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The Great Academy

This is a grammar lesson, in How can I interact?
this type of class we only focus
on teaching some grammatical
structures and make games
about the given lesson.
Raise your
Enjoy your class! Talk Camera hand

The Great Academy

By the end of this lesson you will be able to:

Use prepositions of time: In, On, At

Answer questions about past events

Use the idiom of the day

The Great Academy

Let's learn!
English uses the prepositions in, on and at to talk about time.
Let's try!
Let's play!
Idiom of the day

A vacation at home

Sometimes, you need a break from work, but you also need a break from travel. A “staycation” is the
perfect solution. During a “staycation,” people take time off work and enjoy relaxing at home.

Let's play!
Claire: I really need some time off. Work is so stressful.
Owen: Why don’t we take a vacation together?
Claire: You know… I’ve been traveling so much for work that more traveling doesn’t sound like fun right now. I’m
Owen: No problem. We should take a staycation instead. We can stay in our pajamas and just relax at home.

T/F: Owen and Claire are going to take a trip together.

A. True
B. False
Idiom of the day

Claire finally feels relaxed. She tells Owen, “_____. Thank you for taking a staycation with me.”
“No problem,” says Owen as he pours a cup of tea for Claire. “We both needed some personal
relaxation time.”

Claire most likely says...

A. I wish we could go to Mexico.

B. This is exactly what I needed.
C. I need to get out of the house

The Great Academy

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