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Lesson 11. Jobs in Accounting. Bookkeepers and Accountants.

Професія бухгалтер

 засвоїти лексику за темою;
 навчитися перекладати тексти з вивченою лексикою;
 навчитися переказувати текст з вивченою лексикою;
 удосконалювати навички самостійного пошуку і аналізу інформації в
іншомовних джерелах та представлення в усній та письмовій формах.

1. Лексика за темою.
2. Текст «Bookkeepers and Accountants».
3. Завдання на розуміння тексту. Мовленнєві вправи.


1. English for Accounting. Evan Fredo & Sean Mahoney. – Oxford University Press,
2. Irene Barrall, Nicolas Barrall. Intelligent Business. Coursebook. – Pearson
Longman, 2010.
3. Irene Barrall, Nicolas Barrall. Intelligent Business. Workbook. – Pearson
Longman, 2010.
4. Шевелева С.А. Основы экономики и бизнеса. - М., «Юнити», 2001.

1. Make a list of all different types of jobs you know about in accounting.
Написати, які професії у бухгалтерському обліку ви знаєте (скористуйтеся
___________________ ___accountant_________

_________________ ____________________
Jobs in
___________________ accounting


2. Here are some jobs and definitions. Fill in the gaps in the definitions with the
words from the box below. Нижче наведені деякі професії та їх обов’язки.
Доповнити речення словами з таблиці, перекласти речення.
specializing studying for inspecting its processing
accounts records
giving administrative to inspect its accounts

Trainee accountants
Accountants who are 1) ______________ for professional examinations.

Administrative staff responsible for 2) ___________ of a business’s financial activities.

Tax accountant
An accountant 3) ____________ in a company’s tax affairs.

Back-office manager
Person in charge of the staff responsible for 4) ____________ to the Finance department.

Internal auditors
Employees of a company who are responsible 5) ____________________.

External auditors
People who work in an outside firm and are employed by a company 6) _____________.

3. (audio 2) Michael Rogers, a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) from the USA is
meeting Paul Martens, the CEO (Chief Financial Officer) of a company in Belgium.
Listen to Michael’s conversation with Mr Martens’ secretary. Write down all jobs
mentioned. Which of them are not included in ex.2.
1) ______________________ 6) ___________________________
2) ______________________ 7) ___________________________
3) _______________________ 8) ____________________________
4) _______________________ 9) ____________________________
5) _______________________ 10) ___________________________

4. Read and translate the dialogue. Correct your answers in ex.3. Прочитати й
перекласти діалог. Перевірити правильність виконання вправи 3.
Secretary: Mr Martens will be with you in a moment. He’s finishing a phone call.
Michael: Thank you.
Secretary: Would you like some coffee?
Michael: Yes, that would be great. Milk, no sugar, please.
Secretary: Here you are.
Michael: Thank you. Is this the whole department?
Secretary: No, no, not at all. On this flour we have the trainee accountants and the
Michael: And does everyone works in the open-plan area?
Secretary: No, some of the managers have individual offices. The two big offices on
the left are for the company treasurer and for our senior tax accountant. The
offices on the right are for our cost accountant and for our budget manager.
Michael: And the office in the corner of the open-plan area?
Secretary: That’s used by our back-office manager.
Michael: And you have offices downstairs as well.
Secretary: Yes, that’s correct. Downstairs are the internal auditors and at the moment
we have a team of external auditors. They are in one of the conference
rooms at the end of the corridor.
Michael: I see.

Level A-B
5. Match the words and their meanings. Знайти відповідність між назвами
професій та їх перекладом.
1. a trainee accountant a) бек-офіс менеджер (бэк-офис менеджер)
2. a treasurer b) зовнішній ревізор (внешний ревизор)
3. a back-office manager c) головний фінансовий директор (главный
финансовый директор)
4. a senior tax accountant d) бухгалтер-стажер (бухгалтер-стажер)
5. an internal auditor e) дипломований бухгалтер (дипломированный
6. an external auditor f) бухгалтер (бухгалтер)
7. a Chief Financial Officer g) внутрішній ревізор (внутренний ревизор)
8. a Certified Public Accountant h) бухгалтер по обліку витрат (бухгалтер по
учету затрат)
9. a bookkeeper i) скарбник (казначей)
10. a cost accountant j) старший податковий бухгалтер (старший
налоговый бухгалтер)

Level C-D
6. Make up sentences with the words from ex.4. Translate them. Скласти речення
(*або зв’язну розповідь) зі словами з вправи 4. Записати їх переклад.

