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leaf margin the edge of the leaf lamina - leaf blade

large, flat surface for absorbing lots

lateral veins of
in a net
sunlight for photosynthesis
support the leaf blade in a flat position to
get lots of sunlight for photosynthesis midrib main vein
have xylem tissue to conduct water to all with xylem to conduct water and
cells of the leaf dissolved mineral salts
phloem tissues to conduct dissolved phloem tissues to conduct dissolved
nutrients out of nutrients (sugars)
(sugars) the leaf

petiole the leaf stalk

Supports the leaf; has xylem and
phloem to conduct water to, and
dissolved nutrients from, the leaf
A diagram showing the external structure
of a typical dicotyledonous leaf
The internal structure of a typical dicotyledonous
be different according to the type of leaf
Although most leaves have the same tissues, the way that they are arranged may
and to the environnment in which the plant lives. cuticle
transparent to allow sunlight through
upper epidermis
waxy to reduce loss of water
n o chloroplasts
transparent to allow -chloroplast in chlorenchyma cell
sunlight through absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis
many chloroplasts
palisade mesophyll
chlorenchyma tissue - vein sheath
for photosynthesis a single layer of parenchyma cells

xylem tissue in top half of vein

transports water and dissolved

spongy mesophyll-
O000 mineral salts to all the cells of the leaf>vein

loosely packed for phloem tissue in lower half of vein

transports dissolved nutrients
gaseous exchange out of the leaf
chlorenchyma for (Sugars
sclerenchyma tissue over vein
lower epidermis-
strengthens leaf
with cuticle chlorenchyma cell of spongy mesophyll
round cells with air spaces between

stomatal pore guard cell a i r space

continuous through this layer
gases diffuse has chloroplasts
throughn opens the stomatal pore during the gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
day for gases to go in and out freely diffuse through leaf

An annotated diagram of the internal structure of a dicotyledonous leaf

Table summarising the tissues of a typical dicotyledonous leaf
Description of Type and structure of the
Region region tissue Functions and suitability of the tissue
1. Epidermis Single layer of |Epidermal cells Protection of underlying tissues:
outer cells. .Closely packed, thin The cells are closely packed to form a layer
Sometimes has a walled, colourless cells Reduces water loss:
waxy cuticle or Usually with a waxy The waxy cuticle is waterproof
multicellular hairs. cuticle or multicellular Hairs trap water vapour to reduce the diffusion
hairs gradient between the leaf and the air
Stomata (two guard cells Diffusion into and out of leaf: Stomatal pores
with a stomatal pore
between them) Gaseous exchange (diffusion of gases in and
out of the leaf)
Transpiration (diffusion of water vapour out of
the leaf)
2. Mesophyll A thin layer of Chlorenchyma Photosynthesis: To absorb a lot of radiant
(a) Palisade closely packed Large, thin walled cells energy:
mesophyll cells at right angles Rectangular .The layer has many cells, vertically arranged,
the epidermis. .Closely packed closely packed
Just below the . Many chloroplasts Each cell has many chloroplasts with
colourless upper chlorophy
epidermis. The epidermis is colourless and the leaf is thin
so sunlight can easily go through to all cells
For gases, the layer is next to the air spaces of the
Spongy mesophyll.
2. Mesophyll A thin layer of Chlorenchyma Gaseous exchange: Gases need to diffuse quickly|
(b) Spongy looselypacked .Large, thin walled cells and freely:
mesophyl1 cells with large air . Roundish with large air Large air spaces, continuous through the thin
spaces. spaces layer
Just above the Chloroplasts .Air spaces continuous with very many
stomatal pores on the epidermis (for gases to
lower epidermis.
diffuse between the air and the leaf)
Many chloroplasts
3. Vein Sheath - a single Parenchyma Packing: a layer of tissue around the vascular
(a network layer around the tissue along the whole length ofthe
throughout vascular tissue
the leaf) Vascular tissue Xylem tissue Transport:
.Mainlyvessels + tracheids.Conducts of
water and dissolved mineral salts to
the leaf results from
Phloem tissue every cell (conduction
transpiration pull - see Unit 6)
Mainly sieve tubes4 .Translocates dissolved sugars away from the
companion cells
leaf(and then upand down the plant)
Strengthening Collenchyma or Supports and strengthens leaves:
.Keeps leaves wide and flat (ensures a large
tissue Sclerenchyma surface area) to absorb as much sunlight as
Above and below .Lignified cell walls
larger veins possible
leaf margin
angle between edge ofleaf
stem and petiole leaf axil-

