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Maharshi Patanjali Vidya Mandir

Weekly Schedule for E-Class
Class XI-Biology Stream

Date: 7-06-2021 to 11-06-2021

Period wise time schedule for Online Class

Period Zoom Interactive Interaction Self-Study Plan Query Time

Class (10 min) (10 min)
(30 min)
I 9:00 AM-9:25AM 9:25AM-9:30AM 9:30 AM-9:40 AM 9:40 AM-9:50 AM
9:00 AM-9:50 AM
II 9:50 AM-10:15 AM 10:15 AM-10:20 AM 10:20 AM-10:30 AM 10:30 AM-10:40 AM
9:50 AM-10:40 AM
III 10:40 AM-11:05 AM 11:05 AM-11:10 AM 11:10 AM-11:20 AM 11:20 AM-11:30 AM
10:40 AM-11:30 AM
IV 11:35 AM-12:00 PM 12:00 noon-12:05 PM 12:05 PM-12:15 AM 12:15 PM-12:25 PM
11:35 AM-12:25 PM
V 12:25 PM-12:50 PM 12:50 PM-12:55 PM 12:55 PM-1:05 PM 1:05 PM-1:15 PM
12:25PM-1:15 PM
VI 1:15 PM-1:40 PM 1:40 PM-1:45 PM 1:45 PM-1:55 PM 1:55 PM-2:00 PM
1:15 PM-2:00 PM
Query Time: Student can interact with the teacher through WhatsApp for
their doubts.
Subjects Monday 7th June 2021
Zoom Interactive Class: Snapshots- Discussion of Question Answer of the lesson, The Summer
English of the Beautiful White Horse
Self-Study Plan: Read the entire lesson.
Zoom Interactive Class : Laws of sets.
Self-Study Plan : To revise the problem discussed in class .
Zoom Interactive Class : Errors in case of powers
Physics Self-Study Plan Go through the topic discussed in the class.
Zoom Interactive Class : Limiting reagent continued.
Self-Study Plan Revise the topic taught in class
Zoom Interactive Class : : KINGDOM PROTISTA (Euglenoids and Slime moulds).
Biology Self-Study Plan : Read page no. 22 (NCERT).
Self-Study Plan : Types of expressions.

Zoom Interactive Class : History of football and cups, trophies , championship.

Physical Education Self-Study Plan : Reading the football game.
Zoom Interactive Class : कबीर दास के पद प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 5 तक विचार-विमर्श..
Self-Study Plan : पठित विषय की पुनरावृत्तिl
Zoom Interactive Class : Meaning of Separation of power.
Self-Study Plan Revise the given topic .
Legal Studies

English Do the questions in your English Assignment notebook, sent on Whatsapp.
Mathematics To solve the problems based on the topic discussed in class

Physics Solve the problems given in the assignment

Chemistry Questions based on limiting reagent.
Biology Write about euglenoids and slime moulds with examples.

Physical Education Practice of paschimmottasana .

Hindi विचार विमर्श किए गए प्रश्न उत्तरों का लेखन अभ्यास कीजिए l

Legal Studies Make notes of the given topic.

Subjects Tuesday 8th June 2021

Zoom Interactive Class : Tenses.
English Self-Study Plan : Revise tenses and watch the video.
Zoom Interactive Class : Complement of set.
Self-Study Plan To revise the problem discussed in class
Zoom Interactive Class : accuracy and precision.
Physics Self-Study Plan Go through the topic learned in the class.
Zoom Interactive Class : Empirical and molecular formula.
Self-Study Plan : Revise the topic discussed in the class.
Zoom Interactive Class : KINGDOM FUNGI.
Biology Self-Study Plan : Read page no. 23(NCERT).

Zoom Interactive Class : History of hockey and cups, trophies, championship.

Physical Education Self-Study Plan : Reading of Hockey game.
Zoom Interactive Class : शेष प्रश्न उत्तरों पर विचार विमर्श
Self-Study Plan पठित विषय की पुनरावृत्ति
Zoom Interactive Class : Reasons why Montesquieu made the theory of Separation of
power .
Legal Studies
Self-Study Plan Revise the given topic
English Note down the chart of tenses sent on Whatsapp in your English Assignment notebook.

Mathematics To solve the problems based on the topic discussed in class

Physics Solve questions based on the topic.

Chemistry Questions based on Empirical and molecular formula.

Biology Write the characteristic feature of this kingdom.

Physical Education Practice of Suryanamskar.

