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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Electrical Installation and Maintenance

Subject: TLE – EIM

Year Level: Grade 8

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Enumerate the parts of a multi tester;
interpret the meter scale of the multi tester; and
1. Enumerate the parts of a multi-tester;
2. Read the meter scale of the multi-tester; and
3. Demonstrate the proper care and maintenance of the multi-tester.


Topic: The Multi-tester
Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector, Powerpoint Presentation, Number
References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and
Livelihood Education Electrical Installation and Maintenance Learning
Time Frame: 1 hour

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
“Before anything else, everybody please (Students bow their heads and pray.)
stand up and let us pray. Let us all bow
our heads and let us pray.

 Greetings
“Good morning maam!”
“Good morning class!”
“Before you take your seats, kindly check
if there are pieces of paper under your (Students pick up the pieces of paper and
chairs, pick it up and arrange your chairs arrange their chairs.)

 Checking of Attendance
Now, let us check your attendance.
Present maam
Raise your hand and say present if you
are present.

 Review of the Past Lesson

Strategy: Pass the Ball
I will pass a ball of paper containing
questions about the last topic. Whoever
gets the ball at my stop signal will peel of
the top part of the paper and answer the
question written on it.


1. What system of measurement provides the

creative way on how people can measure by
themselves. For example, people measure
shorter distance on the ground with their feet.
They measure long distances by their palms
which is equal to a yard. It includes inch, yard
and miles.
2. How many inches are there in 1 foot?
Answer: 12 INCHES
3. What system is a decimalized system of
measurement. It exists in several variations
with different choices of base units. Metric
units are widely used around the world for
personal, commercial and scientific purpose.
millimeter, centimeter, decimeter and meter.
4. How do you read the 5th graduation in
centimeter if the first graduation is .5mm?
Answer: 4.5 mm
5. Solve the following equation in the board with
solution: 6 feet = ________ inches.
6 feet = 12 inches
1 feet
6 x 12 inches

Therefore: 6 feet = 72 inches

B. Lesson Proper
B.1 Motivation
Strategy: Recitation
I will throw situational questions about
safety precautions in handling electricity.

B.2 Teacher’s Activity

Strategy: Interactive Discussion


The Multitester or multimeter is sometimes called the

VOM (voltmeter, ohmmeter, milliammeter). It is the
best instrument that can measure voltage, resistance
and current. It is generally made of two types: the
analog and the digital.


 POINTER. The needle-shaped rod that

moves over the scale of a meter.
Pointer It is mechanically connected to
the moving coil. it indicates the
measured values on the multimeter
switch) makes it possible to select
different functions and range of the
 Adjustment screw makes it possible to
adjust the pointer to the zero position of
the scale.
 SCALE is a series of marking used for
reading the value of a quantity.
 SCALE -can have different types of
scale, for voltage and current readings
the scales have mostly linear which
means equal division. Test probe
positive (red), negative (black) is used
to connect the circuit to the electrical
components being tested.
 Zero-Ohm Adjusting Knob is used to
zero-in the pointer before measuring

Proper Care And Maintenance Of The Multi

1. Read manual of instructions on how
to operate the multi-tester.
2. In reading the amount of voltage,
always start with the highest range to
avoid reading voltage higher than the
tester setting.
3. Be sure that the tester is set to the
correct range setting: resistance range
when measuring the ohm, voltage range
when measuring voltage and ammeter
range when measuring the value of
electric current.
4. Always check the condition of its
battery. Worn out batteries will damage
the internal setting of the tester.
5. When the tester is not in used or will
be stored, set the selector switch to
1000V or to OFF position.
6. Never drop the tester.

B.3 Learner’s Actitvity

Strategy: Drawing
I will let my students draw the multi tester
on a bond paper.

C. Generalization
Strategy: Video Presentation
I will let my students watch a short film about
the proper care and maintenance of the multi-tester.

Activity: Short Quiz
Students will label and give the function of the multi-tester.

DIRECTION. Given a Multi-\tester below, write the parts indicated by the arrow and give
their functions.

V. Assignment/ Agreement
Strategy: Advance Reading
Do an advance reading on the next lesson.

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