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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services

National Teachers College

Strength and Conditioning Program

Student’s Name: Degree Program:

Section: Mobile Number:

Professor Name: Email Address:


At the end of this learning module, you are expected to demonstrate the
following competencies:
1. Identify appropriate strength and conditioning exercises that doesn’t
require lifting weights.
2. Perform strength and conditioning workout drills in the confines of your
3. Create a strength and conditioning program for the new normal.

Be guided by the following schedule that you can follow in order to manage
your learning experience well:


1 Different strength and conditioning workout drills.


3 Core and Power drills.


5 Video presentation of a strength and conditioning workout


There are required reading resources for this module. You are allowed to look for
other related resources if you have the means to do so. Note that our school library
has online resources that you can access.

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Week 1 - Read through the reading materials presented in the module and
enumerate the 12 non weights exercises.
Week 2 – Push ups each for Monday and Tuesday, Air swimming each for
Wednesday and Thursday and then Superman punch for Friday.

1. Push ups

● Start in a high plank position with your hands flat on the floor about
shoulder-width apart, wrists stacked under your shoulders.
● Keeping your body in one long line and your core engaged, inhale as you bend
your arms to lower your chest to the floor. If you can't maintain a flat back or
bend your arms fully so that your chest almost reaches the floor, lower your
knees to the floor to do a modified push-up from that position.
● Exhale as you push back up to starting position.
● Do 10 push ups of 2 sets each day and get your Heart Rate for 1 minute right
after the whole workout .
● If you can’t do the 10 push ups you may cut the number as per the
convenience of your workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

2. Air swimming

● Lie on your stomach with your arms extended overhead by your ears.
● Lift your chest, arms, and legs off the floor and squeeze your glutes.
● Flutter your arms and legs up and down while still keeping them off the floor.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds of 3 sets each day and get your heart rate for 1
minute after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

3. Superman Punch

● Lie on your stomach with your arms extended overhead by your ears.
● Lift your chest, arms, and legs off the ground and squeeze your butt.

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

● Keeping your arms and legs off the ground, pull your elbows in toward your
sides, then punch overhead. Repeat this punching motion, hovering your arms
and legs above the ground and engaging your glutes the entire time.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds of 3 sets and get your heart rate for 1 minute
after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

Important note:

Do static stretching first before each tasks/workout and always do cool down
exercises after the whole task each day. This is to prevent injuries and to energize you
first before doing the workouts.

WRITING CONDITION: Take note of the following in crafting your timeline.

1. Submit an electronic/softcopy output for week 1
2. Submit electronic/softcopy of photos or videos of your workout for week 2.
3. You may submit the output either through email, GCs or FB group page
depending on you PE teacher’s preference.

RUBRIC OF ASSESSMENT: Take time to review the rubric of evaluation which informs
you on how your Task 1 would be graded.

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Indicator 9-10 pts. 7-8 pts. 5-6 pts. 1-4pts
Thoroughly Quite Somewhat Little or didn’t
Exercise identified, identified, identified, identified,
explained explained explained explained and
and and and performed
performed performed performed
Electronic Extremely Organized Somewhat Lacks organization
Or organized and organized and consistency in
and consistent and writing/visulas
Soft copy
consistent writing/visu consistent
writing/vis als writing/visul
uals as
Performanc Gained Quite Gained Somewhat Little or no gain
e Fitness fitness impact gained fitness
Result impact
Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

(Adapted from:

YOUR POINTS AND NOTES (to be accomplished by the teacher)