Hindi प्रश्न उत्तरों का लेखन अभ्यास कीजिए l

Legal Studies Make notes of the given topic

Subjects Wednesday 9th June 2021

Zoom Interactive Class-: Hornbill we're not afraid to die...
Self-Study Plan : Read the portion cover in class.
Zoom Interactive Class- : Questions based on the law of sets.
Mathematics Self-Study Plan To revise the problem discussed in class
Zoom Interactive Class : significant figures..
Physics Self-Study Plan : Learn the rules to determine the significant figures
Zoom Interactive Class : Introduction of structure of atom.
Self-Study Plan : Revise the topic taught in class.
Zoom Interactive Class : KINGDOM FUNGI.
Biology Self-Study Plan : Read page no. 24(NCERT).

Zoom Interactive Class : History of Swimming and Tennis cups, trophies, championship.
Physical Education Self-Study Plan Reading of Health Related Career
Zoom Interactive Class : वितान भारतीय गायिकाओं में बेजोड़ लता मंगेशकर विषय प्रवेश पाठ का वाचन.
Self-Study Plan चर्चित विषय की पुनरावृति
Zoom Interactive Class: Advantages of Separation of power.
Self-Study Plan Revise the given topic
Legal Studies
English Watch the video sent.
Mathematics To solve the problems based on the topic discussed in class

Physics Solve the problems based on the topic discussed in the class.
Chemistry Questions based on topic discussed in the class.

Biology Write the three steps involved in the sexual cycle of a fungi.

Physical Education Practice of Meditation.

Hindi लेखक कु मार गंधर्व की गायन कला पर अपने विचार व्यक्त कीजिए l

Legal Studies Make notes of the given topic

Subjects Thursday 10th June 2021

Zoom Interactive Class: .We’re not afraid to die…
English Self-Study Plan : read the portion covered in class.
Zoom Interactive Class : Questions based on the Union and Intersection.
Self-Study Plan To revise the problem discussed in class
Zoom Interactive Class : Types of vectors.
Physics Self-Study Plan Go through the topic discussed in the class.
Zoom Interactive Class : Thomson and Rutherford model of an atom.
Self-Study Plan: Revise the topic discussed in the class.
Zoom Interactive Class : KINGDOM FUNGI.
Biology Self-Study Plan : Read page no. 24-25(NCERT).
Zoom Interactive Class : History of Volleyball and cups , trophies, championship.
Physical Education Self-Study Plan Reading of Volleyball game.
Zoom Interactive Class : . पाठ का वाचन एवं व्याख्या.
Self-Study Plan पठित विषय की पुनरावृत्ति
Zoom Interactive Class : Disadvantages of Separation of power
Self-Study Plan Revise the given topic.
Legal Studies
Zoom Interactive Class Article On covid 19.
Self-Study Plan Introduction n conclusion.
English Read the summary sent on WhatsApp.

Mathematics To solve the problems based on the topic discussed in class.

Physics Learn the types of vectors.

Chemistry Questions based on Rutherford model of atom.
Biology Differentiate between Phycomycetes and Ascomycetes.

Physical Education Practice of padmasana .

Hindi लता मंगेशकर द्वारा गाय गए गीतों ने लेखक को कै से प्रभावित कियाl

Legal Studies Make notes of the given topic

Sewa Students can write on A4 size paper.

Subjects Friday 11th June 2021

Zoom Interactive Class- We’re not afraid to die…
English Self-Study Plan : read the portion covered in class.
Zoom Interactive Class : Word problem based on venn diagram .
Self-Study Plan To revise the problem discussed in class
Zoom Interactive Class : Addition and subtraction of vectors.
Physics Self-Study Plan : Learn the topic discussed in class.
Zoom Interactive Class : Isotopes, isobars, isotones & isoelectronic species.
Self-Study Plan: Revise the topic taught in class
Zoom Interactive Class: KINGDOM FUNGI.
Biology Self-Study Plan : Read page no. 25 (NCERT).
Zoom Interactive Class : Practical.
Physical Education Self-Study Plan : Reading of Athletics game ( Long jump) .
Zoom Interactive Class : शेष पृष्ठों का वाचन एवं व्याख्या
Self-Study Plan चर्चा किए गए विषय की पुनरावृत्ति
Zoom Interactive Class : Separation of power in parliamentary form of government.
Self-Study Plan Revise the topic covered in class.
Legal Studies
English Prepare the question answers for the next class.

Mathematics To solve the problems based on the topic discussed in class .

Physics Solve the problems given in the assignment.

Chemistry Questions based on isoelectronic species.
Biology Differentiate between Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes.

Physical Education Practice of Bhramri pranayama .

Hindi पाठ का सारांश अपने शब्दों में लिखिए l

Legal Studies Make notes of the given topic.

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