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Learning Objectives

Cognitive: 1. Classify sets using common objects according to size

2. Observe how sets are classified according to size
Psychomotor: Measure objects according to size
Affective: Group objects in an orderly manner.

II. Learning Content

Skills: Classifying sets using common objects according to size.

Reference: BEC-PELC I A 1.2.2 & 3
Materials: Real objects like ropes, wood blocks, curtain rods, slices of bread, cutouts, pictures
Value: Orderliness

III. Learning Experience

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Pick out an object on the table. Have the pupils tell its color, shape and size
2. Review
Display cutouts of common objects. Let the pupils group the given objects according to color and shape.
3. Motivation
Game: Group Me
* Group pupils into 3
* Provide each group with 10 objects that differ in size (big and small)
* Ask them to group the objects into two:
* Ask: Where you able to group the objects? (Y/N) How did you group them? After big or small then long or

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Present a big, thick book together with a small, thin book
* Tell the pupils to observe them carefully.
* Place the books side by side and have the pupils tell which one is big and which one is small.
* Ask: Is it possible to classify objects both as big and small? Why?
* Present a small stick together with a big stick. Observe and compare as to size.
* Present a small wood block together with a big wood block. Observe also and compare as to size.
b. Ask:
* What objects did we use in comparing size?
* What did we do before we compare the objects? (observe)
* After observing, what else did we do? (put the objects side by side)
* What did we do with the objects? (we compared them)

2. Fixing Skills/Practices
Study the two groups of objects.

Set A Set B

- What are the objects in set A? in set B?
- In what way are they the same? Different?
- How were the objects grouped?
- What can you say about the objects in set A? set B?
Valuing: Talk about how the pupils group the objects.
Ask: Were you able to group your object correctly?
What did you do? (We grouped them in an orderly manner)
How else can you show orderliness?

3. Generalization
How did we group the objects?
We group the objects according to size. Objects can be classified according to size.

C. Application
Place the following objects according to size by drawing them under the proper column of heading.

Big Small Long Short

IV. Evaluation
A. Put a ( ) check on the big objects and (x) cross on the small objects.

B. Write the letter of the object that does not belong to the group.


a. b. c. d.


a. b. c. d.


a. b. c. d.

C. Write the letter of the objects that should be together.

A. tomato
Big Small
B. papaya
C. jackfruit
D. lemon
E. chico

V. Assignment
Put a ( ) on the objects that can be classified according to:

Big Small
1. school bag
2. bread
3. door
4. pencil eraser
5. spoon

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