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Unit 7: What do you like doing?

Lesson 1: Parts 1, 2, 3

1. Look, listen and repeat

2. Point and say
3. Application

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- use the words and phrases related to the topic My hobby.
- ask and answer questions about what someone likes doing:
What do you like doing?
I like + verb-ing.

* Vocabulary: - swimming, cooking, collecting stamps, playing chess

III. Resources: Student’s books, recording, pictures, orange ball and blue ball.


Stages/ Time Content Interaction

* Warm-up.
(5 minutes)  Review the actions that the pupils have already
learnt in the previous lessons: Whole class
+ read (a book)
Two teams
+ watch TV
+ listen to music
+ skip
+ swim
+ cycle (ride a bike)
Steps of the game:
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Each group has one
representative to stand in front of the class (back to the
- Have the two groups look at the pictures given by the
teacher; do the actions to describe the pictures to the
representative without saying any words.
- The representatives have to guess the correct words
from the actions.

Aim: to help students be familiarized with the expressions

of asking and answering about hobbies
1. Look, listen and
repeat. Transition:
(7 minutes) + “We’ve just played a game. Do you like it? Let’s start the
new lesson by listening to dialogues.”
Steps (of carrying out the activity):
T-Whole class
Teacher will:
- Have the pupils look at the pictures of the dialogue.
- Ask them to guess the topic of the dialogue.
- Elicit the situation and the people/characters talking
in each picture/ dialogue.
- Have the class look at all the dialogue and play the
recording for the pupils to listen to all the way through
once or twice.
- Have ss listen and repeat each line of the dialogue in
chorus once or twice.
- Conduct a repetition drill to have pp practise the
dialogues through:
+ Models by T and the whole class: T-S
I will be the teacher and all of you will be a pupil, okay?
+ Open pairs: T-one pupil; one pupil-one pupil
“Now, I will read the dialogue with one pupil.”
“And now, Tam is Teacher and Hoa is student. Read
the dialogue, please.”
+ Closed pairs: two pupils in the same table take turns
to read the dialogue.
“Please, work in pairs and read the dialogue. One is
Teacher and the other is student”

2. Point and say. * ACTIVITY 1: Pre-teach Vocabulary

(15 minutes) - Elicit the new words by asking the pupils to look at T-Whole class
the pictures and then guess the hobbies of Tony:
+ swimming: bơi lội
+ cooking: nấu ăn
+ collecting stamps: sưu tầm tem
+ playing chess: chơi cờ
Steps of presenting new vocabulary:
- Elicit the word “swimming” by using pictures
(flashcards) asking: What does Tony like doing at
- Say the word out loud clearly 2-3 times and show the T- Whole class
word if needed.
- Conduct choral and individual repetition with each
word for 2-3 times.
- Have ss repeat the word and check their pronunciation
of the new word.

*Teacher repeats the same steps of pre-teaching the T- Whole class

other new words

ACTIVITY 1.2: Vocabulary checking

* Game: What’s missing?

Aim: to check pupils’ understanding and/or ability to

use the newly-learned words
Steps of conducting the game:
- Introduce the game: T- Whole class
“You have learnt some new words related to your
hobbies such as: swimming, cooking, collecting stamps,
playing chess, listening to music, and watching TV.”

And now, would you like to play a game to review

them? Let’s play a game, called WHAT’S MISSING

- Stick 6 pictures of activities that Tony likes doing.

The six pictures are:
- Ask the students to look at
the six pictures of Tony’s hobbies
- Divide students into two groups and have them
choose a name. (Pink or Yellow)
Now, I will divide my class into 2 groups. What is your
group’s name? Pink or Yellow?

- Give the instruction of the game by Say-Do-Check:

+ Let me tell you how to play the game.

+ How many pictures are there? - 6
+ I’ll ask you all “Head down”. Then, I’ll hide one
hobby that Tony likes doing. (Miming while saying)
+ When I say, “Head up” and ask “what hobby is
missing?”, you look at the board and find what’s
+ Let’s try one time as an example:
- Everyone, Head down! (hide one picture of
- Everyone, Head up! What (hobby)’s missing?
- S: swimming
- T: That’s great.

+ Any member in your group says out loud the missing

hobby. The group saying the correct word first will get
one star. If it is wrong, you’ll lose one star.
+ Who can say out loud? Any
+ How many stars are for one quick correct hobby?

- Start the game by removing one of the pictures, and

asking the pupils to say out loud the missing hobbies.


- Elicit the sentence pattern from the dialogue:
Phong: What do you like doing?
Tony: I like swimming.
T-whole class
- Focus on the form: ‘like + verb-ing’ to talk about
- Model the sentence pattern with one student:
What do you like doing?
I like + verb-ing.
- Have the pupils to work in open pairs (2) and then
closed pairs, to practise asking and answering questions
about what someone likes doing. Open pairs

Closed pairs

Game: Pass the ball S-S

Aim: To help pupils apply the newly-learnt pattern to
ask and talk about their own hobbies in an exciting
Steps of conducting the game:
- Introduce the game “Pass the ball” by telling the
class that they are going to practise using ‘What do you
like doing? I like… ’ to talk about their own hobbies in
a game, called “Pass the ball”.
- Explain the rules of the game:
+ I have two balls, one blue and one orange
+ I’ll play music while you are passing the balls to your
3. Application: friends.
- How many balls are there? - 2
(7 minutes) - What are you doing while listening to music?
- Passing the balls.
+ After 1-2 minutes, I’ll pause music and the pupil with
the blue ball need to ask the question ‘What do you like
doing?’ and the pupil with the orange ball need to
answer ‘I like…’ about your hobby.
- What do you need to do when music is off?
- Who will ask a question?
- Who will answer the question?
- Let’s try once as an example.
- Start the game by having students pass the ball and
ask and answer Give comments to the pupils’
4. Feed back & - Give comments to the pupils’ participation.
Homelink. - Ask the pupils to learn by heart the new vocabulary
(1 minute) and the sentence pattern at home.

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