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Briefly define what they are and what function they provide for cells of the following
cellular components : a. Cytosol
Cytosol has a function as a signal transduction between the cell membrane and the
nucleus organelles. It transports metabolites from their production site to other
parts of the cell and also plays a role in eukaryote metabolism.
b. Cytoplasm
Cytoplasm acts as a storage for the important compounds and place for metabolic
process like glycolysis. It also contains several cell organelles like Mitochondria,
Golgi-bodies, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Lysosomes, etc.
c. Mitochondria
Main function of mitochondria is produce the energy as ATP (adenosine
triphosphate) by oxidative phosphorylation. It also responsible for cellular
d. Nucleus
Nucleus contains all the genetic information in its chromatin and take part in
transmission of genetic information from parent to cell its daughter cells and form
one generation to the next. It maintains cellular metabolism through controlling
synthesis of particular types of enzymes.
e. Chloroplast
Main function of chloroplast is to synthesize food by process of photosynthesis. It
absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy. Chloroplast has a
structure called chlorophyll that can trap the solar energy and use it for the
synthesis of food in all green plants.
f. Lysosomes
Lysosomes take a part as a removal of waste as well as destroying a cell after it
has died (autolysis) by degrade or break down macromolecules. On the other
hand, lysosomes also have many different functions, including handling
exocytosis, autophagy, heterophagy, and biosynthesis.
g. Chromosomes
Responsible for containing the instructions that make the offspring unique while
still carrying traits from the parent. It essential for the process of cell divisions and
are responsible for the replication, division and creation of daughter cells.
h. Golgi apparatus
It responsible for packaging proteins into vesicles and sending them out to the
correct destinations within the cell, where the proteins are used to carry out the
requisite cellular functions.
i. Peroxisomes
The primary function is to oxidize certain biomolecules, include digesting fatty
acids, alcohol, and breaking down hydrogen peroxide. It also can enable the
synthesis of plasmalogens. Peroxisomes in plant cells are involved with
photorespiration, recycling carbon out of phosphoglycolate.
j. Plasma membrane
The main function is to protect the cell from its surrounding environment. Another
function is to act as an attachment to the non-living matter that is found outside
the cell membrane. It also helps in the transportation material that is crucial for the
proper functioning of various cell organelles.
k. Endoplasmic reticulum
It has function to folding and transport of various proteins, specifically carrying
the to the golgi apparatus. It also responsible for making these proteins that it
transports with a signal sequence.
l. Cytoskeleton
It provide the force required for membrane movement. Cytoskeleton also
supporting cell shape and anchoring organelles.

2. Which of the following statements are correct? Explain your answers

a. The hereditary information of a cell is passed on by its proteins
Incorrect. The hereditary information of a cell is passed on by DNA when it
replicates during the cell division. The proteins are used to expressed the genes.

b. Bacterial DNA is found in the cytosol

Incorrect. Bacterial DNA is found loose in the cytoplasm. It is called
chromosomal DNA and is not contained within a nucleus. Since it has no nucleus
it has a nucleoid region where genetic information is found.
c. Plants are composed of prokaryotic cells
Incorrect. Plants are composed of eukaryotic cells which is much larger than
prokaryotes and contains nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and cell
wall. Plants itself has chloroplasts that are thought to be evolutionarily developed
from prokaryotic cells.
d. All cells of the same organism have the same number of chromosomes Correct.
All cells of the same organism will have the same number of chromosomes except
the gamete, because a reproductive cell having tha haploid number of
chromosomes, especially a sperm or egg capable of fusing with a gamete of the
opposite set to produce a fertilized egg.
e. The cytosol contains membrane-enclosed organelles, such as lysosomes
Incorrect. The cytosol is the main compartments of the cytoplasm, excluding
membrane-enclosed organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
f. The nucleus and mitochondria are surrounded by double membrane
Correct. The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane, known as the nuclear
envelope. Mitochondria are surrounded by both an inner and outer membrane,
with the inner membrane folded into finger-like projections called cristae.
g. Protozoans are complex organism with a set of specialized cells that from tissue,
such as flagella, mouthparts, stinging darts, and leglike appendages. Incorrect.
Protozoans are free-living single-celled eukaryotes that lack specialized tissue or
layer of cells. They have a complex structure, however, that has highly specialized
h. Lysosomes and peroxisomes are the sites of degradation of unwanted materials
Correct. Lysosomes contains enzymes for the degradation of biological polymers
like proteins, polysaccharides, lipid, and nucleic acids. Peroxisome oxidize
organic compound, breaking down metabolic hydrogen peroxides.

References :

Nelson, David.L and Cox, Michael.M. (2017). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. New
York : W.H. Freeman and Company.

Anon, Cellular organelles and structure (article). Khan Academy. Available at:
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Nelson, D., 2020. What is the function of lysosomes. Science Trends. Available at: [Accessed September 3, 2021].

Nelson, D., 2020. Golgi apparatus function. Science Trends. Available at: [Accessed September 3, 2021].

Nelson, D., 2019. Peroxisome function. Science Trends. Available at: [Accessed September 3, 2021].

Gurel, P.S., Hatch, A.L. & Higgs, H.N., 2014. Connecting the Cytoskeleton to the
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