12 No-Equipment Exercises Top Trainers Swear By

Author: Alexa Tucker

If you've ever skipped out on your workout because you were a) short on time, b) in a
cramped space, or c) lacking your usual dumbbells or resistance band, you're
definitely not alone. After all, it's easy to buy into the idea that if the scene isn't
perfectly set for a workout, you're better off just waiting to do it until the timing's right.
But the idea that banging out a workout when you don't have access to your usual
equipment or space is one that trainers are quick to debunk. Sure, they know their way
around a gym floor and a smart workout program, but they also know that when
you're traveling, ultra busy, or just don't feel like dealing with the gym, a routine of
challenging bodyweight exercises will get the job done.
Not to mention, bodyweight exercises can be just as effective as the moves you do
with equipment. With the help of a little gravity, your own body is an amazing tool for
challenging your muscles.
Here are the equipment-free exercises that top trainers swear by, for their clients and
for themselves. Whether you're looking for a boost of cardio or you want to work your
legs, butt, core, arms, or all of the above, there's a go-to exercise for everyone to keep
in their back pocket. No whistles or bells or, kettle bells—required.
Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

1. Push ups
2. Air Swimming
3. Superman punch
4. Bulgarian split squat
5. Bulgarian split squat to decline push up
6. Single leg tricep dip
7. Break Dancer
8. Glute Bridge
9. Runners crunch
10. Burpee with push up
11. Burpee with mountain climbers
12. Curtsy lunge to reverse lunge with hop

Week 3 – Bulgarian split squat for Monday and Tuesday, Bulgarian Split squat to
decline push up for Wednesday and Thursday then Single leg tricep dip for Friday.
Week 4 - Breakdancer for Monday and Tuesday, Glute bridge for Wednesday and
Thursday then curtsy lunge to reverse lunge with hop for Friday.

TASK INFORMATION: Please take note of the following in formulating your output.
1. Bulgarian spli squat

● Stand with your back to your "bench." With your left foot on the floor a few feet
in front of the bench, place the top of your right foot on the bench, shoelaces
● Place your hands behind your head and engage your core.
● Bend your knees to lower down into a split squat. Your left knee should ideally
form a 90-degree angle so that your thigh is parallel to the ground, and your
right knee is hovering above the floor. (Quick position check: your left foot
should be stepped out far enough that you can do this without letting your left
knee go past your left toes—if you can't, hop your left foot out a bit farther away
from the bench.)
● Driving through your left heel, stand back up to starting position.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds (15 each leg) of 3 sets each day and get your
heart rate for 1 minute after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

2. Bulgarian split squat to decline push up

● Start in the position for a Bulgarian split squat (as shown above), with your left
foot on the floor and your right foot on the bench. After bending your left knee
to lower into a split lunge, bend forward at your hips and place both hands on
the ground outside your left foot.
● Lift your left foot up and place it on the bench beside your right foot so you're in
a decline plank, then bend your elbows to lower your chest to the ground for
one decline push-up. For an even bigger challenge, keep your left foot hovering
above the bench, rather than placing it down.
● You may need to walk your hands a few inches forward before doing the
push-up to be able to fully extend your legs, depending on how far you are from
the box. You can also bend your knees a bit to compensate for distance (as
shown) so that you don't have to shuffle. Just make sure to keep your core
engaged and back flat.
● Straighten your elbows to push back up, then bring your left knee in toward your
chest and place your left foot back in its starting position on the floor.
● Remove your hands from the ground and stand back up to return to the starting
● Do the work out for 30 seconds (15 each leg) of 3 sets each day and get your
heart rate for 1 minute after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

3. Single leg tricep

● Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, about
hip-distance apart. Place your hands behind you with your fingers facing toward
your body.
● Lift your hips up to bring your butt off the ground and shift your weight back into
your hands, then lift your right leg toward the ceiling.

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

● Bend your arms so your butt's hovering just above the ground. Keep your elbows
tight in toward the center of your body, and avoid flaring them out at an angle
when you lower down.
● Straighten your arms to return to the starting position.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds (15 each leg) of 3 sets and get your heart rate
for 1 minute after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

4. Breakdancer

● Start on all fours, with your hands stacked under your shoulders and your knees
stacked under your hips.
● Lift your knees slightly off the ground.
● Keeping your butt low, extend your right leg underneath your torso, rotating your
body to open up to the left side. Hold your left arm in front of you (as shown).
When you start to get comfortable with the move and want an extra balance
challenge, extend your arm out to tap your right foot.
● Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds (15 each leg) of 3 sets each day and get your
heart rate for 1 minute after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

