T helped through the producing more powerful devices to secure
peace and order.

C- Communication S&T made communications in the whole world a lot easier and
convenient for everyone

I- Industry Through great innovations, business is expanding rapidly through

the use of S&T

E- Energy People can do a lot of work using electricity and other things
generated by the energy sector which was empowered by S&T

N-Non-Government NGOs can reach out to people who are in need faster and in a wider
Organizations scope through S&T

C- Charity S&T plays a vital role in charities because there are already various
ways to locate communities who are out of reach.

E- Education Through S&T, students and faculty can make their life easier with
the new gadgets and can also conduct classes without physical
3. Describe the status of S&T in any four (4) countries that you have identified in forming the
word “TECHNOLOGY” in the Activity. State whether the country is developed or developing. The
first two below are just examples.


T- Thailand Developing Has a Ministry of Science and Technology

E- Ethiopia Developing Has Science and Technology Information Center

which provides information to support
scientifical and technological activities in the

C- Canada Developed Very active science and technology activities

which involves innovations, inventions and

H- Haiti Least Developed Continues to improve capacity in science and


N- Netherlands Developed Science and technology in the Netherlands

have an extended history, producing many
notable achievements and discoveries in the
field. It is an important component in the
economic and societal development of the
Netherlands. The Dutch government is a
driver of scientific and technological progress
with science expenditure passing €4.5 billion
every year
O- Oman Developing Most research conducted in Oman has been
done at the behest of the government;
agriculture, minerals, water resources, and
marine sciences have drawn the most attention

L- Lebanon Developing Most research conducted in Oman has been

done at the behest of the government;
agriculture, minerals, water resources, and
marine sciences have drawn the most attention

O- Oman Developing Most research conducted in Oman has been

done at the behest of the government;
agriculture, minerals, water resources, and
marine sciences have drawn the most attention
G- Germany Developed Germany has been the home of some of the
most prominent researchers in various scientific
disciplines, notably physics, mathematics,
chemistry, and engineering.

Y- Yemen Least developed Has a University of Science and Technology

Yemen which aims to develop more researches
and nurture ng individuals with research?

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