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From: Peta

To: [Deanna {Senior Stakeholder]

Subject:Action Required: Budget Update

Good morning Deanna,

I hope all is well

I was just informed of a change in our contract costs with terrific tablets. Terrific tablets is
moving forward to a subscription based model, which includes hardware, software, support,
customization ,POS Integration and more as part of a monthly fee.
Instead of paying $8000 for all 40 tablets in the first year,it will cost us $3600 including
support. However, the $3600 will need to be paid every year going forward. Only as we start
to approach the third full subscription year will we start to pass the original budget of $8000.

Seeing as how this change imparts our project budget, as well as sauce and spoon efficient
and profitable business OKR of keeping our operating expenses below 65% and our profit
margins above 8%. I am asking for your input on how best to proceed. To me,we can either
move forward with this new proposal or look for another vendor.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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