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C1 Vocabulary
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C1 Vocabulary
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physical handicap khiếm khuyết về thể chất

deceased person a person who has recently dead

cordial thân ái, chân thành

indecent không đứng đắn, morally offensive

recapitulate tóm lại, tóm tắt lại

captiluate đầu hàng có điều kiện

avow thừa nhận, thú nhận 1/20
15:56, 14/11/2021 C1 Vocabulary Flashcards | Quizlet

C1 Vocabulary
treacherous adj. phản bội, phụ bạc Study

complacent self-satisfied tự mãn, bẳng lòng, vừa ý

ahead of the game dẫn đầu cuộc chơi

act of valour vụ biệt kích

unscrupulous (adj) ko có đạo đức; vô liêm sỉ; cẩu thả

accessory (n) kẻ tòng phạm

spiralling increasing faster

(a) critical, belittling, disparaging, degrading, insulting, insolent, mang

tính chỉ trích, mang tính coi thường

(noun): someone who is sick and unable to take care of himself or

herself, especially for a long time:

lawsuit việc kiện cáo, việc tố tụng 2/20
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C1 Vocabulary
to banish somebody trục xuất ai đó ra khỏi nước Study

divine thần thánh, thiêng liêng

beseech ask earnestly or urgently cầu xin, cầu khẩn, van xin = solicit

convert to to change to a new religion, belief, opinions....

delineate khoanh vùng, map

collate thu thập, đối chiếu, so sánh

disquisition a long and detailed explanation of a particular subject

denote (v) biểu hiện, biểu thị, chứng tỏ, chỉ rõ

Sự cố kỹ thuật nhỏ, a small problem or fault that prevents something

from being successful or working as well as it should:

pertain to sth (v) Gắn liền với, thuộc về, nói đến

sagacity sự khôn ngoan, sự sắc sảo 3/20
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C1 Vocabulary
numerical dữ liệu thể hiện bằng con số Study

cognizance knowledge sự nhận thức, sự hiểu biết; thẩm quyền

(n) thực tế

sự tồn tại

diminution (n) sự giảm bớt, sự thu nhỏ

impotent bất lực, yếu đuối

chew the cud; ponder nhai lại; (+over, about, of, on) tư lự, trầm tư suy
nghĩ, ngẫm nghĩ

articulate diễn đạt cụ thể, ăn nói lưu loát

Can I be of assistance? can i help ?

mechanism cơ chế hoạt động 4/20
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C1 Vocabulary (n): Thành ngữ này dùng để chỉ xác suất ngẫu nhiên của mộtStudy
việc nào
đó, có thể thế này, cũng có thể thế kia.

It's a _____ between Angela and Moira for the editor's job.

Cơ hội giành vị trí biên tập của Angela và Moira là ngang nhau.

(n): a secret warning or piece of secret information:

Ex: Acting on a ______, the police arrested the drug dealers.

summing-up (n): lời kết luận, bảng tổng kết, tóm tắt lại

(n): an act of making it clear that you do not want or need someone or
kiss off something:

Ex: I got the ______ from my job last week.

throbbing headache bệnh đau nửa đầu

chiến thắng huy hoàng, chiến thắng áp đảo

landslide victory Ex: Having gained a _____ victory in the general elections, the
proceeded with their ambitious programme.

during which time trong khoảng thời gian đó 5/20
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C1 Vocabulary
akin to doing sth
giống như làm việc gì
Ex: It is akin to stealing someone else's work.

source material publications from which information is obtained

mục ruỗng đến tận xương tủy, thối nát, hư hỏng hoàn toàn.

be rotten to the core

Ex: The whole legal system is rotten to the core.

cảm thấy có động lực

take heart in sth

EX: Investors have taken heart in improving economic situation

xem xét, kiểm tra ~ verify,check

look over to__ accounts

kiểm tra các khoản chi thu

kiểm tra và đánh giá ai, cái gì

Ex: We need to ________ the situation in a year's time

Concentration (n) sự tập trung, nơi tập trung = a large amount of sth 6/20
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C1 Vocabulary To characterize something also means to describe it by stating its main

charaterize qualities:

Ex : She characterized the novel as wordy in places but very funny.

pick up to increase or improve

tàn phá nặng nề (chiến tranh,....)

wreak havoc
Ex: The recent storms have ____ havoc on crops.

the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something


Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local

adj. conspicuous; notorious.

(dễ thấy; khét tiếng)

despotic độc tài, chuyên chế

(n): tính đồng nhất, giống nhau

Ex: Because of the dominance of retail chain-stores, most shopping

centers show the same bland ________ and no imagination.

