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▪ Good grooming involves practicing good hygiene techniques. It is
basically being neat, clean, and appropriately dressed.


1. Hair - should be neat, well styled and should appear professional.
a. Hair should be trimmed regularly, neatly combed and in
place always.
b. Shoulder length hair should be neatly pinned to keep away
from face.
c. Hair longer than length should be cut straight evenly and
tied at the nape of the neck.
d. The bun must be secured at the back of the head or slightly
above the nape with a black hair tie.
e. Do not use colored/ plastic bands.
f. Hair should be clean, non-greasy, free of oil, color and
g. Permed and curly hair should be kept neat and restrained.
2. Finger nails - well maintained and clean
a. Neatly cut, shaped and clean.
b. Excessively long nails are not allowed.
c. Use only light and neutral color of nail polish.
d. Nail polish should cover entire nail, never chipped.
3. Jewelry on hands - conservative and elegant
a. Only one ring on each hand, rings should be sober,
conservative and not too large.
b. Watches should be conservative and not flashy or too large.
c. Other Jewelry:
▪ Only one set of earrings.
▪ Dangling or flashy or large size not permitted.
▪ Two thin bangles, either of gold or silver, permitted.
▪ One thin gold or silver chain.
▪ Only a small nose stud.
4. Footwear – proper footwear should be worn all the times
a. Closed black leather shoes.
b. Always well-polished and in good condition.
5. Make-up - simple and basic make-up
a. Appropriate foundation suited to each skin type should be
used to avoid oily looks.
b. Eye shadow to be subtle and not too loud.
c. Eyeliner to be thin, straight and applied neatly.


1. Hair - conservative and well maintained, short neatly cut.
a. Should not all on forehead, touch the ears or touch the
b. Neatly combed, not oily, not permed.
c. Only conservative hairstyle permitted.
d. Moustaches neatly trimmed. Should not cover upper lip.
e. Face cleanly shaved.
f. Beards only permitted as part of religious sentiments.
2. Nails - trimmed and well-maintained
a. Clean and dirt free.
b. No nicotine, carbon or ink stains on the fingers.
3. Ornaments
a. Only one simple ring on any one hand
b. No bracelets or bands (except for religious reasons)
c. Watches should be conservative and not flashy or too large.
d. Leather strap should either be black, brown or tan
e. Metallic strap should be gold or silver
4. Footwear - well-maintained, well-polished, in good condition
a. Socks to match the color of the shoes or trousers
5. Uniform: Immaculate, spotless, and well-ironed
a. No loose threads or broken buttons
b. Cuffs and collars to be stain free and clean

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