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Hazel N.

Apolinar BSHM – 3 I016 T 7:00-9:00

Successful businesses prioritize their customers and customize their operations, goods,
and services to match their needs. Providing consistently high-quality goods and services helps
businesses succeed by keeping customers' trust in them. Understanding the correct qualities to
seek for in a potential space, studying your neighborhood, reading about potential consumer
demographics, and considering where competitors are located all contribute to finding the right
site. By distinguishing your product, service, or business from the competition, effective design
can persuade customers to buy from you rather than your competitors. Amy's Baking Company
is without a doubt Gordon's most famous restaurant visit. Even before Gordon comes, there are
major concerns, as owners Sammy and Amy almost have a violent altercation with a customer.
Because of their high tensions, humongous egos, and major delusions, the integration was
terrible to witness. They were not only horrible to witness, but working for them was a living
nightmare. During a service, Gordon notices that the servers are not receiving their tips.
Sammy, on the other hand, takes them all. While Gordon does not hide his hate for Sammy, he
makes a point of addressing the proprietors to all of their customers in the hopes of awakening
them. Instead, it irritates and angers them much more. Ramsay was unable to finish the
restaurant's transformation owing to conflict with the owners only once in the show's history,
which spans both the UK and US versions. The owners' aggressive behavior attracted criticism
on social media, and the way they responded to this criticism fired up the controversy.
Any business that wants to succeed needs to have external customers because they
bring in money, make repeat purchases, and recommend products to everyone. Also, loyal
customers can be a great source of business advertising and attract new clients. However, their
meal menu, facilities, length of time they provided the meals for, and proprietors' attitudes have
gotten bad criticism on their service product, environment, and delivery process. Nevertheless,
Amy's Baking Company lacks external customers because their service causes customers to
leave, and they also fight back when customers complain about their product. They are
incapable of dealing with criticism and believe that customers are not always right. They believe
they make the best and most delectable dishes in their establishment. They also yell at their
clients and force them to leave the eatery. As a result, their restaurant will have a terrible
reputation because they do not know how to properly handle customers. While internal
customer service is critical because it establishes a formal manner of communicating with
employees and provides a mechanism for sharing critical information, such as security rules, so
that employees do not jeopardize themselves or the business. They also don't have any internal
customers because they don't know how to deal with and maintain strong relationships with
their employees. They must learn to listen and accept the truth and reality, because believing
that everything they do is great when it is not may lead to failure. On May 21, 2013, they
reopened the restaurant after a brief closure. On September 1, 2015, Amy's Baking Company
was permanently closed. Amy revealed her intention to close the shop in July, telling the
Associated Press that she would instead sell desserts to restaurants and create digital cooking
videos. She disputed that the company was in financial difficulty or that it was closing due to
negative exposure.
An effective leader leads by example and makes use of their skills to help their team
accomplish its goals. Good managers get to know their people and strive for strategies to
enable them to perform at their highest level. Also, they should communicate to their team any
precise objectives, demands, and criticism. In order to cultivate a successful boss-employee
connection, managers must continuously learn and develop with their people.

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