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Kode Mata
Nama Mata Kuliah Bobot (SKS) Semester Tanggal Penyusunan
2 sks 6 30 januari 2023
Nama Koordinator Pengembang
Anggota Tim Ka Prodi
Bahasa Inggris Okki Hafnan.,S.S.,M.P
Okka haznan., S.S., M.Pd

Nova Rati Lova.,S.Tr.Keb.Bd,M.Keb

Capaian CPL-PRODI (Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi) Yang Dibebankan Pada Mata Kuliah
Pembelajaran (CP) A9 Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently in English
GS 1 Able to apply logical, critical, systematic thinking in the context of implementing basic skills of midwifery clinical practice that pay
attention to and apply humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise in English
GS 2 Able to demonstrate independent, quality and measurable performance in English
GS 3 Able to study the implications of implementing clinical practice midwifery that pays attention to and applies humanities values
according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce competences in English
GS 5 Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in their area of expertise, based on the results of information
and data analysis in English
GS 8 Able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the work group under their responsibility, and able to manage learning
independently in English
SK 1 Able to apply midwifery science in analyzing problems and providing guidance in choosing alternative solutions to problems in the
scope of midwifery practice including premarital care, preconception, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborns, infants,
toddlers, preschool children, reproductive health (adolescents, women aged fertility and perimenopause) as well as family planning
services in English
SK 2 Able to demonstrate the practical management of basic midwifery skills in English
Sk 6 Able to demonstrate infection prevention, patient safety in English
SK 11 Able to demonstrate the steps of midwifery service management in English
K1 Master the theoretical concepts of midwifery, midwifery care management, clinical decisions, midwifery practice models, and
professional ethics in depth in English
K8 Mastering the theoretical concepts of basic skills of midwifery practice in depth in English
K 12 Mastering the theoretical concepts of effective communication and the use of technology and information systems in midwifery
services in depth in English

CPMK (Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah)

CPMK 1 Able to summarize the Funsions of Structure and grammar (C5)
CPMK 2 Able to use Verbs on everyday use (C6)
CPMK 3 Able to compile vocabulary (C6)
CPMK 4 Able to display reading Comprehension (C3)
CPMK 5 Able to practice Writing Skills (C3)
CPMK 6 Able to practice listening skills on industry and K3 terms (C5)
CPMK 7 Able to practice Speaking and Corversation Skills(C5)
Diskripsi Singkat This course provides students the ability to practice English based on knowledge, attitudes and skills, using lecture learning methods, discussions,
MK problem solving, case studies, debates and presentation. The results of the assessment are in the form of assignments, written tests, quizzes and
Bahan Kajian / 1. Grammar forms and uses in conversation and essays
Materi 2. Effective reading in English
Pembelajaran 3. Writing correct sentences
4. Speaking with correct grammar in English
5. Listening to lectures and forms of communication
Daftar Referensi Utama:
1. Betty Schrampfer Azar(2002), Basic English Grammar, Prentice Hall Regents
2. Beatriz B. Diaz, dkk(2010), Future English for Results, Pearson Longman
3. ELTI Gramedia(2016), English for Midwives, Kompas Gramedia

Media Perangkat lunak: Perangkat keras :

Pembelajaran LCD
Nama Dosen Okki Hafnan.,S.S.,M.Pd.
Matakuliah Tidak ada
prasyarat (Jika
Rincian Beban Perhtungan T 1 SKS

A. Kegiatan belajar dengan tatap muka 50 menit/mgg/semester:

1 SKS x 50 menit x 14 mgg = 700 menit/14 mgg = 50 menit/minggu
B. Kegiatan belajar dengan penugasan terstruktur 60 menit /mgg/semester:
1 SKS x 60 menit x 14 mgg = 840 menit/14 mgg = 60 menit/minggu = 1 jam/minggu
C. Kegiatan belajar mandiri 60 menit /mgg/semester:
1 SKS x 60 menit x 14 mgg = 840 menit/14 mgg = 60 menit/minggu = 1 jam/minggu
Perhitungan untuk T: 1 SKS
A. Kegiatan belajar dengan tatap muka 50 menit/mgg/semester:
1 SKS x 50 menit x 14 mgg = 700 menit/14 mgg = 50 menit/minggu