lamina |flat portion ofleaf

is exposed to
gives e to sunlight
axillary bud-
Lbranchees veins support lamina
node transports substances in
xylem and phloem

supports leaf
transports substances Petiole-
External structure of a leaf
between leaf and stem CA

apextip ofleaf
waxy layer that prevents evaporation of
translucent layer that allows sunlight to
apex tip of leaf
waxy layer that prevents evaporation of
Cuticle water.
translucent layer that allows sunlight to

upper ep1dermis single row of cells that protects the leaf.

lacks organelles, and therefore allows
maximum sunlight to enter leaf.

palisade mesophyllI chloroplast Contains chlorophyll.

site of photosynthesis.
arranged at right
angles to upper
epidemis guard cells
has thin walls with
many chloroplasts. intercellular air spaces
allow circulation of gases
spongy mesophyll within the leaf.
has air-spaces in
between the cells.
thin waled with
present. . - lower epidermis stoma
guard cell
are modified epidermal cells with stoma
chloroplasts present.
control the opening and ciosing of
stomata. T/s through a leaf Surface view of leaf
open during the day allowing CO, to showing stomatal pore
enter and O, to exit the leaf.
SUMMARY: How are leaves structured for photosynthesis, for the exchange of gases and for the transport of water
and dissolved nutrients?

1. Photosynthesis
To achieve efficient
photosynthesis, leaves have:
A large, flat lamina supported by veins to absorb as much radiant energy (sunlight) as possible. As the leaf is
also very thin, the sunlight can go through to all cels.
A network of veins with xylem and phloem to conduct water to, and translocate dissolved nutrients away from,
every cell of the leaf.
A colourlessepidermis for sunlight to go through.
Closely packed, rectangular chlorenchyma cells in the palisade mesophyll to pack in as many photosynthesising
cells as possible; more chlorenchyma cells in the
spongy mesophyll layer.
Many chloroplasts (with chlorophyll) in chlorenchyma cells to absorb a lot of sunlight.
Closeness to the air spaces of the spongy mesophyll layer for carbon dioxide to diffuse to, and
oxygen to diffuse
from, the photosynthesising cells.

2. Gaseous exchange
Gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) diffuse into and out of the leaf according to diffusion
gradient (from a high
concentration to a low concentration).
During photosynthesis, more carbon dioxide (needed for photosynthesis) will diffuse into the leaf, and more
oxygen (a by-product of photosynthesis) will diffuse out.
When it is dark (no photosynthesis, but still cellular respiration) more
oxygen will diffuse into the leaf and
carbon dioxide will diffuse out. Remember: cellular respiration continues all the time.
To allow efficient diffusion of gases, leaves have:
Many stomatal pores (between guard cells) on the outside of the leaf, particularly on the lower epidermis for
gases to diffuse between the air and the leaf.
Continuous air spaces in the spongy mesophyll for the gases to diffuse quickly to every cell.

3. Transport
A network of veins with xylem and phloem tissues ensures that:
Water is conducted through xylem tissue to all regions of the leaf. Conduction is aided by transpiration pul
see Unit 6). The water then moves into the cells and from cell to cell by osmosis or it diffuses along the cell
Dissolved nutrients diffuse into phloem tissue and are then translocated to other parts of the plant.

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