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Doctor : Ian
P 1 : Nova
P 2 : Jini
Patient : Itin
Family : Ka Linda, Andi
Security : Atmi
Pharmacist : Lia
Bestie : Ambu, Nostri

One day Ambu and Nostri went to Christin's house to do their

homework. They came with the Rujak they bought on the side of the
road. The day after eating the rujak, Christin had a stomach ache
because she had eaten too much rujak.

Ambu : Good morning

Mama : Yes, good morning, Christin's friend, right?
Nostri : Yes ma'am, we are Christin's college friends
Mama : Oiyah, come on please come in
Ambu : Thank you ma'am

Mama called Christin out and told her she had a friend.

Ityn : Hey…
Nostri : Hello Christin (while putting the salad on the table)
Ityn : What do you bring with you?
Ambu : On the way, we saw someone selling rujak, so we made it
buy it for a snack
Ityn : ok fine, let's start doing the task.

They do their work while eating the salad brought by their friends.
After a while they finished their work. And after that Ambu and Nostri
came home….
At night Itthyn felt sick to her stomach, then told her father and
mother… then her mother calmed Christin and the next day Christin
was taken to the hospital..

Family : Good morning sir

Security guard : Yes, good morning too, can I help you?
Family: ok sir. I brought my child to be checked1!
Security guard: okay sir, please, inside there is an administration
section, you come and register first.
Family: Ok sir. Thank you

Arriving inside, the family went to the administration room to register

their child.
Family : good morning
P1 : Yes, good morning sir, is there anything I can help you with?
Family: I want to check the condition of my son.
P1: ok sir, please complete the registration form first sir
Family : Ok Thumb……This is thump
Pi; Ok sir, please wait a moment, I want to take the form to the doctor
Family: Fine.

Nurse Nova delivers Forms to the room…

P 2: patient number 50 please come to the doctor's room

Patient : OK
Doctor : Hello, is there anything I can help you with?
Patient : I have a stomach ache since last night and haven't
less pain doc
Doctor : Do you remember the food you ate before
stomach ache?
Patient : yesterday I ate rujak with my friend when
doing college homework
Doctor: In your stomach area where do you feel the most?
Does it hurt?
Patient : this side doc (while holding the painful part)
Doctor: (then the doctor checks and diagnoses)
From the results of the examination, the mother had stomach ulcers.
Patient : Oiyah, ok doc
Doctor : Alright, for now I will prescribe you medicine,
to reduce acid levels in your stomach.
Please go to the drug taking section, later give it
the prescription and the medicine will be given by the officer.
Patient : Ok ok doc,
Thank You
Doctor: you're welcome, get well soon...

Then the family and Christin went to take medicine according to the
prescription given by the doctor..

Family: excuse me ma'am

Pharmacist : Yes sir
Family: We have consulted with the doctor and were given a
here ma'am (while giving the recipe)
Pharmacist : ok sir, wait a minute, I'll get the medicine first
Family: ok ma'am

After a while later…

Pharmacist: OK, sir, this is an antacid to reduce acid levels in the

stomach. The medicine will be taken three times a day before
eat it sir
family: ok, thank you
pharmacist: yes, sir, I hope your son gets well soon….

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