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In this activity you will learn about the two main types of eukaryotic and their functions and assemble your
own cell.

1. Go to

2. Click on the different organelles and start assembling the animal and plant cells. Fill out the matrix below,
put a check box to show the organelle is present in plant or animal cell or both and summarize in one
sentence the function of each organelles.

Organelle Plant Animal Function

3. Compare the two types of eukaryotic cells based on their organelles using the Venn diagram below.

PART II. CASE STUDY: More than just tired
We all get tired sometimes…

Especially if we have been doing a lot of physical activity. But for Lalisa, a 34-year-old former high
school track star who is now a recreational runner, her tiredness was going far beyond what she thought
should be normal for someone who is generally in good physical shape.

She was experiencing extreme fatigue from her runs, as well as muscle cramping, spasms, and an
unusual sense of heaviness in her legs. At first, she chalked it up to getting older, but her exhaustion and

pain worsened to the point where this former athlete could no longer run for more than a few minutes at a
time. She also began to experience unusual symptoms, such as blurry vision and vomiting for no apparent
Concerned, she went to her doctor. Her doctor ran many tests and consulted with several
specialists. After several month, Lalisa is finally diagnosed with a mitochondrial disease, Lalisa is surprised.

Guide Questions:
1. What are mitochondria? What is their structure? Where did they come from during evolution?
2. Why are fatigue and “exercise intolerance,” such extreme exhaustion after running, common symptoms
of mitochondrial diseases?
3. Why do you think Lalisa has symptoms that affect so many different parts of her body including her legs,
eyes, and digestive system?

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