5. Glute Bridge

● Lie on your back with your hands at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on floor
hip-width apart.
● Squeeze your glutes and abs and push through your heels to lift your hips a few
inches off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to
your knees.
● Pause and squeeze your glutes at the top, then slowly lower your hips to return
to the starting position.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds (15 each leg) of 3 sets each day and get your
heart rate for 1 minute after the whole workout.
Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

6. Curtsy lunge to reverse lung with hop

● Start standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

● Step your left foot diagonally behind you, bending both knees to lower into a
curtsy lunge.
● Drive through your right heel to stand back up as you bring your left knee back
to hover next to your right.
● Then, step your left foot directly behind you (about 2 feet) and bend both knees
to lower into a reverse lunge, creating two 90-degree angles with your legs. In
this positioning, your shoulders should be directly above your hips and your chest
should be upright (not leaning forward or back). Your right shin should be
perpendicular to the floor and your right knee should be stacked above your
right ankle. Your butt and core should be engaged.
● Push through the heel of your right foot to stand up and as you do, drive your
left knee toward your chest, and do a little hop on your right foot.
● Step your left foot back again to do another reverse lunge.
● Push through the heel of your right foot to stand up to starting position.
● Move directly into the next rep, starting with a curtsy lunge, on the same leg.
● Do the work out for 30 seconds (15 each leg) of 3 sets and get your heart rate
for 1 minute after the whole workout.
● If you can’t do 30 seconds you may cut the time as per the convenience of your
workout capacity.
● If you can’t perform the said task due to medical concern, not feeling well or
limited work out place please advise your PE teacher. DO NOT perform the said

Important note:

Do static stretching first before each tasks/workout and always do cool down
exercises after the whole task each day. This is to prevent injuries and to energize you
first before doing the workouts.

WRITING CONDITION: Take note of the following in crafting your output.

1. Submit electronic/softcopy of photos or videos of your workout for week 2.

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

2. You may submit the output either through email, GCs or FB group page
depending on you PE teacher’s preference.

RUBRIC OF ASSESSMENT: Take time to review the rubric of evaluation which informs
you on how your Task 2 would be graded

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Indicator 9-10 pts. 7-8 pts. 5-6 pts. 1-4pts
Thoroughly Quite Somewhat Little or didn’t
Exercise identified, identified, identified, identified,
explained explained explained explained and
and and and performed
performed performed performed
Electronic Extremely Organized Somewhat Lacks organization
Or organized and organized and consistency in
and consistent and writing/visulas
Soft copy
consistent writing/visu consistent
writing/vis als writing/visul
uals as
Performanc Gained Quite Gained Somewhat Little or no gain
e Fitness fitness impact gained fitness
Result impact
(Adapted from:

YOUR POINTS AND NOTES (to be accomplished by the teacher)

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Strength and Conditioning Program

PROJECT INFORMATION: Please take note of the following in making this project:

1. Accomplish a strength and conditioning plan for 1 month using only the 12
exercises found in the reading material provided on this module.
2. The exercises may be interchange as to what order or progression you may deem
fit for your program.
3. You may put any number of repetitions and sets as well as any duration you may
want to put for each exercises per day.

OUTPUT CONDITION: Take note of the guidelines to follow as you complete your

1. Electronic copy through fitness video of your Strength and Conditioning Program.

RUBRIC OF ASSESSMENT: Take time to review the rubric of evaluation which will inform
you on how your project would be graded

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

Indicator 9-10 pts. 7-8 pts. 5-6 pts. 1-4pts
Thoroughly Ideas Ideas Little or no discussion
Idea discussed discussed somewhat of ideas
ideas discussed
Coherency Extremely Organized Somewhat Lacks organization
organized and organized and consistency in
and consistent and presentation
consistent presentatio consistent
presentati n presentatio
on n
Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Progression Few errors some errors Many errors Many errors that
of Exercises compromise the
(Adapted from:

YOUR POINTS AND NOTES (to be accomplished by the teacher)

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Course Code and Subject
School of Teacher Education, First Semester, SY 2021-2022

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