B. Kegiatan belajar dengan penugasan terstruktur 60 menit /mgg/semester:

1 SKS x 60 menit x 14 mgg = 840 menit/14 mgg = 60 menit/minggu = 1 jam/minggu

C. Kegiatan belajar mandiri 60 menit /mgg/semester:

1 SKS x 60 menit x 14 mgg = 840 menit/14 mgg = 60 menit/minggu = 1 jam/minggu
Metode Evaluasi UTS : 25 %
UAS : 25 %
Perte Penilaian
Sub-CPMK Bahan Kajian
muan Bentuk dan
(Kemampuan (Materi Estimasi Pengalaman Belajar
Ke- Metode Kriteria & Indikator Bobot Dosen
akhir yg Pembelajaran) Waktu Mahasiswa
Pembelajaran Bentuk (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 a. how to 1. formal and  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: Individual 5% Okki
introductions informal self- kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
others in formal introductions  Metode : memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
and informal 2. Introducing other Small materi, berfikir Jumat,2
situation people formally and Group kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non- 4 Maret
b. Using and Discussion, serta test: 2023
explain noun Cooperati mempraktekkan Tulisan
3. Noun
materi yg makalah
a. proper noun ve
diberikan Presentasi
b. common noun Learning
c. concrete noun
d. countable noun
e. non- countable
2 1. Able to use 1. pronoun  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: Individual 5% Okka
pronoun a. subject pronoun kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Haznan.
2. Subject and b. object pronoun  Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
verb, object of c. possessive pronoun Small materi, berfikir Pd.
preposition, d. relative pronoun Group kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non- Sabtu,
and present e. demonstrative Discussion, serta test: 25
and past Cooperati mempraktekkan Membaca buku Maret
participles materi yg referensi 2023
2. Subject and verb ve
agreement, Learning
3. object of preposition,
4. present and past
3 1. Able to use 1. adjective  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okki
adjective a. descriptive kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
2. Simple, adjective  Metode : memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
compound, b. determiner Ceramah materi, berfikir d.
and complex adjective Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
sentences Project serta test:
2. Simple sentences
Based mempraktekkan Membaca buku
3. Compound semtences materi yg referensi
4. Complex sentences Learning

4 1. Able to use 1. Verb  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okka
verb in a. basic form of kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Haznan.
everyday verbs  Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
2. Noun and b. finite verbs Ceramah materi, berfikir Pd.
adjective c. lingking verbs Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
clause d. transitive and Project serta test:
connectors. Based mempraktekkan Membaca buku
intrasitive verb
materi yg referensi
2. Noun clause Learning
3. adjective clause
5 present tense 1 a. Nominal simple  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okki
present tense kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
b. Verbal simple  Metode : memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
Ceramah materi, berfikir d.
present tense
Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Project serta test:
Based mempraktekkan Membaca buku
materi yg referensi
6 Present tense 2 a. Present progressive  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okka
b. How to use present kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Haznan.
progressive on  Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
Small materi, berfikir Pd.
everyday life
Group kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Discussion, serta test:
Cooperati mempraktekkan Tulisan
materi yg makalah
ve diberikan Presentasi
7 Parallel structure a. Parallel structure  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okki
with coordinate with coordinate kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
conjutions and conjutions and  Metode: memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
paired conjutions Contextual materi, berfikir d.
b. Parallel structure
Teaching kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
with paired serta test:
conjutions Learning mempraktekkan Membaca buku
materi yg referensi


8 Preposition a. Prepositions of  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okka

movement kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Haznan.
b. Prepositions of time  Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
Small Group materi, berfikir Pd.
Discussion, kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Cooperati serta test:
ve Learning mempraktekkan Tulisan
materi yg makalah
diberikan Presentasi
9 the use of adverb a. Adverbs of manner  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okki
b. Ad verbs of place kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
c. Adverbs of time  Metode : memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
Small Group materi, berfikir d.
Discussion, kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Cooperati serta test:
ve Learning mempraktekkan Membaca buku
materi yg referensi
10 Present tense 3 a. Present prerfect  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okka
b. How to use present kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Haznan.
prefect  Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
Ceramah materi, berfikir Pd.
Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Project serta test:
Based mempraktekkan Tulisan
Learning materi yg makalah
diberikan Presentasi
11 Present tense 4 a. Present prefect  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okki
progressive kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
b. And how to use it  Metode : memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
Ceramah materi, berfikir d.
Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Project serta test:
Based mempraktekkan Membaca buku
Learning materi yg referensi
12 Past participles a. Past participles after  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: individual 5% Okka
after have, present have, kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Haznan.
participles or past b. present participles  Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
participles after be, or past participles Ceramah materi, berfikir Pd.
and base form verb after be, and Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
after modal c. base form verb after Project serta test:
modal Based mempraktekkan Membaca buku
Learning materi yg referensi
13 Group presentation a. Presentation  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: Group 5% Okki
kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & assignment Hafnan.,
 Metode : memahami kesesuaian S.S.,M.P
Ceramah materi, berfikir d.
Diskusi kritis dan kreatif Bentuk non-
Project serta test:
Based mempraktekkan Membaca buku
Learning materi yg referensi
14 Oral task a. interview  Bentuk: 100 menit Kemampuan Kriteria: iterview 35% Okka
kuliah dalam, Ketepatan & Haznan.
 Metode : memahami kesesuaian ,S.S.,M.
interview materi, berfikir Pd.
kritis dan kreatif Bentuk
serta interview
materi yg


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