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Eastern Quezon College, Inc.

R. Marco St., Brgy. Penafrancia Gumaca, Quezon

SY 2021-2022




Everything is made from building blocks, including living things. All living things are made up of
cells. Some of them are made up of only one cell and others are made up of many cells.

Cells are amazing. They are made up of similar building blocks, but do many different things
depending on how they are programmed. Some cells carry oxygen to the parts of the body. Other cells
defend the body against invading bacteria and viruses. There are cells that transmit signals throughout
the body, like the signals from your eyes to your brain while reading. Some cells can even convert the
sun’s energy into food. This process is called photosynthesis. There are many things that cells can do.
Cells also create other cells in a process called cell division.

The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living things.

Discovery of the Cell

The cell got its name from an Englishman named Robert Hooke in the year 1665. He first saw and
named his discovery as cell, while he was experimenting with a new instrument which we now call as
“microscope”. From his experiment, he cut a very thin slice of cork. He observed this thin slice under a
microscope. He saw a series of tiny box-like compartments that reminded him of the cells in the
monastery. He saw the empty walls of the cells, which had once contained living protoplasm.
After his discovery, other scientists found cells in wood, leaves, and roots. In 1835 Felix
Dujardin, a French biologist discovered protoplasm. Three years later, a German biologist, Matthias
Jakob Schleiden proposed the hypothesis that all plants are made up of cells. The following year, German
zoologist, Theodor Schwann after the observation of animal tissue, extended his hypothesis by
proposing that all animals are also made up of cells. He also proposed that the life processes of all
organisms took place within cells. In 1858, Rudolf Virchow provided evidence that cells reproduce to
form new cells.
The results of investigations, including the work of Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow led to the
development of the cell theory, which states that:
1. All organisms are made up of one or more cells.
2. Cells are the basic building units of life.
3. New cells come from existing cells by cell reproduction.

Some theories were based primarily on the hypotheses and investigations done by Robert Hooke,
Felix Dujardin, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, Theodor Schwann and Rudolf Virchow. However, the cell
theory was based on discoveries of many biologists. This served as a basis for biological knowledge about
cells and their properties.
All living things are made up of cells. In some ways, the cells of some organisms are the same,
having similar structures and functions, but in some other ways, they are different.

Plant Cell and Animal Cell

The structures of plant and animal cells are related to the functions they perform. The skin cells
are flat and arranged into sheets, which are characteristically adapted for covering or lining a surface.
Pollen grain cells are tiny, light and with spines. They are useful and can easily be blown away by the wind.
They may also be carried by the legs of insects to facilitate pollination.
Most of the plants are autotrophic organisms. They are capable of making their own food for
growth and development through the process of photosynthesis. Plants have eukaryotic cells that have
distinct nucleus and other membrane- bound organelles like fungi and animal cells. They are distinguished
by the presence of cell walls made of cellulose and plastids like chloroplasts. Green plants contain
chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis and large vacuoles.


Eastern Quezon College, Inc.
R. Marco St., Brgy. Penafrancia Gumaca, Quezon
SY 2021-2022


Plant cells have plastids that vary in size, shape, and functions. Chloroplastids have green pigment, while
xanthophylls and carotenoids can be found in other plastids. Those plastids leak pigments and are used
for storage.
Mature plant cells contain large vacuoles bounded by a single semi-permeable membrane called
tonoplast. The vacuoles contain a purple pigment or anthocyanin. It also stores by-products of
metabolism like organic substances that reserve materials.
Like plants, all members of the animal kingdom are multicellular and made up of eukaryotic cells.
Animal cells have no cell wall and no plastids. They do have a special set of organelles called centrioles.
They are active during the reproduction of the cell. Centrioles contain microtubules, which help to
separate and sort-out the chromosomes during cell division.

The Parts of a Cell

Main Components of a Cell and Their Functions
Cell Component Description Functions
Cell Membrane A protective coat made mostly of a double Separates and protects a cell
layer of lipids and proteins from its surrounding
environment. A variety molecules
are embedded within the
membrane that acts as channels
pumps, moving different
molecules into and out of the
Cytoskeleton A scaffold made up of proteins Organizes and maintains the
cell’s shape; anchors organelles
in place; helps during
endocytosis- the uptake of
external materials by a cell; and
moves parts of the cell in
processes of growth and
motility. Controls the cell
structure by directing, bundling,
and aligning filaments.
Cytoplasm It is a large fluid space inside the cell. The cytosol is composed of
Contains a mixture of ions and fluids in dissolved nutrients, help break
solution within the cell, and the organelles down waste products and moves
contained in it which is separated from the material around the cell through
intercellular “soup” by their own membranes a process called cytoplasm
streaming. It is an excellent
conductor of electricity that
creates a perfect environment
for the mechanics of the cell.
The function of the cytoplasm
and the organelles, which reside
in it, are critical to a cell’s
Membrane-bound Can only be found in eukaryotes A set of little organs that
organelles specializes in carrying out vital


Eastern Quezon College, Inc.
R. Marco St., Brgy. Penafrancia Gumaca, Quezon
SY 2021-2022


Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane

This is the outer layer of a cell that assists in the movement of molecules in and out of
the cell. It protects the cell. The cell membrane is a semi-permeable membrane, which is made
up of phospholipids (fat) molecules and protein. It is found around the cell and serves as a
barrier keeping foreign materials in and out of the cell. The cell membrane has the property to
control the passage of substances through it. It allows some materials to pass through at a
different rate, but prevents other materials to pass through.

Cell Wall- The cell can only be found in plants and gives a distinct
structural shape and protection to the plant. It is made up of cellulose.

Chloroplast- The chloroplast is known as the power generator of the

cell. It can convert solar energy into chemical energy through
photosynthesis. It is also known as chlorophyll-bearing plastids.

Cytoplasm- the cytoplasm is the fluid surrounding the contents of a cell

and forms a vacuole.

Endoplasmic Reticulum- The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is the

transport network for molecules that enter the cell. It plays an
important role in protein synthesis. The Smooth ER serves as the
site for lipid synthesis. The rough ER is abundant in growing cells
and is responsible for transporting the newly synthesized protein to
the Golgi Apparatus.

Golgi Apparatus- the Golgi apparatus is made of plates arranged one

on top of another that controls the flow of molecules in the cell. It
packages proteins before distributing to different organelles.

Lysosome- commonly called the “garbage collector” of the cell. It is

a spherical body bounded by single membrane and rich with digestive
enzymes that speed up biochemical reactions.

Mitochondrion- it is the energy storage of the cell/powerhouse

of the cell. It plays a significant role in cell respiration. It is a


Eastern Quezon College, Inc.
R. Marco St., Brgy. Penafrancia Gumaca, Quezon
self-replicating organelle that takes place inSYvarious
2021-2022numbers, sizes, and shapes in the cytoplasm
of eukaryotic cells. It produces energy in eukaryotic cells through complex metabolic processes.

Nucleus- the nucleus is called the “brain” of a cell. It contains the

genetic information that establishes every natural process within an
organism. It houses the chromosomes and it is the place where almost
all DNA replication occurs. The nucleus controls the chemical reaction
within the cytoplasm and stores the information needed for cell

Ribosomes- the ribosomes are called the “protein synthesis

machine”. Protein synthesis is very important in all cells. They
are responsible for processing the genetic information carried
by messenger RNA.

Central Vacuole- the central vacuole is composed of packages of

substances used in the cell or secreted by it.

Plant Cell


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