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Three kinds of evidence: the heritable traits

associated with high

1. He documented
rates of survival and
the evolution of
reproduction are the
fossil records
most likely ones to
be passed on to
future generations.
more recent
geological layers. EVOLUTION AND
2. He describe BEHAVIOR
striking structural
Some behaviors play
similarities among
an obvious role in
living species
3. He pointed major
changes that had Social Dominance
been brought
about in domestic - Males of many
plants and species establish a
animals by stable hierarchy of
programs of social dominance
selective through combative
breeding. encounters with
- He argued that other males.
evolution occurs - Dominant males
through natural copulate more than
selection. nondominant males
- Members of each and thus more
species vary greatly effective in passing
in their structure, their characteristics
physiology, and to future
behavior and that generations.
- For dominant They had spinal
females, they bones called
produce more and vertebrae.
healthier offspring. - Chordates that
possesses vertebrae
Courtship display
are called
- Courtship displays vertebrates.
are thought to
Evolution of Amphibians
promote new
species. - About 410 million
- New species begin years ago bony fishes
and branch of from started to venture
existing species. out of water.
- Natural selection
transformed fins and
gills to legs and
Pathway from lungs.
Single-celled organisms to - The first amphibians
humans. evolved about 400
million years ago.
Evolution of Vertebrates - During larval form
- Appear about 600 must live in water.
million years ago.- - Evolution of
About 150 million Reptiles.-About 300
years, the first million years ago,
Chordates (animals reptiles evolved from
with dorsal nerves) a branch of
evolved. amphibians.-They
- These chordates, were the first
about 25 million vertebrates to lay
years later evolved. shell-covered eggs. -
Does not need to live - The only one existing
on watery are homo sapiens
environment. (humans).

Evolution of Mammals Evolution of the Human

- 180 million years
ago, during the Three important
height of dinosaurs, points about the
a new class of evolution of the human
vertebrates evolved brain:
from one line of
1. The brain has
increased in size
- Females of this new
during evolution.
class fed their young
2. Most of the increase
with secretions from
in size has occurred
special glands called
in the cerebrum.
mammary glands.
3. An increase in the
Emergence of Humankind number of
convolutions (folds
- Primates of the tribe
on the cerebral
that includes humans
surface) –has greatly
are the Homini.
increased in the
- The tribe is
surface area of the
composed of six
cerebral cortex.
genera and one of
them is Homo.
- Homo is thought to
be composed of
atleast eight species;
7 of which are
FUNDAMENTAL experiences via
GENETICS epigenetic
mechanisms across
- Are the threadlike
structures in the
nucleus of each cell. Cartesian dualism
- Humans have 23
Nature–nurture issue
- 23rd pair is the sex Ethology
- Each chromosome is Instinctive behaviors
a double stranded Asomatognosia, p. 47
molecule of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic Human Evolution
acid). Evolve, p. 49
Epigenetics Natural selection, p. 50
- The study of all Fitness, p. 50Species, p.
mechanisms of 51Conspecifics, p.
inheritance other 51Chordates, p.
than the genetic 52Vertebrates, p.
code and its 52Amphibians, p.
expression. 52Mammals, p.
- Transgenerational 52Primates, p.
epigenetics on the 52Hominini, p.
other hand, is a 53Spandrels, p.
subfield of 55Exaptations, p.
epigenetics that 55Homologous, p.
examines a 55Analogous, p.
transmission of
55Convergent evolution, linked traits, p.
p. 55Brain stem, p. 63Proteins, p. 63Amino
57Cerebrum, p. acids, p. 63Enhancers, p.
57Convolutions, p. 64Gene expression, p.
57Polygyny, p. 64Transcription factors,
58Polyandry, p. p. 64Ribonucleic acid
58Monogamy, p. (RNA), p. 64Messenger
58fundamental RNA, p. 64Ribosomes, p.
geneticsDichotomous 64Codon, p. 64Transfer
traits, p. 60True- RNA, p. 64Human
breeding lines, p. Genome Project, p.
60Dominant trait, p. 64Human proteome, p.
60Recessive trait, p. 64Epigenetics, p. 66DNA
60Phenotype, p. methylation, p.
60Genotype, p. 60Gene, 66Histone remodeling, p.
p. 60Alleles, p. 66Histones, p. 66RNA
60Homozygous, p. editing, p.
60Heterozygous, p. 67Transgenerational
60Chromosomes, p. epigenetics, p.
60Gametes, p. 67Epigenetics of
60Meiosis, p. 60Zygote, Behavioral
p. 61Genetic development: Interaction
recombination, p. of genetic factors and
61Mitosis, p. ExperienceOntogeny, p.
61Deoxyribonucleic acid 68Phylogeny, p.
(DNA), p. 61Nucleotide 68Phenylketonuria
bases, p. 61Replication, (PKU), p.
p. 62Mutations, p. 69Phenylpyruvic acid, p.
62Autosomal 70Sensitive period, p.
chromosomes, p. 63Sex 70Sensory phase, p.
chromosomes, p. 63Sex- 70Sensorimotor phase,
p. 70genetics of human studies. The
Psychological neuroplasticity theme
differencesMonozygotic arose when you
twins, p. 72Dizygotic learned that brain
twins, p. 72Heritability growth occurs in male
estimate, p. 72The other songbirds prior to each
three themes also breeding season.
received coverage in
this chapter, and each
case was marked by
the appropri-ate tab.
The evolutionary
perspective was
illustrated by
comparative research
on self-awareness in
chimps, by consideration
of the evolutionary
significance of social
dominance and court-
ship displays, and by
efforts to understand
mate bonding. The
clinical implications
theme was illustrated by
the case of the man
who fell out of bed,
the discus-sion of
phenylketonuria (PKU),
and the dis-cussion of
disease-discordant twin

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