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Minutes of the Meeting

Focus Group Discussion

Date: March 5, 2022

Agenda: Trainees Behavior and Performance during Supervised Work-based


Competency – based Training Delivery

1. Marie F. Santiago 6. Kenneth O. Bautista
2. Nicole V. Galang 7. Gerald L. Valdez
3. Abigail U. Castro 8. Anne M. Gonzales
4. Adrian G. Martinez 9. Mike A. Guevarra
5. Jelly B. Dimla 10. Sofia D. Cortez

CBT Concerns Discussions Resolutions/Agreement

1. Monitoring of Latecomers 10 minutes late will be
Attendance considered absent
2. Utilization of work Safety and hygienic Clean as you go (CAYGO)
area environment in the
3. Orientation The TESDA provides the The TESDA advice to
required documents, provide a stable internet
 Roles of Institution, and everything is access and eligible
Company and explained properly. password.
 Duties and
Responsibilities of
 Facilities In-plant
 Evaluation system
4. Training methods Training methods of Training methods of
and technique facilitator followed the facilitator follow the
CBT, using the CBLM, CBT, using the CBLM,
CBC and TR required by CBC and TR required by
5. Monitoring of  Monitoring of learners Facilitator should
learning activities progress and monitor each learner’s
a. Trainees Record achievement in order to performance.
Book start other competency.
b. Progress Report
6. Feedback from The companies provide
Companies to trainees with very
trainees helpful feedback.
7. Feedback of The OJT coordinator In case of an emergency
Trainees to assigned to the trainees with the designated
Companies/ are not always able to coordinator,
Institution visit them. replacements will be
9. Other concerns Facilities The venue has clean air
conditioning. It has to be
fixed for the
comfortability of the
trainees who attend the

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