*bland uniformity : sự giống nhau đến tẻ nhạt 7/20
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C1 Vocabulary (adj) gớm ghiếc, rất xấu

Ex: She wears the most _____ colour combinations you could ever

(adj): having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not willing to
hidebound change or be influenced, especially by new or modern ideas: tư tưởng
bảo thủ

hideout nơi ẩn náu, nơi trốn

(adj) = disobedient, hard to rule or control; lawless

Ngỗ ngược, ngang bướng, khó kiểm soát

(a) changeable, unpredictable, mercurial, thất thường

erratic He's rather ___________ with his feelings and that's why we are afraid
he won't marry too soon.

quá nhiều việc đến nỗi họ không thể kham nổi

inundate with sth

Ex: We have been inundated with requests for help. 8/20
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C1 Vocabulary (v): ra hiệu bằng cử chỉ, điệu bộ

gesture Ex: The project manager ______ animatedly as he spoke about his
experience at the jungle

(n): cục mưa đá

Ex: People were injured by ___stones the size of tennis balls

(n):tiền hoa hồng

Ex: She gets fifteen percent ___ on every insurance policy she sells.

không chắc chắn về cái gì

can not quite place something

Ex: I recognized that voice, but i couldn't quite place it

(n) hợp đồng cho thuê, (v) thuê, cho thuê dài hạn

Ex: The estate company is now ____ their new apartment building.

trong một chừng mực, mức độ nào đó

in a manner of speaking
Ex: The minister has, in a manner of speaking, resigned

đánh giá trên bản chất, giá trị của chính nó, mặt tốt, mặt xấu

To judge on its own merits

Ex: Each of the five peace plans will be judged on _______ 9/20
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C1 Vocabulary
refresh one's memory hồi tưởng lại kí ức, trí nhớ Study

đầy, nhiều cái gì (thường là không tốt, tiêu cực)

be fraught with
Ex: The whole company had been ____ with one problem after another.

glorify tuyên dương, ca ngợi, tôn vinh

tainted bẩn, hư hỏng

(a) quan trọng bậc nhất, important, portentious, momentous, tối cao

Ex: Safety is paramount

editor-in-chief tổng biên tập

nấu đúng chuẩn, ngon

cooked/done to a turn
Ex: The steak is delicious. It's a ______

= to happen

come to pass
Ex: It _______ that their love for each other grew and grew.

to agree to do something that you do not want to do or should not do:

yield to sth
Ex: It's very easy to ______ to temptation and spend too much money. 10/20
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C1 Vocabulary a very small distance or amount:

a hair's breadth Ex: His finger was within a hair's breadth of touching the alarm.

khủng khiếp, kinh khủng, rợn tóc gáy

gruesome Ex: The newspaper article included a gruesome description of the


cerebral (a) intellectual, thuộc về trí óc


(n, adj) người chống đối, bất đồng quan điểm

you say or show that you have a right to it and that it should belong to

stake a claim
Ex: He marked the spot on his map where he had seen the gold and
returned later that month to stake his claim.

hoàn toàn tự nhiên

perfectly natural
Ex: Don't worry. It's _____ natural to lose your temper sometimes

= come in large number, amount

come in droves
Ex: Rock fan come in _____ to the festival 11/20
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C1 Vocabulary
leave me cold do not impress me Study

pull the wool over someone's eyes

lừa ai đó làm họ không tin cái gì là sự thật

put sb on a pedestal
to behave as if one person is more important than others

to say or do things that make someone remember their mistake or

rub your nose in it

stand on ceremony to behave in formal way

land on your feet be lucky after a difficult situation

bandy words with sb to argue with sb

wishful thinking
mơ tưởng viễn vông, khó thành hiện thực

drive a wedge between

cố tình chen ngang, phá hoại vào mối quan hệ tốt đẹp của ai đó 12/20
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C1 Vocabulary
not get a word in edgeways

to not be able to say anything because someone else is talking all the

incongruous (a) inappropriate; illogical; không hợp lý; không phù hợp

ashen màu xám tro

đào sâu, nghiên cứu kỹ

Ex: She ______ into her pocket to find some change.

ability; capacity cỡ (súng, đạn); phẩm chất, năng lực của một người

Ex: +) If teaching paid more it might attract people of (a) higher caliber.

+) The competition entries were of such (a) high caliber that judging
them was very difficult.

hành xử tốt, tạo ấn tượng với mọi người

be on your best behaviour Ex: I'd just met his parents for the first time so I was on my best

tận cùng của sự đau khổ

in the depths of despair

Ex: I was in the depths of despair when I heard a good news 13/20
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C1 Vocabulary
strike lucky
to suddenly have a lot of unexpected luck:
Ex: What would you do if you struck it lucky in the national lottery?

