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College of Pharmacy


1. Explain and differentiate the functional divisions of the nervous system. Include the
subdivision of each.
The functional division of the nervous system is the central nervous system and the
peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system comprises spinal cord and
brain. It acts as the integrative and control centre of the nervous system. In the
other hand, the peripheral nervous system comprises of the cranial and spinal
nerve and acts as a communication link between central nervous system and the
rest of the body. The peripheral nervous system has two functional divisions:
Sensory Division and Motor Division. Sensory Division conducts action potentials
from sensory receptors to CNS while on the Motor Division it conducts action
potential from CNS to effector organs like muscles and glands. From the motor
division it is subdivided in to two the Somatic nervous system and the Automatic
nervous system and these can be dividing in two subdivisions the Sympathetic and

2. Contrast unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons. Also, indicate where each most
likely to be found.
The unipolar neuron appears to have single axon and it usually found in the skin,
joints, and muscles. In contrast to the unipolar neurons, bipolar neurons are entitled to
have one dendrite and one axon that usually found in the olfactory epithelium. On the
other hand multipolar neurons has many dendrites and one axon and found in central
nervous system specifically in the brain and spinal cord

3. Why do you think myelin sheath is important for an axon to have?

Because protecting and insulating axons and enhancing their transmission of
electrical impulses is the main and primary function of myelin sheath and it is the
protective covering that surrounds the axons.

4. Describe the events that must occur to generate AP. Relate the sequence of changes in
permeability to changes in the ion channels, and explain why the AP is an all-or-none
The muscle or nerve cell become excited , that leads the resting membrane
potential changes in response to stimuli that activate the gated ion channels . The
opening and closing of the ion channel may produce changes on the permeability.
The channel responsible for the action potentials are voltage gated Na+ and K+. The
Na channel will open and diffuses Na quickly from the cell and the changes or the
movement of Na cause the inside of the cell membrane to become positive this often
called as depolarization. When the voltage gated K+ channel open more Na+ enters
the cell, depolarization occurs until reversal effect is done across the membrane
that result the inside part of cell membrane become positive relative to the outside
of the cell membrane. The reversal charges causes Na+ channel is close and more
K+ channels to open, then the Na+ stop entering the cell and K+ leaves the cell. This
repolarizes the cell membrane. What constitute the action potential is the
depolarization and repolarization.
5. Why are the effects of neurotransmitter short and brief?
Because the neurotransmitter is rapidly removed or destroyed from the synaptic
cleft, Neurotransmitters have short-term or temporary effects on postsynaptic
6. What is the function of the basal nuclei? How is it important?
The functions of the basal nuclei are for preventing unwanted movements, motor
refinement and thus provide a feed mechanism to the cerebral cortex. It is very
important I planning, organizing, and coordinating motor movements and posture.
The complex neural circuits link basal nuclei with each other, with the thalamus,
and with the cerebral cortex where in these connection for a several feedback
loops, some of which are stimulatory and others inhibitory. The stimulatory circuit
responsible in facilitating muscle activity, especially in voluntary movement like
rising from sitting and walking and the inhibitory circuits decrease muscle tone
when the body, limbs, and head are at rest.
7. Describe the role of the cerebellum in maintaining smooth, coordinated skeletal
muscle activity.
The cerebellum sends action potentials to motor neurons in the motor cortex and
the spinal cord to correct the discrepancy that result to smooth and coordinated
skeletal muscle movements.
8. Explain how the cerebellum is physically connected to the brain stem. List ways in
which the cerebellum is very similar to the cerebrum.
The cerebellum is connected to the brain stem by a large connection called
cerebellar peduncles that provides route of communication between cerebellum
and other part of central nervous system. Both cerebellum and cerebrum have
structurally same thin outer cortex of gray matter, internal matter, and deep gray
matter nuclei. Both of them also have homunculi or body maps and large fibre
tracts connecting them to brain stem. Hey both receive sensory input and influence
motor output

9. Where is the limbic system located? What structures make up this system? How is the
limbic system important in behaviour?
The limbic system is located to the both sides of the thalamus, beneath the medial
temporal lobe of the cerebrum primary in the forebrain.
The limbic system includes the olfactory cortex, the cingulate gyros, the nuclei
such hypothalamus and thalamus, the hippocampus and fornix. It is very
important because its function is to influence long-term declarative memory,
emotions, and visceral responses to emotion, motivation and mood that make up
the behaviour of a certain person.
10. Du trenta suffered from stroke and now has right sided paralysis, swallowing
problems and unable to speak. What areas of the brain were damaged by the stroke?
The affected area of the brain in this case is the cerebrum specifically the left
hemisphere because damage in the left hemisphere indicates right sided paralysis
and problem in speech.
11. Strabismus happens when a person cannot align both eyes simultaneously. It is
commonly called cross eyed. Caramel Macchiato is experiencing strabismus directed
medially. This could be due to damage to which cranial nerve?

What causes the associated eye to deviate down and out which may or may not
affect the size of the pupil is a defect on the cranial nerve III and the what causes
the eye to drift up and perhaps slightly inward, whether or not is congenital is a
malfunction in the cranial nerve IV and due to the relatively long path of the nerve,
the 6th nerve palsy causes the eye to deviate inward and has many causes. In the
case of Caramel Macchiato she is experiencing those three Cranial nerve defect
causing her to have strabismus.

12. Rodree was in a car with his wife Vhong Ga when they met an accident. Vhong Ga
suffers spinal cord compression in the lower spinal cord. Although she is in pain, she
cannot distinguish when the doctor is touching her calf or her toes and she is having
trouble telling how her lower limbs are positioned. What part of the spinal cord has
been affected by the accident?
The posterior columns in the lower or lumbar region of the spinal cord of Vhong
Ga were damage. This is responsible for transmitting nerves impulses responsible
for awareness of muscle position and touch are affected by Vhong Ga as well as
other function such as light pressure and the vibrartion sensations in posterior

13. Koko Vid has recently had a viral infection and now she cannot move the muscles on
the right side of her face. In addition, she is experiencing a loss of taste and a dry
mouth, and she cannot close her right eye. What cranial nerve has been affected by
the viral infection?
The cranial nerve being affected by the viral infection was CN VII or the facial
cranial nerve the function of the CN VII is to serve as a motor to muscles of facial
expression causing her not to move the muscle of her right face, provide special taste
sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue responsible of taste loss and it also
responsible in many glands of the head and neck like salivary gland that is the reason
she is having a dry mouth therefore the damage cranial nerve is the CN VII.
14. Vivico had treated himself on managing the people, thinking for the better plans, and
packaging and delivering goods to people, and etc. upon arriving to Japan, he went on
eating spree. After returning at his hotel, he reclined on the couch to watch television.
Which division of the nervous system will be handling his bodies after eating
activities? List several organs involved, the major nerve supply to each organ, and the
effects of the nervous system on their functions
The increased stimulation of the parsympathetic division of the ANS controls the
digestion and relaxation. Increase secretion of salivary glands, pancreas and liver will
be noticeable; increase in stomach and intestinal activities will be observed, also; so as
the increased contracions of the gall bladder; force and rate of the heart contraction
decrease. Following is the nerve supply to each listed organs: Salivary Glands- Facial
nerve( CN VII) and glossopharrybgeal nerves (CN IX); pancreas, liver, stomach,
gallbladder, intestines and heart- vagus nerves (CN X)

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