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 Consist of musculomembranous tube

extending from the mouth to the anus.
 Its function are:
1. Ingestion
2. Grinding
3. Digestion
4. Absorption of nutrients
5. Elimination of solid waste
 Anatomy and physiology of the
digestive system

1. Mouth 5. Small intestines

2. Pharynx 6. Large intestines
3. Esophagus 7. Rectum
4. Stomach 8. anus
1. Mouth
 Responsible
for the initial (mechanical)
breakdown of food
 Serves as prehensile (grasping) mechanism
 Defensive and offensive weapon
2. Pharynx
 Common passage for food and air
3. Esophagous
 Musculomembranous tube extending the
pharynx and the stomach
4.Stomach hollow, pear shaped,
muscular digestive organ.
a. Simple stomach – Produces
hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen.
Divided into:
1. Cardia(entrance)
2. Fundus(body)
3. Pylorous(termination)
b. Compound stomach
1. Reticulum(honeycomb) – most anterior and
smallest section of the compound stomach. Receives
heavy matter in food and acts as a liquid reservoir to
soften materials (2gallons)
2. Rumen(paunch) – largest part of the compound
stomach, site of microbial digestion. Also called
fermentation vat. (40gallons)
3. Omasum (Many plies) – filled with muscular
laminae. Laminae is studded with short, blunt
papillae that grind roughage before it enters the
abomasum (5gallons)
4. Abomasum (true stomach) – secretes gastric enzyme
and hydrochloric acid (7gallons)
5.Smallintestines – primary organ for
absorption of nutrients
1.Duodeum – closely attached to the
stomach, contains the pancreas
2.Jejunum – about 90% of the small
3.Ileum – the last part of the small
6. Large intestines – it extends from
the termination of ileum to the anus
a. Cecum(Cul-de-sac) – somewhat comma
shaped and lies to the right of the
median plane
b. Colon– differes from the small intestine
in the it is larger, sacculated and has
longitudinal bands and more fixed
7.Rectum – Terminal part of the
intestines. It is the organ of
8.Anus – terminal part of the
alimentary system
Avian Digestive System
1. Beak/bill– adopted for rapid picking of
small particles of feeds
2. Esophagous – most birds have an enlarged
area in the esophagus called crop:
a. Serve as an ingesta holding and moistening
b. Allow breakdown reaction of salivary
c. Fermentation
3. Proventriculus– true stomach of poultry,
produces digestive enzymes
4. Gizzard (ventriculus) – thick muscular walled
area to physically reduce particle size of
ingesta. Contains grit (small stone or hard
5. Small intestines
6. Cecaand large intestines – Contains 2 blind
pouch called ceca as compared to mammals
cecum. Ceca and large intestines are site of
water resorption.
7. Cloaca,vent,anus – eliminates waste products
Process of Rumination

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