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Unit 10: Conservation

Module: Reading(page 104)

Teacher: Hoang Ngoc Son Number of students: 32

Date: 14/12/2021 Time: 9h30’- 10h15’
Room: 1302A Length of lesson: 45 minutes
Level: Recent work: Unit 9: Under the
Class: DH19PA sea( language focus)

I. Objective
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Knowledge:

- Provide students vocabulary items and reading skill about conservation.

- Teach students how to protect the natural things.

- Improve the grammar: modal verb (can, could, may) ,should,let’s.

 Skills:

- Improve skimming and scanning skills,reading for details,underline the

main key words.

- Enhance vocabulary comprehension: matching.

- Enhance reading comprehension: decide True or False statements, identify

the main idea.

 Attitude:
- Raise student’s attention and awarness about conservation.
- Boost students motivation.

II. Materials

- Textbook: Tiếng anh 10

- Teaching aids: board, marker, handouts,pictures.

- Equipment: projector,computer,micro,power point.

III. Methods and techniques

- Communicative Approach, PPP.

- Questions and discussions.

- Pair work/Group work.

IV. Anticipated problems and solutions

 Students may find it difficult to pronounce new words

 Teacher models how to pronouce the word .

 Students may feel shy when teacher asks them to present in front of class.
 T lets Ss practice in pairs or groups.

V. Procedure

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Note

Review - Greeting(1 min) -Greeting(1 min) -T-S
previous - Talk about the previous lesson(3
lesson(3 mins):
mins) +Ask students to list 3 things that -Write 3 things that
foreigners should or shouldn’t do when foreigners should or
traveling to Viet Nam.(2 mins) shouldn’t do when
List 3 things that foreigners: traveling to Viet Nam
Should: Shouldn’t: into the handout.(2

+Ask 3 Ss to show their answers and -Stand up, show the

correct the mistake if Ss take.( 1 min) answer and take note
their mistakes if they
take.(1 mins)

Warm-up(5 -Ask Ss to look at the picrure,work in -Work in pair.

mins) pair and answer the questions(3 mins): - Look at the picture
and answer the

+ What can you see in each picture?

+ Do we need to conserve wildlife and
environment? Why?
+Have you ever been to a national park?
+ Can you name some animals that need
to conserve?
-Ask Ss go to the board and write down -Go to the board and
their answer.( 1 min) write down answer.
-Correct Ss answer(1 min)
1.forest fire,deforestration, air
2.Yes, we do. By conserving wildlife,
we're ensuring that future generations
can enjoy our natural world and the
incredible species that live within it.
3. Yes, I have. They are Cuc Phuong
national park,Cat Tien national
park,Bach Ma national park.
4. Some animals that we need to protect
are tiger,crocodile,elephant,panda,…

I. Pre- -Show and give the meaning of new

teaching vocabulary:
(10 mins) 1. conservation(n) /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/: the
protection of the natural environment.
-> To conserve(v)
2.Curculation(n) /ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃn/: the
movement of something (for example
air, water, gas, etc.) around an area or
inside a system or machine.
3.eliminate(v) /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/: to remove or
get rid of something.
4. run- off(n) /ˈrʌn ɒf/:rain, water or
other liquid that runs off land into
streams and rivers.
5. hydroelectric dam(n) /ˌhaɪdrəʊɪ
ˈlektrɪk dæm/: large, man-made structure
built to contain some body of water.
something that provides protection
against attack from enemies, the
weather, illness, etc.
to make a substance or place dirty or no
longer pure by adding a substance that is
dangerous or carries disease.
8.erosion(n) /ɪˈrəʊʒn/: the process by
which the surface of something is
gradually destroyed through the action
of wind, rain, etc.

-Say each word three times and ask Ss to

repeat the word. -Repeat after the
-Say each word three times and ask Ss to teacher
repeat the word. -Stand up and read
-Call some Ss to read the words and aloud the words.
correct their pronunciation. -write down the new
-Ask Ss to write the words on their vocabulary.
notebook. - Read the passages
-Ask Ss to read the passages carefully. carefully.
-Read the passage
-Ask three Ss to read aloud the passages.

(20 mins)
VI. Assessment:


Vung Tau, …………….…

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