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Name: Mary Dazel Badilla Isales Subject: TEGR 113

Offering #: T253 Instructor: Mr. Dennis Joel L. Cerna


I. Objectives
In the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a) Understand the inherent rhythmic nature of all physical activity;
b) Cite creative rhythm, movement songs, folk dances, and other
dance activities that are used as learning experiences in
physical education.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic
Rhythmic Movement Skills
b. References
Music, Art, Physical Education and Health
c. Materials
PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures, Speaker, Laptop,
d. Values Integration
Appreciate the Rhythmic Movement Skills

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greeting of the students
c. Checking the attendance

B. Developmental Activities
Teacher will ask the students to stand and let them do the following
rhythmic Movements.
1)Tapping your feet
2)Snapping your fingers

After doing so, ask the students how do they feel while doing the
C. Motivation
The class will be grouped into two. Teacher will play a music in the class,
and let each group create some moves to its rhythm and show it in front of
the class.

Ask the following questions:

1)What parts of your body move when you dance?
2)Do you enjoy dancing?

D. Activity
Now, teacher will present a video to the class a dance which is an Itik-Itik
Folkdance. After watching the video, students individually will have to
share the basic arm positions that they see that is shown in the video and
let them act it in front of the class.

E. Analysis Oral
Teacher will ask questions and call random name of students to answer. It
will serve as an oral recitation.
1)What is a rhythmic movement skill?
2)What is Fundamental rhythms?
3)What is Fundamental Dance Positions?

F. Abstraction
With the same group, let them show/act the correct way doing each
1) Hand on skirt
2) Hand on waist
3) Arms on the sides
4) Arms in T position
5) Arms in reverse
6) Arms in lateral position

G. Application
Let the student choose their partner. Let them do the basic and other arm
positions in dancing. Perform it together with their partner and their
chosen music.
Teacher will ask the following questions:
1)What have you learned in performing basic arm positions?
2)Did you feel happy with the activities?
3)What are your realizations?

Make a video of you together with one of your family members dancing at
least one folk dances, you can neither wear costumes or formal attire. The
video must not exceed to 10 minutes

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