1. In the column B find the verbs that form the nouns and other parts of speech in the column
A. Translate all words. У колонці В знайти дієслова, від яких було сформовано іменники
та інші частини мови в колонці А. Перекласти всі слова.
1. responsibility a) analyze
2. certificate b) count
3. analysis c) examine
4. organization d) employ
5. production e) earn
6. recording f) interpret
7. accounting g) respond
8. earnings h) certify
9. expansion i) record
10. examination 14. employee j) produce
11. account 15. interpreter k) practise
12. certified 16. practical l) organize
13. accountant m) expand

2. Find the transcriptions (group A) of the words (group B). Write the words and their
transcriptions in the exercise book. Знайти транскрипцію (група А) для слів (група В).
Записати слова та їх транскрипцію в зошит.
Group A: [ri'sits], [iks'pənditʃə], [le'ʤə], [ə'prouprieit], [ə'kaunt], [in'tə:prit], ['deitə],
[ə'kauntənt], ['pə:tʃəz], ['figə], [pri'pεə], [əd'və:tizmənt kəm'pein], ['ʤə:nl], [diz'bə:zmənt],
['traiəl 'bæləns], ['sə:tifaid], ['ə:niŋz], ['præktis], ['nesisəri], [træn'zækʃn], [səfisti'keitid].
Group B: accountant, journal, receipts, transaction, prepare, ledger, certified, appropriate,
data, practice, interpret, earnings, purchase, trial balance, expenditure, advertising campaign,
figure, disbursement, sophisticated, account, necessary.

3. Read the words and their translations. Write the translations to the words from task 2.
Remember all the other unknown words. Learn the words. Прочитати слова й
переклад, дописати переклад для слів з вправи 2. Записати всі інші незнайомі
слова. Вивчити лексику до теми.
Bookkeeper [buk 'ki:pə] бухгалтер (бухгалтер)
accountant [ə'kauntənt] ревізор звітності (ревизор отчетности,
chartered accountant (Br.) ['tʃa:tərəd ə'kauntənt] дипломований (дипломированный бух-
certified public accountant (Am.) ['sə:tifaid pʌblik ə'kauntənt] дипломований
(дипломированный бухгалтер) контролер, ревизор
cash ['kæʃ] готівка (наличные деньги)
flow ['flou] потік (поток (денег))
receipts [ri'sits] грошові надходження (денежные поступлення)
disbursement [diz'bə:zmənt] сплата грошей (выплата денег)
purchase ['pə:tʃəz] покупка (покупка)
transaction [træn'zækʃn] угода (сделка)
appropriate [ə'prouprieit] відповідний (соответствующий)
figure ['figə] цифра (цифра)
book бухгалтерська книга (бухгалтерская книга)
entry ['entri], original entry [o'riʤinl 'entri] бухгалтерський запис (бухгалтерская
запись, первичная проводка)
journal ['ʤə:nl] журнал (бухгалтерский)
the totals ['toutlz] підсумки ((зд.) итоги)
to post ['poust] переносити (переносить в главную книгу)
ledger [le'ʤə] головна книга (главная книга)
expenditure [iks'pənditʃə] витрати (расходы)
earnings ['ə:niŋz] прибуток, дохід (доход)
to prepare [pri'pεə] підготувати (підготовить)
balance ['bæləns] баланс (баланс (бухгалтерський))
trial balance ['traiəl 'bæləns] пробний баланс (пробный баланс)
are drawn up [a: 'dro:n ʌp] складати (составлять)
responsibility [risponsi'biliti] відповідальність (ответственность)
to interpret [in'tə:prit] тлумачити (толковать, интерпретировать)
data ['deitə] дані (данные)
to determine [di'tə:min] визначати (определять)
expansion [iks'pænʃn] розширення (расширение)
to advertise ['ædvə:taiz] рекламувати (рекламировать)
advertising campaign [əd'və:tizmənt kəm'pein] рекламна компанія (рекламная кампанія)
sophisticated [səfisti'keitid] складний (сложный)

