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People have been changing their lifestyles completely throughout the years.

individuals, myself included, have stated that nowadays life if far more progressive
than 100 years in the past. Is it true that a lot has changed for the better since then?

On one hand, people have become healthier, since the lifestyles they follow consist of
healthier food, physical exercises and the medicine which is far more advanced and
plays an important role in this modern day of living.
On the other hand, entertainment has become a problem to the youth, as teenagers
are looking for different ways of making themselves captivated, but because of all the
progress made in technology, it has become much harder to achieve.
Moreover, in the past dress code consisted of men only wearing suits and hats and
women wearing mostly dresses. However, in the modern world people are wearing
much more sophisticated clothing.
Overall, the way I see it is that a lot has changed for the better, consequently people
are now much healthier and fashionable, as a result we can say that the world has
changed for the better since a 100 years ago.

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