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1. The pre-oral defense will be on January 19 and 21, 2022, starting from 8:00 AM.

2. Participants are required to be in their semi-formal attire.

3. Everyone is expected to follow all standard health protocols such as: wearing of
facemasks; no body contacts; social distancing, among others. Upon arrival the students
shall log their name with the school guard’s log book, scan their QR codes, monitor their
temperature and use alcohol.

4. Before the defense starts,

a. Prepare a nametag containing your first name. This nametag will then be
placed near the left chest area for easy recognition by the panelists.
b. Be reminded that English will be the medium of communication for the
whole duration of your oral-defense, unless otherwise the majority of the
panelists voted to use another language for better community.

5. The groups will be divided into two batches according to their block number. Each batch
shall be assigned to two different dates namely: January 19 and 21 (Wednesday and
Friday, respectively).
a. Wednesday- Blocks 1-8
b. Friday- Blocks 9-18


January 19 (Wednesday) 8:00am-12:00nn 1, 2, 4

1:00pm-5:00pm 5, 6, 8

January 21 (Friday() 8:00am-12:00nn 9, 10, 11

1:00pm-5:00pm 12, 16, 18

6. The group will only be given a maximum of 30 minutes to present their chapters 1 to 3
(15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for Q&A and other comments). This will be
presented through a PowerPoint Presentation.

7. Each class representative per block shall secure a hardcopy or soft copy of their class list
which shall be given to their PR2 teacher on the day of pre-oral defense.

8. Late groups shall wait until all the blocks are done presenting which shall cause a
demerit on their group grade.

9. Lastly, all groups must send a softcopy of their research to their class rep. The Class rep,
on the other hand, shall upload them altogether in the google drive as provided
usp=sharing) on or before January 17, Monday. Those that will not be uploaded shall
not be entertained during the defense day.

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