đến mức độ nào đó thôi

up to a point
Ex: Of course there is some truth in all this, but only up to a point.

to be forgetten or not used:

go by the board
Ex: Does this mean our holiday plans will have to go by the board?

because we lack sth

for want of
Ex: The project failed for want of money

the feeling of hunger

the munchies
Ex: I've got the munchies

hiểu được chung chung ý người khác muốn nói

catch/get sb's drift

Ex: She's married, but she doesn't act as if she is, if you get my drift.

stand your ground giữ vững ý chí, quan điểm, niềm tin của mình, không bị lung lay

far and wide khắp nơi 14/20
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C1 Vocabulary
rattle off
to say something quickly
Ex: She rattled off the names of everyone coming to the party.

to begin to understand something

latch on
Ex: It took me ages to latch on to what she was talking about.

to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him,

her, or it in an angry way:

lash out
Ex: I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit
me in the face.

get down to bắt đầu công việc một cách nghiêm túc

an extremely cold wind

bitter wind
Ex: There was little protection against the bitter wind

lời nói chua cay, cay độc

caustic remark/way of speaking

Ex: It is sometimes very difficult to appreciate his caustic wit

in very bad condition because of being old, or not having been cared
decrepit for, or having been used a lot

Ex: Most of the buildings were old and decrepit. 15/20
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C1 Vocabulary
intrepid gan dạ, dũng cảm Study

Someone who is sour is bad-tempered and unfriendly.

sour Ex: Police, increasingly sour in mood, wonder aloud why the situation
has been allowed to deteriorate.

When you make a 'biting remark', you usually say something which is
biting remark intended to wound or hurt the feelings of the person at whom the words
are directed: cố tính mỉa mai, làm tổn thương cảm xúc của ai

tart reply/mark a reply, remark etc that is sharp and unkind→ tart

.a. đạo đức, có phẩm hạnh tốt

Ex: He described them as virtuous and hard-working people.

sự tàn sát, giết động vật

slaughter Ex: Hardly anyone in the town escaped the slaughter when the rebels
were defeated.

đáng tin cậy

credible Ex: The story of what had happened to her was barely (= almost not)
credible. 16/20
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C1 Vocabulary
subjugate chinh phục, khuất phục, đánh bại, tước đoạt lấy quyền tự doStudy

benevolent nhân từ, rộng lượng, sẵn sàng giúp đỡ khi cần

v. to replace; supplant; succeed

(để thay thế, thay thế, thành công)

Ex: Most of the old road has been superseded by the great interstate

(n) mối bất hoà, thù hận

Ex: a bitter feud over land

(a) strict, nghiêm khắc (of rules)

stringent Ex: The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the
will to enforce them.

Utility sự hữu ích = usefulness, khác với utilisation: tận dụng thứ gì

gợi ra, to bring out, moi ra

elicit Ex: The questionnaire was intended to elicit information on eating

habits. 17/20
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C1 Vocabulary decorous đúng mực, đoan trang

Ex: As young ladies we were expected to act/behave with proper

used to say that something is attractive and suits the person wearing or
becoming doing it:

Ex: That's a very becoming dress, my dear.

làm đau đớn, làm khổ sở

Ex: It is an illness that afflicts women more than men.

bắt ai phải chịu điều gì đó khó chịu

Ex: These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

v. to undermine; overthrow.

(để làm suy yếu, lật đổ)


phân số; phần nhỏ, miếng nhỏ 18/20
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C1 Vocabulary (v)
impart to communicate; to convey

truyền đạt, chuyên chở

the punishing of someone for harming you or your friends or family, or

the wish for such punishment to happen:

Ex: On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall mood in the town
was one of vengeance.

tột cùng của sự ngu dốt

the height of stupidity Ex: It is the ____ of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this

trên bờ vực phá sản

the brink of collapse

Ex: Poor management brought the company to the brink of collapse

có thể dễ dàng nhận thấy điều gì

distinct possibility Ex: As she is so heavily overworked, there is a ______ possibility that
she will have a nervous breakdown.

If something, especially a system or a machine, is up and running it is

up and running operating:

Ex: The engineer soon got the air-conditioning up and running again. 19/20
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C1 Vocabulary be someone's deserved punishment or misfortune.

serve someone right
"it would serve you right if Jeff walked out on you"

deserving praise and respect:

to someone's credit
Ex: It is to his credit that he's willing to admit he has a problem.

If something is done in good faith, it is done sincerely and honestly:

in good faith
Ex: She was acting in good faith for her client.

nói lên những gì bạn đang suy nghĩ

speak your mind

Ex: He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.

chịu trách nhiệm cho hành động của mình, nhận sai

in the wrong Ex: We had a green light, so she was clearly in the wrong when she hit

to communicate with someone, esp. by telephone:

get hold of sb Ex: I haven't talked to her in years, so I wouldn't know how to get hold of
her anymore. 20/20

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