4. Прочитати й перекласти текст „Bookkeepers and Accountants”. Read and

translate the text.
Bookkeepers and Accountants
(І) Bookkeepers deal in taxes, cash flow, which includes cash receipts
and cash disbursements, sales, purchases and different business transactions
of the company.
(ІІ) First, bookkeepers record all the appropriate figures in the books of
original entry, or Journals. At the end of a period, usually a month, the totals
of each book of original entry are posted into the proper page of the Ledger. The Ledger
shows all the expenditures and all the earnings of the company. On the basis of all the
totals of each account in the Ledger, the bookkeeper prepares a Trial Balance. Trial
Balances are usually drawn up every quarter.
(ІІІ) The accountant’s responsibility is to analyze and interpret the data in the
Ledger and the Trial Balance.
(ІV) The accountant is to determine the ways in which the business may grow in the future.
Any expansion or reorganization is planned with the help of the accountant. New
products and advertising campaigns are also prepared with the help of the accountant. The
work of accountants is rather sophisticated.

Level A-B
5. The following text is mixed up. Arrange all parts of it in the correct order.
Translate sentences orally. Відновити порядок речень відповідно до тексту.
Перекласти речення усно.
____ At the end of a period, usually a month, the totals of each book of original entry are
posted into the proper page of the ledger.
____ Trial Balances are usually drawn up every quarter.
____ Bookkeepers deal in taxes, cash flow, which includes cash receipts and cash
disbursements, sales, purchases and different business transactions of the company.
____ On the basis of all the totals of each account in the Ledger, the bookkeeper prepares
a trial balance.
____ Bookkeepers record all the appropriate figures in the books of original entry, or
____ The Ledger shows all the expenditures and all the earnings of the company.
____ The accountant’s responsibility is to analyze and interpret the data in the Ledger
and the Trial Balance.

6. Find the right headings for the parts of the text. Знайти відповідні назви для
частин тексту, позначених цифрами.
A. Stages of accounting cycle.
B. What accountants are responsible for.
C. Role of an accountant at an enterprise.
D. Transactions that a bookkeeper deals in.

Level C-D
7. Доповнити речення. Перекласти речення. Complete as in the text:
1. Bookkeepers deal in ...
2. Bookkeepers first record ...
3. The Ledger shows ...
4. Trial Balances are drawn ...
5. The accountant’s responsibility is ...
6. The accountant is to determine ...
7. *Certified accountants in England are called ...
8. *In the U.S.A. certified accountants are called ...

8. Answer the following questions. Відповісти на питання.

1. What do bookkeepers deal in?
2. What is the first stage of accounting procedure?
3. What do bookkeepers do then?
4. What is a ledger?
5. What information is a trial balance based on?
6. How often is a trial balance drawn up?
7. What is an accountant’s responsibility?
8. Why is the work of an accountant so sophisticated and important?
9. Whose work in the sphere of accounting do you think is the most important in a company?
10. Whose position (of a bookkeeper, of an accountant) do you like better?
11. What would you yourself prefer to be?

1. Learn the words (vocabulary, ex.1).

2. Read and translate the text “Bookkeepers and Accountants”.

3.* Accounting cycle. Using the text and your own experience describe
the accounting cycle. Make up a flow chart or a diagram. Tell about
the accounting cycle. Користуючись текстом, описати бухгалтерський цикл,
скласти схему або діаграму. Розповісти про етапи бухгалтерського циклу.
The accounting cycle consists of _____ stages.
The first stage is _______________________________________________

It looks like that: a flow chart a diagram

a business transaction

… …

4.* Коротко розповісти про поняття. Sum up what the text said about:
bookkeepers; accountants;
journals; ledgers; trial balances.

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