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Alumno: Carlos Manuel Hernandez Lara

Grupo: SCO7SA116

Carrera: Lic. Sistemas Computacionales

Materia: Ingles II

Fecha de Entrega: 24/09/2022

My name is Carlos Manuel Hernandez Lara, I'm 19 years old, I'm
from Veracruz, I currently live with my parents and my sister, next to
us live my maternal grandparents and two of my cousins.

I like video games a lot, especially those of Simulation or Open World, as well as
those of Action FPS or as they are known Shooter.

Another thing I like is to be alone most of the time, I like to be in silence, in

comfortable and clean places, places that generate a quiet environment.

Currently I study at the Mexican University, known as UNIMEX, I study Computer

Systems, I chose this career because I really like technology, also because in high
school I studied the specialty of Programming and seeing that I like it and I'm very
good at programming, I decided to study the career of Computer
Systems, I would like to specialize in two branches of this
career, the first specialization I would like as a Software
Developer and the second specialization in Computer Security
or Cybersecurity.

I like Korean culture very much, which leads me to be

studying Korean on my own until I can afford Korean
classes, my goal is to save money to be able to live and
work in South Korea, I would like to work either in a
company as a specialist in Software Development or Cybersecurity, or also as a
teacher of this career and as a Spanish teacher.

South Korea caught my attention, as I already

mentioned, because of its culture, its gastronomy, its
technological advancement and its landscapes that,
although they are more built up, are still beautiful and
the fact that I am looking for adventure.

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