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Survey Questionnaire

I. Personal Information:

Name (optional): ____________________________ Sex: ____ (1) Male ____ (2) Female

Educational Attainment (choose only one): Grade Level Taught:

(1) Bachelor’s Degree: ______________ _____ (1) Grade 7

_____ (2) Grade 8
(2) Master’s Degree: ________________ _____ (3) Grade 9
_____ (4) Grade 10
(3) Doctorate Degree: _______________ _____ (5) Grade 11
_____ (6) Grade 12

Learning Modalities:

(1) Online

(2) Modular

(3) Both

II. Ways to Teach Folk Dance Basics in the New Normal

5- Most Effective 4-Very Effective 3- Effective 2- Less Effective 1-Not Effective

Online: 5 4 3 2 1
1. Video Presentation of the Different Folk-Dance Basics.
2. Schedule a synchronous dance performance for the different folk-
dance basics at least once a week.
3. Create a warm up routine using the different folk-dance basics.
4. Show a video about the folk-dance basics and after they have
watched, they are going to perform virtually
5. Show a local festival dance and let the learners identify the
different folk-dance basics used in the video.
6. Send a video and soft copy in advance and let the learners
interpret. The learners will send their performance through
7. Teachers will create a tiktok and you youtube account so that the
learners will follow what is being illustrated in the video.
Modular: 5 4 3 2 1
8. Include the background, origin, basic steps, and dance
implements of the specific folk dance in the Learning activity
9. Introduce a Video Tutorial about the different folk-dance basics
by putting a link of the video in the Learning Activity Sheet.
10. Draw a stick figures indicating the different step pattern of the
basic’s steps in folk dance.
11. Create a dance figure in the Learning Activity Sheet related to the
local dance festival and let the learners record themselves.
12. Teachers will create a tiktok account and provide the learners the
link of the dance cover which tackle the different folk-dance
basics and allow them to follow and upload their performance in
their tiktok account.
13. Provide the learners the picture of the different folk-dance basics.
14. Make an activity in the Learning Activity Sheet wherein the
learners can draw a stick figure about the different folk-dance
15. Provide a flash drive or require the learners to have their own
OTG flash drive wherein the teachers can put his/her recorded
Both Modular and Online
16. Include the local dance festival of the city or municipality in the
lesson and let the learners extract what are the different folk-
dance basics used in the dance.
17. Create a youtube channel where can everyone can access your
videos both online and modular learners.
18. Allow the learners to create an exercise using the different folk-
dance basics.
19. Record a video about the different folk-dance basics and provide
a copy for the learners.
20. Discuss and provide the learners the background of the particular
local folk dance together with the origin, step pattern, peculiar
steps used and its dance implements (props and costumes).

Suggested ways to teach folk dance basics in the new normal. (optional)


Thank you for your response!

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